The Jay Leno Show

  • haywardbound
    New Brighton, MN
    Posts: 1107

    I’ve been a big fan of Leno for a long time, but I’m not really getting into this new show. Not sure what it is though?

    Anyone else think that or is it just me?

    I’ll give it a little more time, but he may get bumped off my TiVo.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 1547

    We’ve been Leno fans for as long as he has been on late night. We welcomed him moving to 9 pm. It allows us to go to bed earlier. We’ve not been that impressed for some reason as well. His format is slightly different and more boring.

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464

    Same boat here. But I have noticed they are changing it if even slightly. The first night until now there is a huge difference in how they introduce him. They started off all nonchalant and now they give his name a little zing. I also think they are trying to do some different things to see what works best. What bothers me is slanted his political topics try to be. Yeah it is his show but I have turned the channel three times when he or a guest tries to over force their agenda. Not sure we need another useless Bill Maher type show. Stick to making me laugh!

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22985

    They were talking about this on KQ this AM…. what their expert was saying makes sense…. Lenos show is a way for NBC to save some $$$$…. doesn’t really matter how good it is.. it is taking a Primetime spot (which NBC was getting kicked in anyways) and runs 5 nights a week, replacing 5, 1 hour Dramas…with crews and actors and script writers and headaches…. they were saying, once the new seasons shows are over and their re-running… Leno should pull more share.

    big G

    United States
    Posts: 1434

    The interviews seem rehearsed. It just does not have the off the cuff feel. I also do not care for the old standby skits to be placed at the end of the show. Some of the newer skits are lame.

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464

    Very interesting points big G, makes perfect sense. Also agree with rmartin, some of the skits are embarrassingly lame. I can tolerate some if they are working to improve though. The monologue is normally decent though. For perspective try watching Letterman. He used to be my favorite. I tuned him in last week and had to turn it after 2-3 minutes. Prerehearsed garbage! Conan makes me laugh with his off the wall body maneuvers, lol.

    Elgin, MN
    Posts: 245

    The only reason I miss Jay Leno late is because now I have to watch Conan. After Conan started the tonight show was the first time ever that I actually considered watching Dave Letterman. Conan’s monologue is the worst. Some interviews are good though. I liked him better when he was on the late show. But I think this was because I was falling asleep and he seemed a lot funnier then.

    New Brighton, MN
    Posts: 1107

    Big G, I hope it isn’t about NBC saving money, that sux.

    But I agree with the above posts. It doesn’t seem like he has the same writers from the Tonight Show. Pre-rehersed sounds about right.

    Letterman….rrrg. I tuned in once, same crap as 15 years ago. Does he still throw a pencil out the window?

    Conan is ok, it’s an acquired taste maybe. Either you like him, or you don’t.

    Bob Gordon
    Posts: 606

    Same here ! Wife thinks we all expected to much. We don’t watch it anymore.

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