I’ve drank my share of it this season for sure. God I love watching Brett Favre play and when he is helping the Vikes win all I can do is cheer them all on.
What a contrast in class from the boo birds every time Favre came on to when the Vikes coaching staff and medical people immediately went to help Jennings on the sideline.
Lets not throw the Green Bay boo birds into a different class as the Minnesota boo birds. We will lustily boo when the Dallas Stars come to town,or when Chuck Knoblauch came back with the Yankees. Seems to me we even booed Santana.
I thought the fans in Green Bay were not any worse yesterday then on any other game day. Besides……….there was alot of Purple in the stands yesterday!
Either the die hards dumped their tickets for a profit or they bought alot of Minnesota Favre jerseys.