the nobel peace prize

  • joe9929
    Posts: 40


    Congratulations! The world if all about perception. If this means the world sees our leader as peaceful, all the more better.


    Just a little fyi Goerge W. Liberated over a million people, with the help of the finest armed forces in the world I think he is the one that should get the peace prize. Have you ever herd of the phrase, kill one of your enemies to save a hundred, or in now days maybe more. Thats my 2 cents. I can’t wait for “hope and Change you can beleive in” IN 2012

    Fountain City, WI.
    Posts: 1608


    And the five-member Norwegian committee that picks the annual peace-prizewinner clearly has something more in mind than simply giving Obama a $1 million



    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    To my knowledge, he needed to be nominated for this within 10 days of taking office as President,…

    If that is true, then I guess he won it with his Obamapaloosa tour he did in Europe while campaigning.

    For the record, I am not upset (maybe bewildered is a better term) at the president about this, after all, he didn’t nominate himself or campaign for it. But it is just the general disillusionment people have with him. I seriously think if he kicked a field go with a puppy, people would start running around doing it just to emulate him.

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4545

    I just head that Obama beat up Chuck Norris, there is nothing he cannot accomplish.

    Good Luck

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143


    just a little fyi Goerge W. Liberated over a million people, with the help of the finest armed forces in the world I think he is the one that should get the peace prize.

    I agree, or at the very least he should get the assist. It was his administration that allowed the next guy to win just by getting elected!!


    Winona, MN
    Posts: 81


    He’s just starting to do good things

    best joke i heard all day

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 1547

    After reading all the post to this point I think the person or persons that keep Dean and BK at arms length deserve it more than the current recipient.

    Waterloo, Iowa
    Posts: 889

    How about all the bar fights I broke up duirng my career?? How come someone didn’t put me in for it???

    Near Lake Pepin, Minnesota
    Posts: 50

    Last I heard, the annointed one plans on donating all the proceeds to charity! Nice guy right? Ill bet that money is going to either ACORN or else the countrys biggest charity… the DFL. on a more positive political note, one of the US health superpowers has made a strong stand against government healthcare, and I applaud the Mayo clinic for standing up to the government. Even if it is the government of Nebraska. I can only hope other hospitals will follow suit.

    Posts: 97

    This just in “Obama wins the Heisman”

    I can’t wait for his acceptance speech at the Oscars when he wins for “best actor”

    Ghandi never won the Nobel Prize but the sitting US President who has given a total of 3 speeches oversees and one to the UN WINS????

    I guess the committee grades on a curve just like Harvard!

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    To follow up on the popularity in the world point, the big problem with trying to ‘improve our standing in the world’ is that it leads to economic drains on the US economy like global warming legislation. The worlds view of us and desire to influence us is envious at best and nefarious at worst. I truly believe it is closer to the latter. Ask anyone outside the US that ‘hates’ us if they would be happy if the US economy collapsed and I bet their answer would be yes.

    The basis of my ideology comes down to one thing, well maybe 2. The first being economic strength. Without it we are nothing, because the US built it’s standing in the world and position as a world leader on it. Without it we can’t do anything, including any social programs. The second I believe being pretty closely related and that is personal freedom. Because the US is a case study in personal freedom directly correlating to economic prosperity.

    OK. What were we discussing again?

    Posts: 760

    The dude who plays the President explained it all on Saturday Night Live when he said,”I won it because I’m not George W.

    Posts: 1027

    It has come out that he was nominated 12 days into his administration. What did he get it for a peaceful super bowl party? At that point in time that was about all he had done.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Did you get yours yet

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I knew from the title of your link exactly where I would end up. I get an Onion email every day!

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    Are we making fun of Obama… or the Nobel Committee ??? I don’t believe he “signed up” for this award ??? Not sure alot of posters know how it works……. being educated on a subject, is not a bad thing….

    big G

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Why would he allow his staff to nominate him for it? This guy is a joke and has done nothing to deserve this award, no matter who nominated him. I’m still wondering what he has done for our country, let alone the world.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    It will help him sell more books after he is out of office

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    This guy was elected President of the United States! He deserves an average amount of respect just for that until he proves otherwise. To say he is a ‘joke’ at this point is c-r-a-p.

    I’m not excited about him winning the Nobel Peace prize but I’ll hold my opinions of him until I see his body of work.

    I’m starting to think we need a “IDO Republicans” forum on this site for all the Obama bashing going on. And to think, we just got rid of the most unpopular President in recent history.

    Mr. Holst, will you please create an IDO Republicans forum so those of us willing to see how this administration turns out don’t wander accidentally into another Obama bashing post.



    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Yes, please create one. I don’t have my hockey board anymore to bash him at. sarcasm intended

    This is not addressed to anyone in particular. I think I did a ‘for the record’ reply where I specified I wasn’t bashing him.

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