I am new to fiver fishing and not that good of a fishermen but I WILL FISH MORE my wife thinks I work to much and need to spend more time with our 10 year old. and I like the the river. It is so cool. There is so much to see. I recently bought a 16 ft Nader fishing boat with a 25 horse Johnson ( S&M could not figure out the year of the motor) that I am going to dial in this winter (rod holders, live well, cup holders. etc) we went out the twice this last week and did not have much luck finding fish today we caught 10 sun fish all were about 6 inches long or shorter we found them close to shore in about 6 feet of water.by some trees. my questions are these how can I tell there is a wing dam? what is the area just south of Wabasha bridge called I went though about 50 feet of shallow water (WI side) then found a Chanel and went south to the edge of the tree line and fished that area. any help in my quest to be a fisherman would be greatly appreciated thanks Kurt

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