mixed emotions

  • drifter295
    Hastings MN
    Posts: 413

    On a whim I decided to put my boat of 13 years up for sale, not sure if I did it to see the reactions from tire kickers, or if indeed I truely wanted to sell.
    WOW is my first reaction, I didn’t advertise I just put a sign on it in my front yard. I had 27 phone calls in 2 days, now that got me to thinking have I priced it too low or do I live on a street that is much busier than I believe it is. btw I’ve been in my house 22 years.

    I’m not a salesman by any means, the boat had some cosmetic flaws, as all older rigs do from use but all in all I took great care of it, and it still looked nice. I took the time to make a list of what I sa as wrong with it so I wouldn’t have to keep reviewing things in my head and returned the calls I believed were real and not just wasting my time. I was totally upfront with those I spoke with and feel great about being honest with them, so down the road I wouldn’t have any poor feelings about the condition of the boat they might buy. None of the flaws affected the performance of the boat as they were superficial, and granted the boat is older I just wanted a clean conscience (sp) about the entire deal.

    I get home from work yesterday and I have more messages, 2 people would like to speak to me, so I called them back and made arrangements for a more detailed viewing, took the cover off, and waited nervously for their arrival. I kept them an hour apart to give me enough time for explanations, also to let them try the trolling motors, look explain how switches work, and just to let them ask any questions they may have.

    The first gentleman I knew from the moment we shook hands he was a window shopper, he didn’t want to hear about what was wrong with it as I would have preferred to disclose, he was just looking for what he might like in a boat, which was cool with me because we all learn more from actually seeing than just questions over the phone. The second gentleman didn’t knock on my door, apparently he looked at the boat first made some mental notes, then knocked…I spoke with him for a few minutes and pointed out everything on my list of flaws, explained to the best of my ability how they happened and why I didn’t bother to make it 100% again. My honest reaction to him was a decal, scratch or dock rub doesn’t help me catch walleyes, it makes me look good but does nothing to locate or catch fish.

    He asks if we can go for a ride, I said what now? and he says yeah…..so its after 6 and I said sure if you want to, so I hook up the boat and off we go, I launched the boat and it started just like the champ she’s always been for me, I let him take the tiller and explain the gauges, how other things work on the water and we put down the river. It didn’t take him long to crack the throttle and we’re up on plane, you have to realize, I’m not saying a thing just watching from the middle seat. I can see a huge grin on his face and I knew right then and there I had a decision to make. We didn’t stay out long maybe 45 mins or so enough time to put the motor through varies speeds, trim positions, and overall check the operation of the livewell, nav lights and other little things. He says he’s seen enough and I load her up and go home, we get back to my house and he’s not saying a thing, thinking? balking? wandering why he’s here? the silence has me questioning if he’s walking away or what, I had to use the bathrrom and excused myself I came back outside and out of the blue he shoots me a price, inside my head the voice is saying what…what kind of an offer is that,instead I kept my composure and politely said thanks but no I believe my price is fair for the entire package and its firm. He cracked a sly smile and said well I had to try and reached for his checkbook and said yeah your price is fair and said I want it.

    He gave me a non refundable retainer and I told him you can’t take her today, I have to clean my stuff out and get my paperwork together, no problem…I’ll give you a call tomorrow and set up a time. Here’s where I really get nervous, I just sold my baby now what do I do…..Going inside my house to reflect on what just happened I couldn’t help but smile, chuckle to myself and rethink all the incredible moments that I’ve had in theis rig, even a scary one or 2 on Mille Lacs when the wind kicked up out of nowhere. I spent every minute until I went to bed thinking about it.

    So I woke up this morning and wanted to share my plight with everyone who’s either done this or might be thinking of doing it, selling a friend that it. I’ve come to the conclusion it’s a good thing, I’m not losing a friend, but now I have an opportunity to buy a new one in the spring with all the latest technology and begin to make more memories that will live in my mind forever.

    Mixed emotions, yeah we all have them but I know I was truthful to the buyer, and he’s gonna love that boat almost as much as I have. I really think by being honest he got the feeling I wasn’t trying to hide anything, or scam him and that helped close the sale. I’m looking forward to the boat shows now so I can be a tire kicker for a change. So if anyone drives down a busy road near them and sees an old guy sitting in a boat in the driveway and looking lost, don’t worry, smile, he’s just reliving a few more memories before his friend goes to her new home. Thanks for listening to me, I know I’ve been rambling alot here

    Prescott, WI
    Posts: 120

    good story, I suggest that you go to the new boat store and kick some tires!

    Hot Runr Guy
    West Chicago, IL
    Posts: 1933

    They say the 2 happiest days in a boat owners life are the day he buys it, and the day he sells it. Since you are selling yours with a clear conscience, and have every intention of buying a new one, today is a good day for you! Far too many guys having to sell their rigs nowadays due to financial pressures, so put the money in the bank, stay away from the casinos, and keep YOUR checkbook handy.


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I’m surprised the two of you can ride in the boat, assuming it’s the one in your avatar.

    Congrats. I sold my last boat a few years back for many reasons. She was my first new boat. It was tough, but it was the right decision for me and my family at the time.

    The really cool part, now you can start shopping again. You’ve got all winter. There are some great deals out there. Make your list of items you want in your next rig. What are optional items? My wife and I just decided it’s time to find something to fill the 3rd stall. It won’t be until spring, but I’m gitty already.

    Good luck!!

    Omaha, NE
    Posts: 362

    Congrats on the sale!

    I bought a new (to me) boat this spring after spending a good chunk of the winter doing research and tire kicking. I’m now looking at all the time I spent last year and missing the chance to own 30 different boats in my mind if only for 20 minutes each. I took it down to the ground and built my way up to the boat I bought. I agree with the others here who’ve said to list what you want in your next boat. I started like this: Glass-Tin, Tiller-Console, 2 or 4 stroke or DI 2, roller or bunk, walk-thru windshield or single, seating arrangement, acceptable years, trolling motor needs, electronics, etc…..

    After “trying-on” a bunch of different models I settled on the one I bought. I understand your current remorse but after I did all this research I was ok with not buying any of the others I had considered. In fact I’ve seen most of the models I didn’t buy this summer on the water and instantly remembered why mine was better for me…. without exception. I even saw the exact boat I almost bought on a remote stretch of Lake Francis Case this spring. I asked the owner how long he had it – 2 months, how he liked it – he did, if he bought it from a guy named Mike in a certain small town – he looked at me funny and said “yes, how’d you know?” – cuz I almost bought it.

    My point is that you have time and money in your check book. When you find the right one for you you can throw the switch. If it takes until spring, then so be it.

    Good Luck!

    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 1206

    Congrats on the sale. I also made the decision to sell my baby this fall, partly because of unemployment and partly because it’s the right time. Unfortunately, I’ve had two people “buy it” verbally and then back out

    These were nice guys from Roseau and ND. There are so many boats for sale that both buyers kept looking before we could close the deal and found something they liked better or got cold feet. The joys of online advertising. Now I’m just getting calls from guys looking to lowball an offer. My guess is it will end up in storage this winter and try again in the spring.


    Dave Ansell
    Rushford, MN
    Posts: 1571

    I can certainly agree with the mixed feelings. I sold my boat last March and did not have a new one lined up. I told myself that I could go a few months or maybe even a year with my old flat if I had to but once I actually sold the boat everything changed. I was driven to get something new and ended up buying in April. I recently “upgraded” my motor and that is a whole different story that does not look to have a happy ending…

    Good luck with finalizing your sale and in shopping for your next rig.


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