Movie buffs……..

  • bill mitchell
    Posts: 165

    i cant believe i forgot major league..” come on dorn, dont give me any of that ole bull s#*t”. “you may run like mays but you hit like s#*t”

    Onalaska, Wi
    Posts: 1193

    “That’s bullsh*t private. I bet you could suck a golf ball through a garden hose.” “You don’t look like no steer.”

    La Crosse WI
    Posts: 158

    Star Wars (first Trilogy)
    American Graffiti
    Hollywood Knights
    Strange Brew

    elk river, mn
    Posts: 37

    Pulp Fiction
    Coming to America
    Blues Brothers

    Onalaska, Wi
    Posts: 1193

    Has anyone ever watched Strange Brew?

    “I gotta take a leak so bad I can taste it, eh?”

    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 204

    “Custer was a [censored]. You ain’t no [censored] Sir”

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 1531

    Casablanca.. The Maltese Falcon.. Mr.Roberts.. and any of the Thin Man movies..

    William Powell is an extremely underrated all time actor..Check out The THIN MAN with Him and Myrna Loy…

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 1531

    and how can you guys ignore the DUKE?

    BIG JAKE? EL Derado? The Sons’ of Katie Elder? THE QUIET MAN ?

    You guys need to broaden your horizons…

    Richfield, MN
    Posts: 157

    The Geen Berets
    The Big Red One
    Dirty Dozen
    The Guns of Naverone
    A Bridge to far
    Apocolypse Now!
    I love the smell of napalm in the morning. It smells like victory .”
    Honestly anything with bombs and bullets!

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    some fantastic movies on this thread, one that I have not seen and think it should be here is Seven.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Yep, if I’m flippin channels and hit Star Wars (First one) or Dirty Dozen, its on till the end.

    One more. Jaws. First movie I saw on the big screen!


    cassville ,wis
    Posts: 3051


    Yep, if I’m flippin channels and hit Star Wars (First one) or Dirty Dozen, its on till the end.

    One more. Jaws. First movie I saw on the big screen!


    JAWS… did I forget about that one!!

    here’s another classic…Bridge on the river Kwai.

    Still whistle that theme when sweating my as s off

    Surprised we haven’t seen this one…..Silence of the lambs. Hopkins at his best!

    This thread is getting stored

    Richfield, MN
    Posts: 157

    Wow! Seven, that movie gives me the chills more then Carrie did when I was a kid. Dude at the end woulda been toast if that was me.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431


    Wow! Seven, that movie gives me the chills more then Carrie did when I was a kid. Dude at the end woulda been toast if that was me.

    I would have been looking for another clip

    Posts: 974

    this graemlin needs to be added to the instant graemlins list

    Richard V.
    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Posts: 2595

    Blazing saddles
    Blues Brothers
    Ghost busters
    Men in black

    almost forgot 1,000,000 BC Racael Welch still trips my trigger

    Winona, Minnesota
    Posts: 1073

    I was just talking to Dodge boy about this last night;
    Just saw SNATCH again….that is awesome!, be ready to follow the story, not for most wives who are a bit slow when it comes to following a movie.
    Smokey and the Bandit
    Caddy Shak
    Animal House
    Plus most any good war movie.

Viewing 17 posts - 31 through 47 (of 47 total)

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