winter storage

  • hawkeye27
    Posts: 324

    Looking for some good ways to keep mice out of my boat. Open for recommendations!!! thanks

    SW Michigan
    Posts: 694

    Hi Hawkeye,

    I used Irish Spring soap last year in the compartments of my boat and didn’t have any mice that I could see. Got the idea from a John Gillespie’s Waters and Woods episode. If I remember correctly you shave it in strips and place it in aluminum pie tins and then set it in your compartments. Curious to see what ideas others have.


    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 725

    Fabric softener sheets like bounce. I use them and have not had any problems.

    Waterloo, Iowa
    Posts: 889

    Cab Fresh………….comes 4 packs to a box. I use it in my RV. Can get it at Menards.

    Posts: 121

    mothballs and decon

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    I heard most all of the above answers, along with:
    Clean your boat and all compartments thoroughly before storing.

    Best use of mouse bait/decon is outside of the boat or storage building. Idea is to stop them before they get into the boat rather attract them into boat to kill them.

    Same goes for Cabins, Garages and other seldom used building for the winter months.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317


    I heard most all of the above answers, along with:
    Clean your boat and all compartments thoroughly before storing.

    Best use of mouse bait/decon is outside of the boat or storage building. Idea is to stop them before they get into the boat rather attract them into boat to kill them.

    Same goes for Cabins, Garages and other seldom used building for the winter months.

    I have found this to be the best practice. Box traps and Dcon are the way to go. I had mice develop a taste for dryer sheets! And wires…and styrofoam crawler boxes… You can only hope that when you hit them with the Dcon that they don’t decide to go into your boat to die.

    Lake City, MN.
    Posts: 55

    I have used bounce sheets for years and never a mouse or other kritters. I also remove everything from the boat and leave compartments open

    Terry Filkins
    NPAA #180
    Salmo USA

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