Effective chipmunk control?

  • kurt-turner
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 691

    Looking for some ideas to exterminate a batch of ravenous chipmunks.. Darn things are digging holes near every foundation. Cats get a few and I’ve fed a few of them a lead sandwich but I’d like to hear what has worked effectively for others. Can you trap them and if so what style trap and bait do you use?

    I appreciate any and all advise! Kurt

    Fountain City, WI.
    Posts: 1608

    If you want to trap them use a regular rat trap and bait it with the “catch all bait”, peanut butter. If you don’t want to spend the time trapping, try putting moth crystals down the holes that are there. You can use moth balls but they are easier to get rid of by the “invading hoards”. And for those who are thinking it, that’s a lot of male moths to catch!!!

    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020

    Rat traps and bait of choice.

    I have a ongoing yearly war with them at my house. It is easiest if you “train” them to eat off the trap. Bait it without setting the trap for a couple of days. Then fire them up. You may find that while one is on the trap going to munk heaven another will finish eating the peanut butter. Reset and get that one.

    Good Hunting

    Brandon, SD 57005
    Posts: 793


    Posts: 6259

    Got 19 in the last 10 days after they chewed my wifes plastic planters, dug holes in them, dug holes in my yard- everywhere and challenged me and my family when we were on our patio. Its a simple system and extremely effective. Take a 5 gallon bucket and place in a high traffic area, fill it 3/4 the way with water and top with a layer of seed- sunflower, cracked corn etc. Now cut a nice ramp leading up to the bucket, I put a couple wood screws on the end to fit in between the top of the bucket for stability, then lay some seed on the ramp and sit back and laugh. I caught 17 the first 5 days out, and I caught 2 the last 5 days and 1 mouse so it cleaned them out real quick. Havent seen one in 5 days….

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    Effective and easy control of Chipmunks I’ve been using for 10+ years.

    1) Fill a 5-gallon bucket 2/3rd’s with water
    2) Set it near logs, steps of blocks that they hang around and a little higher than bucket top
    3) fill water surface with sunflower seeds and spread a few hand fulls around the nearby steps, logs, etc.
    4) Wait 2-4 days and you’ll have a number of them quietly drowned in the bucket.

    My best one bucket 48 hour count was 14 Chipmunks. Couldn’t figure out prior to that why they kept coming back on my desk when I chased them off with a plastic BB gun.

    Good Luck.

    2-3 is not bad, but sounds like you have a couple nests of them.

    Miles, Iowa
    Posts: 574

    Out here in the country….I have heard of taking an empty anhydrous tank..It will have a little pressure left in it…and taking the hose and sticking it down the hole, cover it with dirt and crack the valve just a little…stay away from the little white plumes that will come up all over the tunnel complex they dug…no more problem rodents ! Not something to be recomended to “city folk” but have heard it is very effective….and no bodies to get rid of !

    bigdog mn
    Posts: 27

    I use a live trap (from FF, “have a heart” brand maybe?) baited with sunflower seeds, then shoot them with a pellet gun. Dogs go nuts when they hear the trap close.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 691

    Thanks for the ideas…. Looks like I need to buy some seeds. This summer must have been perfect for chipmunk breeding as the b_tches’s appeared to have large broods of the lil’ rodents….

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