Man Tasered 6 times

  • b-curtis
    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438

    So this stuff gets my blood boiling. This guy is an idiot and now is suing because his civil rights were violated. Apparently I couldn’t be a cop because I would have thumped him on the head with a billy club after about 30 seconds. I read one comment on this that because we don’t live in Russia, why do we need to listen to the police. Who the heck thinks like that? I was brought up to respect authority. But that is just the way kids are brought up these days. First the kids control the parents, then in school they are taught not to respect the authority of teachers (I remember when I would be scared if the teacher called my parents, now the parent blame the teachers if kids act out), so why would they think to follow an order by law enforcement. And now some jury full of idiots will give him money.

    man tasered

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3496

    That video is really hard to watch. After the 10th time the cop says to “Put your hands on your head and get down.” After he says it for the 190th time, you have to keep watching. It is definately worth watching to the end when you get to hear the dumb [censored] screaming like a little girl.

    Posts: 1499

    Getting tasored that often is like musky fishing with your buddy and he catches 4 and you catch a cold.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3496

    Funny guy.

    I don’t think I screamed like a little girl when I got schooled fishing. But I think I would rather get tased than get schooled muskie fishing again.

    Park View, Iowa
    Posts: 175

    Would someone please contact Bill Engval, this kid really needs to be awarded a stupid sign for his forehead!

    Cedar, Min-E-So-Ta
    Posts: 1482

    Crooked license plate? Another BS stop, for the power and glory of MADD. Not saying this guy did a single thing right, but at what point can we conclude that the police state we live in has gone too far?

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438

    I’m sure it was a simple reason to pull someone over to see if they are drunk, which I agree is bogus (I’ve been there). But all the guy had to do was get back in the car and all would have been just fine. He probably would have just gotten a warning once the cop determined he was drinking.

    s/w WI.
    Posts: 1404

    Dan Just curious. You did have your tounge in your cheek when you made that post.

    Central WI.
    Posts: 343

    The officers work with the rules they are given. If the courts find that the Crooked License plate is not valid for a stop then that probable cause for the stop will not be used anymore. I would not stop for a Crooked license plate, but the justification is there. Regardless of why he was stopped, the idiot should have just listened to the commands. Were I the officer he would have been tased considerably sooner. It is an officer safety issue, and the #1 rule is I go home safe at the end of the night.


    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438

    Here is the whole story. He was found not guilty for resisting arrest but was found guilty of not displaying his license plate correctly. I love the quote by his attorney. Actually, it is unbelievable that his client is such an idiot.


    Menomonie, WI
    Posts: 2317

    The only things you say to an office are “Yes Sir”, “No Sir”, “Thank You Sir” and “Have a nice day Sir”. This will keep you safe if you have not violated any laws. If you have you get what you deserve. Give respect and you will get it back.

    Posts: 2389

    What an idiot. After watching him show zero respect for the officer and putting the officer in a potentially dangerous postition (How did that officer know that he was unarmed?), I appluad the officer for using as much restraint as he did. The guy is lucky he wasn’t shot.

    What an idiot.

    And yes, that D-Bag lawyer quote was something… Getting tazed had nothing to do with the license plate and everything to do with the guys show of aggression towards peace keeping authority. “Yes sir” would have suited him much better. Of course, he’ll probably get some pain and suffering money out of some pity party jury…

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    I read one comment on this that because we don’t live in Russia, why do we need to listen to the police. Who the heck thinks like that?

    Same people who think our convicts deserve flat screen TV’s and the Vets don’t, same people who start every conversation with “I”
    Same people who scream bloody murder about police brutality and then whine when one of theirs gets assaulted.

    I’d say its the bleeding heart me generation maybe??


    koldfront kraig
    Coon Rapids mn
    Posts: 1818

    He was told 62 times to turn around…

    He was looking for a lawsuit ($$$) in my opinion.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18805


    The only things you say to an office are “Yes Sir”, “No Sir”, “Thank You Sir” and “Have a nice day Sir”. This will keep you safe if you have not violated any laws. If you have you get what you deserve. Give respect and you will get it back.

    I disagree. Not pretaining to this video you should also have the following phrases in your repartee as well:
    Am I under suspicion of a crime? no
    Am I being detained? no
    Have a nice day officer.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559


    Were I the officer he would have been tased considerably sooner.

    Amen to this. And I’d have locked it on continuous and gone for coffee. Smart-a$$ed jerk.

