Need a part… Rubber bolt???

  • complex12
    Madison Wi
    Posts: 63

    I think i have my fuel delivery issues taken care of, but I’ll never know for sure if I can’t get the dang motor bolted back together.

    There’s a ‘frame’ surrounding the carbs, which has all kinds of wiring, choke solenoid, etc. attached to it.

    It attaches to the motor using these 2 bolts…. there’s basically a solid rubber buffer with a 1/4″ threaded bolt sticking out of each end.

    I tried to jerry-rig something up using a hex bolt and some creative thinking, but the final product NEEDS to be able to flex in order to work.

    Anyway, I’m not sure of all the dimentions right off hand, but if you KNOW where I can start looking for these that’d be awesome.

    I found the picture on this site

    Only place online I can find them… Don’t wanna try to buy from them. Frankly, their company looks a little too …. Communist.

    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 204

    I would check with Fastenal.

    Posts: 109

    Hannay’s carry that type of thing

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3903

    yeah…that site is jacked up.
    I would maybe try NAPA or other auto parts stores, little hardware stores maybe too.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    contact Grainger or McMaster Carr.

    Here is what you need from McMaster Carr.

    McMaster Carr page 1362

    I gave you two links, but go to page 1362.
    Call them today and UPS ground will deliver your part tomorrow.

    PS: You might want to take this opportunity to “shop” for anything else you might need from them. They have a $30 minimum order. You name it, they got it….

    Good luck

    Madison Wi
    Posts: 63

    Thanks for the tips, guys.

    I’d really love to be able to walk into a place today and walk out with a pair of these… unfortunately, I don’t need $30-worth of fasteners. I didn’t see these on any of Fastenal’s product pages, either.

    The deeper I get into searching, the closer I get however.

    I found a bunch on eBay, and most of them are being sold as ‘Ignition Box Mounts’. It seems these are used pretty frequently in street racer-type cars…. okay, I’ll say it… RICERS.

    A couple are sold under the Mallory and Drag Specialties brand-names.

    So, if I had a crappy Mazda I wanted to rice out, where would I go in Madison?

    Hot Runr Guy
    West Chicago, IL
    Posts: 1933

    complex, check your PM’s.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Complex, you don’t have to purchase $30 worth of fasteners!
    You just have to purchase $30 worth of goods, of whatever you want as a minimum purchase.

    And, you can have it by tomorrow morning at 1030…..without driving anywhere.

    I don’t know any guy who can’t spend $30 in a hardware or autoparts store for some goody/gadget!

    Madison Wi
    Posts: 63

    Rubber “Shock Mounts”. Check.
    New fuel lines. Check.
    New primer. Check.
    Replacement needles & seats. Check.
    Fuel pump gaskets & diaphragm. Check.
    Squeaky-clean carbs. Check.

    Fired her up for the first time in nearly 8 weeks yesterday… No choke, no idle throttle.

    FIRST try! Started right up!

    But of course, on the way home one of the leaf springs on the trailer just HAD to break on me!

    If it ain’t one thing……

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