Auto electrical help??????

  • Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    Its a ’97 Chevy Blazer. Here’s the problem on the driver’s side only:

    Day time driving light works, high beam works and the low beam does not. I just replaced the bulb with 2 different brands thinking one may have been faulty from the factory. This is a 1 bulb, 9005, set-up. Passengers side all lights work.

    I am guessing it may be the switch, Whats your thoughts?

    Thank you for any useful input

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3907

    Wire or connection to that specific beam on that side. Put a volt meter or test light to confirm which wire of the plug is faulty and then trace it back. I wouldn’t say switch right away. -Mark

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    so the 2 wires that go to the plug go to another mess of wires that has specific wires for each beam?

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    check fuses also ,that truck MAY have seperate fuse for high and low beam

    After rereading your post… it sounds like you have wire issue on the left light .If I remember right the left light wires feed the right side lights.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3907

    Trumar might be right on seperate fuses, I have seen weird shiznit But doubting it.
    Yes each bulb should have 3 wires going to it. They share a posative (i belive, if 4 wires they do not share a pos.)

    posative for high
    posative for low

    buy a test light from auto parts store. It looks like an ice pick with a wire and aligator clip on it. Attach the clip ot comething you know is grounded to the frame and start poking the plug to figure which wire is the low beam and which is the high beam.
    These wires will be diff colors or diff patterns of colors.
    The nice thing about the pick style is you can test a wire without any exposed wire, you just stab through it.

    make sure the lighs are on and you know which beam is on prob wouldnt hurt to draw pics and make wire diagrams and color notes on the wires. if you dont do much of this sort of tinkering.

    Leinies WI
    Posts: 41

    Step 1 switch bulb from left to right placing a known good bulb in will tell you whether the bulb or wiring is at fault. If everything lights up its the bulb. If not Its the wiring or connection
    Step 2 Connection on blazer headlights are horrible for internal corrosion on the vehicle plug clean with electrical safe cleaner and a wire brush

    If the problem still exists then resort to the test light these are cheap simple checks before unneeded spending.

    Has any electrical modifications been done ie… a plow (unlikely) but need to know. Lights on a plow splice off the headlight.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    Just drink more before you drive and it will look like you have 2 headlights working, be sure and drive with one eye closed when you do this though. Stop by this weekend if you don’t have it fixed and I can take a look at it. I have everything and my garage is warm and dry. Shoot me a text and we can set up a time.

    Richard V.
    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Posts: 2595


    Just drink more before you drive and it will look like you have 2 headlights working, be sure and drive with one eye closed when you do this though. Stop by this weekend if you don’t have it fixed and I can take a look at it. I have everything and my garage is warm and dry. Shoot me a text and we can set up a time.

    Sounds like a sure fire way to get it fixed. (all of the above will work)

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403


    I have everything and my garage is warm and dry. Shoot me a text and we can set up a time.

    Thanks Mike I appreciate the garage offer….you’ll probably be seeing me sometime this weekend

    To all who have replied, first of all thank you

    1) yes I put brand new bulbs in both sides twice.

    2) There are only 2 wires coming form the plugs where the bulb plugs in.

    3) I know what a electrical tester is I am mechanically inclined how ever I dont like electrical on vehicles 1990 and newer (WAY TOO MUCH wiring)

    4) I’ll check for blown fuses today and I would believe that BUT the low beam on the passengers side works but not on the drivers side.

    5) Drink so much that I see double ….. I think that can be arranged

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403


    Step 2 Connection on blazer headlights are horrible for internal corrosion on the vehicle plug clean with electrical safe cleaner and a wire brush

    Has any electrical modifications been done ie… a plow (unlikely) but need to know. Lights on a plow splice off the headlight.

    No modifications have been made everything is stock in that area. Plugs look good but I’ll look at ’em a little closer to make sure. Thanks for the tip

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