    Cedar, Min-E-So-Ta
    Posts: 1482


    Dan Just curious. You did have your tounge in your cheek when you made that post.

    What part? I know it is hard to believe, but citizens still have rights. Police are supposed to be there to “Serve and Protect”, not “Victimize and Harass”.

    He was pulled over for a BS reason, without a doubt a shot in the dark to see if this citizen (despite his ignorance, he is still a citizen) was either drunk or was in posession of something illegal. What happened to privacy rights? Thrown out the window in the name of “safer roads”, what a crock of sh!+. Police forces, like every other business or organization are motiviated to do things for one reason – MONEY! You are only fooling yourself if you believe differently. Those in business who pray on people go to jail, cops who do the same thing end up taking them there.

    Don’t get me wrong, this guy is an idiot. I agree with all of you there, but are there not enough real crimes out there that cops won’t have time to pull someone over for a crooked license plate? The fact of the matter is, people who get DWI’s pay their fines, and fees, and engage in all the County/State programs (at their own expense) to make things right, and make the system a pile of $$. Real criminals; thieves, murderers, rapists, child molesters, cost the system money; why deploy 30 officers to catch them every evening when you can just pull people over for dice on the mirror, one headlight, flickering taillight, or a crooked license plate and make thousands?

    Posts: 2389

    Thats great that they pay fines. Unless, of course, you or your family is one of those thousands of people killed by drunk drivers every year….I’m not sure how big of a fine would make up for that…

    Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758

    Dan, Wow! Let me guess you have DUI or two? I have so much to say about your comments but I think they’d be lost on you. Have a nice day.

    Cedar, Min-E-So-Ta
    Posts: 1482

    And the other thousands who die in automobile accidents where alcohol is not a “factor”? Perhaps someone elses bad driving or stupidity caused the crash, should those people not be punishable by law as well? If they really wanted to stop drunk driving they would simply make Interlocks standard equipment on all vehicles, they are cheap and widely available, then no one would be able to drive if they had anything to drink. But wait… What would happen to all the tax revenue realized through bars, restaurants, sporting events, etc.? Good lord, what would the government (lawmakers) do, if they didn’t have all that money to spend? DUI laws don’t make you safe, so once again, don’t kid yourself, they just punish those who drink and drive financially, and in doing so create a revenue stream for governments (city, County, STATE). FOLLOW THE MONEY!

    Eau Claire , WI
    Posts: 2790



    Dan Just curious. You did have your tounge in your cheek when you made that post.

    What part? I know it is hard to believe, but citizens still have rights. Police are supposed to be there to “Serve and Protect”, not “Victimize and Harass”.

    He was pulled over for a BS reason, without a doubt a shot in the dark to see if this citizen (despite his ignorance, he is still a citizen) was either drunk or was in posession of something illegal. What happened to privacy rights? Thrown out the window in the name of “safer roads”, what a crock of sh!+. Police forces, like every other business or organization are motiviated to do things for one reason – MONEY! You are only fooling yourself if you believe differently. Those in business who pray on people go to jail, cops who do the same thing end up taking them there.

    Don’t get me wrong, this guy is an idiot. I agree with all of you there, but are there not enough real crimes out there that cops won’t have time to pull someone over for a crooked license plate? The fact of the matter is, people who get DWI’s pay their fines, and fees, and engage in all the County/State programs (at their own expense) to make things right, and make the system a pile of $$. Real criminals; thieves, murderers, rapists, child molesters, cost the system money; why deploy 30 officers to catch them every evening when you can just pull people over for dice on the mirror, one headlight, flickering taillight, or a crooked license plate and make thousands?

    Here’s my take on this being an ex-cop. The point brought up of the making money off tickets is moot. They money from tickets isn’t a spit in the bucket to cover costs of paying salery or for paying their jail costs. They’d have to write a lot more tickets to cover that. As for the stop. Would I have used the plate as the only cause for a stop. I doubt just that alone. But I don’t know the area. What traffic is usually like there during that time of night. Or as someone else pointed out above if the city has a policy in effect to stop vehicals like that to prevent drunk driving. Which most smaller towns have. As for the Taser. I don’t think the officer was one bit wrong using it. I for one would in that situation used it a lot sooner. I applaud the man for trying for so long to get the guy to comply and for waiting for back up for so long, which in most parts take along time to get there. The guy is lucky worse didn’t happen and that they let him off on lesser chages. Good work on the officers part I say.

