Airline travel with 10 month old

  • midnight
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 236

    We are taking a trip to Texas in a couple of weeks and our 10 month old will be experiencing his first plane ride. I know there are a lot of parents out there with experience doing this, any advice would be appreciated. What should we make sure to bring along and what can we do to make sure everything goes smoothly from the airport to the actual plane ride. Thanks

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18973

    I would also ask the same question with the airline. Seems like they would be an outstanding resource. All I know is babies usually cry on the decent when their ears hurt.

    MN Musky
    Ham Lake/Mille Lacs, Mn
    Posts: 120

    Bring suckers. Little “dum-dum” suckers. It helps regulate the pressure on take off and touch down. And probably the first time (maybe not) your little one has had one. Ours had about a half an hour of pure joy when she got that sucker. Also bring a wet nap to clean off the sticky remnants from you and your wife!

    Have fun!

    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 236

    I checked with the Airlines and the FAA, they basically gave me the what I can do within their regulations, I am looking for advice from parents who have experience doing this just to make our trip as smooth as possible. Thanks again.

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1574

    Chrildren’s Benedril?

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    Get to the gate early and they should allow pre boarding for people with small kids. This will allow you to store your bags before the overheads get filled up.

    Try to time your babies nap so they sleep the majority of the flight. If its not too late, stay away from the weekday 6 – 8 am and 4 – 6 pm flights. Business travelers can be pricks.

    If there is a hot flight attendant, make sure you take your baby for a walk during the flight and check them out.

    I’d also recommend having your wife take an earlier flight with the baby and then you fly first class and meet up with them later. This probably won’t fly though.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 354

    During take off and descent give the baby a bottle if you are still giving the baby bottles. Maybe a pacifier if they are still using one. If not then the suckers are a good idea, anything to get them to swallow and equalize ear pressure. For the duration of the ride I would recommend buying a new toy and not give it to them or let them see it until you are well into the flight and they get a little restless. Just make sure it’s not a noisy and annoying toy. Also small snacks can keep them occupied like cheerios and such. Good luck.

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    I had to do it last year with a 1 month old and a 1.5 year old to go to my brothers wedding. It sucks.

    First, check in outside. Airlines do not charge extra for carseats, and it stinks getting them in. You will need them.

    Separate all the liquids from everything else for . GO TO A WOMAN and let them go through the baby stuff. Bottles, pump, etc. Seems to work out better.

    They will check a stroller at the plane. Do this if possible. It was very hard to keep 2 kids together without strapping them down.

    Load the plane early. Get all the stuff you need, including a bottle for takeoff, diapers, food, etc. We did not have any problems with the kids ears on takeoff/landing, but they were eating and that seemed to help with pressure.

    Get plenty of sleep before you go. I told my wife I am not taking a plane with the kids until they are 10.

    Ramsey, Mn
    Posts: 113

    Grand Rapids to Texas? DRIVE! You will be much less stressed.

    Hixton, WI
    Posts: 457

    We flew so much with our baby/toddler that she had her own frequent flyer card. All these suggestions are great. Also, do not forget Tylenol! I had her come down with an ear infection and we had to delay a flight home as the Dr didn’t want to allow her on the plane for a couple days. My boss was not happy!
    At 10 months they should be able to handle the flight. My guess it will go smoothly. Try to get a bulkhead seat so you have more room. A carseat and stroller are a must as listed before. Also take more diapers and formula than you think you will need, just in case of layovers, delays, etc.
    Enjoy your trip!

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607


    Chrildren’s Benedril?

    I don’t think that this is recommended for a 10 month old.


    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Make sure you have more than enough supplies too, weather and such can delay landings, we almost got caught when our flight took and extra hour and a half with our daughter at 9 months. The other thing super important is check in right away with the gate tell them you have an infant see if there are open seats that you can sit next too, if you get lucky you;ll have a seat for the car seat, assuming you’re not buying a ticket for the kid. We lucked out both times and had an extra seat by us, and we didnt get her a $400 ticket of her own.

    No way in heck I’d attempt to dive it at these ages my kids are good for about 5 hours, I’m sure thats not a record or anything,I just can’t imagine most kids being able to do that drive, but once they are old enough, We’ll drive, I love driving.

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