My father in law called and said they found out a guy has been hunting in my stand on private property and shot four deer from it. I have not been able to get out there yet this year but was hoping to do some late season bow hunting. My father in laws neighbor said they heard a shot on opening shotgun season and the deer jumped the fence and died in their yard. Thinking it was me he headed over to let me know were the doe was laying but when he got to my stand he saw a guy in camo without any orange and in a hurry to get out of there. They called the TIP line and a game warden showed up found were the guy torn down the fence to get his other deer out that he shot by bow and by asking around found out where the guy lived. The dnr checked his tags and found the other deer still in his garage and he had no tag for the doe he shot with the gun. After the no orange on and the no tag for the deer and trespassing the man got a warning ticket from the DNR
IT gets sure makes you mad when guys like this get away with these things

Posts: 38
November 18, 2009 at 8:25 pm