    Cedar, Min-E-So-Ta
    Posts: 1482


    Dan, Wow! Let me guess you have DUI or two? I have so much to say about your comments but I think they’d be lost on you. Have a nice day.

    Maybe I do, maybe I don’t. This is about the fundamentals of the constitution, personal liberties, rights of privacy, and the ideals of freedom this country was founded on.

    Don’t hold back Joe, I would love to hear what you have to say.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22664

    Why he was stopped aside… who here had a hard time trying to figure out what the officer asked him to do ??? Stay in your car… NO… Turn Around…NO… get on your knees… NO… the guy had it coming for being so dumb. Unless you get in this type of situation & put your life on the line every day.. you should have no problem with what the officer did. The last thing I need to see is another officer killed and kids left without a father, because of some dumbchit. The stop reason shouldn’t/wouldn’t have mattered, especially when he had no idea why he was being stopped… what if it was a burnt out tailight ??? Doesn’t matter at all, the guy was an idiot. That officer showed way more restraint than I would have. I would have thought the guy was high or drunk, the way he couldn’t follow simple commands. And yes, I want the officer to tell me what to do, so I don’t get shot and as well for his safety. Face it, there are people out there who will shoot a cop, or you and not even blink.

    big G

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3668

    A tip from a friend of mine who is a cop. Turn you interior light on, and place your hands on the top of the steering wheel. Cops like that, and I had one comment on it, while wishing me a good day

    Being a dumb will not get you going sooner, but not listening and being a dink will slow you down. Civil liberties being what they are, he did have the right to find out why he was being pulled over, but when he failed to respond to a direct command over and over, he lost these rights until the officer knew he was not in danger.

    Posts: 2389

    WOW. Welcome to America, I guess. Quite the viewpoints being expressed in this one. Aggree or disagree, one thing is for sure. The ability to openly and freely discuss each viewpoint is one big reason for the Wednesday holiday.

    Mantorville, Mn
    Posts: 831

    What wrong here? This bonehead cop couldn’t tell him what he did wrong. This is still America land of the free last time I checked. A lot of good men have given their lives to defend the constitution. What do you people want Gestapo agents. That very well could be your son,daughter,wife,how about your Mom? A crooked license plate. A nice made up excuse to check him out. I really hope he wins in court !

    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620


    Civil liberties being what they are, he did have the right to find out why he was being pulled over, but when he failed to respond to a direct command over and over, he lost these rights until the officer knew he was not in danger.

    Dude! That’s it! At first I was thinking the guy didn’t do anything wrong, but yanno… BZZSAW hit the nail on the head. Nobody would get out of their car and walk up on a cop without expecting some sort of repercussions.

    The cop has a right to be safe in the execution of doing his job. I have a right to know why I’m being detained. In a situation like this, it’s the job of the police officer and the citizen to work together to bring the situation to a safe and legal conclusion.

    So, in light of that, yeah, dude was stupid and the cop was well within his rights to subdue the guy. It’s a protocol, both sides filling their roles appropriately. When one side doesn’t respect the protocol, that’s when it becomes an issue.

    And re-watching the video, the first thing the cop did was tell the guy to stay in his car. So yeah, I get it now.

    I’ve completely changed my perspective on this. I mean, I still think there are cops out there that abuse their badges. However he didn’t have to get out of his car, and if he was being abused by the officer he could have filed a complaint or a lawsuit after the fact.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3496

    I don’t really care what the guy did to get pulled over. How many or you can honestly say that the first thing you do or would recommend doing is to get out of your car and start walking towards the cop car? You’d have to be a moron to think any cop will react differently by doing this.

    Posts: 2389


    That very well could be your son,daughter,wife,how about your Mom? A crooked license plate. A nice made up excuse to check him out. I really hope he wins in court !

    Highly unlikely. No member of my family are that big of an idiotic no-common-sense D-bag. My mom doing the same thing? BAAAAAAHAAAAAHAAAAHAAAAHAA!!!!!!! To run aggresively straight out of your car towards the cop upon getting stopped is rediculously stupid.

    Hope he wins in court?? Nice. How many millions of your tax dollars would you give him/the court system/defendant lawyer fees? I’d rather not give the moron a cent….

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3496


    That very well could be your son,daughter,wife,how about your Mom?

    If it is my son, daughter, wife or mom, I hope they don’t urine themselves when they get tased. And I definately hope they don’t win their court case.

    Do you honestly think the people that lost their lives for this country did it to keep this dirt bag from getting tased? Right on brother.

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