big G
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » HOW BIG IS WAL-MART?
I don’t like to see the way this company treats their employees but when we were dirt poor with two babies, they had the cheapest diapers the cheapest formula and we might have had to sell our house if it weren’t for the cheap prices they have. I still go there because they have the cheapest price on bobber lights. To give me that price they have someone without health insurance which we all get to pay for in taxes. If they provided access to their rank and file with health care their prices might not be so good. I still go there but I’d go elsewhere and even pay more to do so. I still like my neighborhood hardware store too and I’ll pay more and go farther to patronize my friends and neighbors than go to a walmart or home depot for that matter. Capitalism is great until the big guys fail and then they get bailed out so we really don’t have captalism here. just ask Wallstreet .
Every American has access to health care and health care insurance.
So shop anywhere you want, guilt free.
There are sure a lot of whiners on the post that Jon listed with the letters about Wal-Mart.
My wife worked there while she was going to school a few years ago. They accomodated her school schedule with no issues. Sure she didn’t make a lot of money per hour, but the job isn’t rocket science and doesn’t justify a high wage.
We do a huge majority of our shopping at Wal-Mart and will continue to do so.
As far as there quality being really bad? I can get junk at any other store just as easily. Honestly, I don’t think they have junk products. Maybe my standards are realistic and I don’t try to live above my raising. Having the best of everything just so I can brag or keep up with the Jones’ doesn’t appeal to me.
I hope Wal-Mart stays around and even better yet, I hope they build one near me.
My honey-do list:
Toilet paper
fishing license
extension cord
paper towels
smoke detector
frozen pizza
Sometimes it is convenient. Other times I go to my local Hardware store.
I have worked for the company for 15 plus years..not at the store level and I have to laugh at some of your remarks and how you bad mouth a company because they can buy their chunky soup cheaper
my friends you have missed the boat on your information..but you still humor me on your knowledge about the company…if you only knew the truth
Not an hour before I started reading this thread, I was making a delivery to a Walmart Distribution Center in Olney, Il.,(40,000 lbs. of beet sugar from United Sugar in Fargo, ND. in case your interested)
I was thinking when I got there about how big Walmart is, and took notice especially of all the trucks and trailers they use to distribute products to all their stores. If you’ve never seen a Walmart Distibution Center, they are HUGE! I’ve been to many of them delivering products for them to distribute to their stores, and everyone has a couple hundred 53′ semitrailers of their own with their name on it, either being filled or unloaded, 24/7/365. This one today was a smaller one, and it still had over 150 delivery docks.
My point is I guess is that while many people dislike their off shore purchasing program, not all they sell comes from China, and they have invested many many dollars in equipment and facilities that were all made or constructed right here in good old USA. If you look outside the store personel, you will see huge money being spent by them with commercial carriers such as myself, cold storage facilities who house their products until they are ready for distribution, fuel companies, hiway taxes paid to transport across every state they do business in, semi tractor manufacturers, trailer manufacturers, machanics to keep their fleets running, ect,ect,ect…..and these are not jobs or products that they can buy or sell at the cheapest price.
They have a huge investment in this countries economy that goes way outside anything you see “in” a store. So while people may complain about the low wages, or the service you get from those people working there, remember, you get what you pay for. You want to buy cheap, expect cheap customer service. It’s the product in the bag your paying for.
I also have to say I like WalMart because as a trucker driving all over this big beautiful country, I know I can pull up and park my tractor trailer combination in any Walmart Store/Super Center, walk in and shop for groceries and other needed items any day of the week and I’m welcome to stay parked there over night if I need. There are very few other retailers that allow me that.
In case anyone here didn’t know this, but WalMart also owns Sam’s Club. I say that because I’ve heard people say they won’t shop at WalMart, but go to Sam’s Club instead.
It,s amazing how many people know so much about wal-mart that don,t work there. They get most of their info from union funded web sites. I am with Woody, My biggest mistake I made I didn,t quit my teamster job sooner, and started driving for this company. I have 17plus years with wally world and hope to retire with them, couldn,t be treated any better. Thamks
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