I have a well that is 178ft deep. I have a submerged pump that is 15 years old. I have pressure problems. I have replaced the pressure switch and have checked my pressure tank. My tank isnt that old and holds its 38lbs of pressure with no problem.When you run water in the house , things are ok , but someone flushes a toilet the pressure drops to under 10 ( I have a pressure gauge in the house ) After a while it will pump back up , but its not right. The pump doesnt seem to run any longer than it ever did . I can pull my pump , but not really sure what to look for other than a crack or something in the pipe going down. Will my check valve cause this ? Iam thinking its the pump , but will try anything. I really hate to call anyone until the last resort as out here in “the sticks” it costs an arm and a leg. Anyone help me with an idea ?? Thanks guys.
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I have water well issues — anyone help ?
October 9, 2009 at 12:05 pm #808093
The only thing I can think of right now is to look for a crack or hole in your pipe on the way down to the pump. You might have a leak in the pipe somewhere that’s letting the water seep back down after being pumped upwards. Of course, your pump would be running more if that were the situation. That happened to me a year ago, so it was an easy fix when you see a rusted hole through the galvanized pipe.
So, I think I would look at your pressure switch. Maybe you’ve got a leak there, or it’s not functioning correctly.
Maybe Chris Augustyn might take a look at this thread too, he fixed my well with no problem, maybe he’d be more help.
October 9, 2009 at 12:22 pm #808096I am assuming that the pressure tank is a bladder style. Could the bladder have a hole ??? I would seriously doubt a cracked pipe, as it sounds like stuff is happening after the check valve. I am no plumber, but I could play one on TV…
big G
October 9, 2009 at 1:20 pm #808118If you shut off your well and drain all the water out the system your tank should read 2psi lower than the cut in psi on the switch. If you have a 40/60 (psi is written underneath the switch lid) switch 38psi should be right. If your tank pressure is right the only thing i can think of is you have a hole in your pump or pipe under a check valve. does it take a long time to pressure up? Pumping any air?
October 9, 2009 at 1:29 pm #808120Quote:
If you shut off your well and drain all the water out the system your tank should read 2psi lower than the cut in psi on the switch. If you have a 40/60 (psi is written underneath the switch lid) switch 38psi should be right. If your tank pressure is right the only thing i can think of is you have a hole in your pump or pipe under a check valve. does it take a long time to pressure up? Pumping any air?
yes… the 10 psi you spoke of is way to low. I am thinking you have water on the back side of your blater
Bassn Dan
Posts: 1003October 9, 2009 at 6:47 pm #808232Does your pressure tank have a spigot or outlet valve? If so, what’s the pressure like coming out of that?
If there’s normal pressure coming out of the tank, it could be that hard water (rust, etc.) deposits in the supply lines from the pressure tank have restricted the flow in pipes to cause the pressure drop that you’re seeing.
Good luck.
October 9, 2009 at 8:03 pm #808247I am sure its not the pressure tank , its a newer one and I have dealt with that problem in the past. It stays at 38 with the pump off and water drained. Pressure switch is a new 40-60 and it didnt make a difference when I installed it. The pipe is plastic all of the way down to the pump, and all of the way to the house. No steel at all. I would say the pump isnt running any more than usual. I will pull the pump tomorrow and check the line. Thanks for the help
October 11, 2009 at 9:57 pm #808549Well guys …….. I got it fixed , but really had everyone mislead (including me). Yesterday morning I turned on the hydrant at my shop and water was like it was supposed to be. I watched the pressure gauge and and the pump was doing its 40-60 thing perfectly. I went down stairs and checked my pressure gauge where the water comes into the house and it was at 40 until I turned on the shower….. it dropped to 15 , then to 10 — but still 40 at the pump. I then decided that I must have a bad water line somewhere between the house and the well …. dumb thought. I tried to close the valve to shut the water off at the house and it turned endlessly — here the valve had fallen apart inside and blocked the water flow to my house
. A $12 valve and some clamps and I am back in business ….I must have forgot the KISS thing. Thanks for the help.
October 11, 2009 at 10:39 pm #808550At least it was an easy and inexpensive fix
Thanks for the update
big G
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