Shootin for the Moon (pix)

  • rivereyes
    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    We have a new year out there… and Im sure there are lots of us with new cameras!… well… me I just got a new lens… and if you thought the last one I had was big.. well.. this one they nicknamed the Bigma…. my camera weighs 8#’s with it attached… the lens is so big the camera hangs off the lens… not lens off from the camera…. Ive a lot to learn shooting with the new lens… but heres a shot I just took of the moon to give you some idea of the power of the lens….. good luck with all your new cameras… If anyone needs some help dont hesitate to let us know…. we might even be starting a digital photo forum here one of these days…..

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    Kwel and no smudges!

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    Im slowly processing my shots from today.. this one looks interesting… ever seen a falls on a below zero day? pretty cool (in more ways than ONE!)…. this is the “Cascade” found in Osceola Wisconsin….. really worth a look at this time of year! (or any for that matter… but its MAGICAL right now!)… our very own ice palace…. built by nature….

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    shot this guy today with the new lens… looks like nice color, clarity and sharpness……

    Posts: 135


    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    another canon shot today…..

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    and of course I shot a tree rat today too…

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    You have a gift dude.

    Gator Hunter

    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    Man do I like looking at your pics.Please keep posting.Like Gator says.”you have a gift”

    Ryan Hale

    Grimes, Iowa
    Posts: 170

    I got a 6.2 mega pixel Canon EOS Rebel Digital for Christmas. It has an 18mm-35mm lens and I can’t wait to get a macro and a zoom to take shots like the ones you’ve posted. Great pics.

    Grimes, Iowa
    Posts: 170

    I got a 6.2 mega pixel Canon EOS Rebel Digital for Christmas. It has an 18mm-35mm lens and I can’t wait to get a macro and a zoom to take shots like the ones you’ve posted. Great pics. Here’s a picture I took in Canada with my 3.2 camera. Nice sunset on the lake.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Man………….get enough people posting pics and I won’t need to travel anywhere to see some of the greatest images anywhere!!!

    Ken……….I’m glad that pic of the “moon” was a lunar shot! I was almost afraid to open the thread for fear of going blind!

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Hey Rivereyes, thier all nice picturers, nice moon shot. Both bird shots are nice and the first is especially nice. Nice clear colors. Got a great eye, nothing like through the eyes of a camera, whole new world! You got to get some macro lenses eyes and get some closeups of just a small spring flower, nice stuff!

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 309

    Hey Rivereyes, nice pics. Just purchased an Olympus C-750 ultra-zoom digital. Just wondering what resolution setting you use for high quality shots and what software you use to edit the picture. When set on Tiff for the file size/resolution, is there a good way to reduce the size of the picture for emailing without losing most of its clarity?
    Thanks, any info would be helpful.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    WOW !!! Nate picked me up today from the Doc today and all the way home he told me that I just have to see Rivereyes pics on the message board. Now I can see why. They are GREAT. Thanks, Bill

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    geee you guys are all great!…… thanks……
    Ill address questions as I can!…
    Zammer… yep.. the digital rebel is the camera Ive been using the kit lens is pretty restrictive… but it makes a great macro lens actually… and it will do good for shooting fishing pix and inside shots… and landscapes….
    Stillakid… gee with what you look at in the mirror everyday I would think you would be unfazed by anything!! but(t) thanks!
    Mossydan.. thanks… I will be doing some macro work, count on it….
    Mo-fishin… the 750 is a nice camera… I ALWAYS used the highest resolution…. to reduce I use a piece of freeware that someone here on this board tuned me into… it works great…. do a find on the internet for Irfanview.. good stuff… for editing pix I use both paint shop pro 8.0 and photoshop 7.0……
    BrianK… thanks!
    Loso… will be happy to help.. just PM me with your questions…
    gatorhunter and ryan hale… you guys are too kind!
    Bill.. gee thanks… glad ya like em!

    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 325

    Okay, so what are we talking to get into something like this $$$. I have a canon S50, and love it, but your pictures are amazing!!!!!!! I would like to get into taking pictures like that of Waterfowl. Can you give some idea of prices, and really what a beginner needs. I know nothing about lense power and all of that, so what models etc… would a guy need?
    Thanks much, and keep those pictures coming!

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    Hey Blackduck!…
    well like always there are choices and choices… Im taking the middle road.. you can sink thousands of dollars just into ONE lens once you get to the SLR world… in the realm of the Canon SLR the PROS worship what they call “L” glass… they are very fast, with both focus and shudder speeds, and very sharp…. and VERY expensive!… I have none of that… in fact the only Canon lens I have is the “kit” lens that comes with the Canon Rebel the 18-55.. actually a very nice lens for the money… I put 900 into the Rebel and the kit lens.. you might get it cheaper now… and cheaper yet in a little while if canon lives up to their promise to bring out 20 new models this year!
    I also have to other lenses… the Sigma 70-300 I obtained for 170, and the NEW BIGMA…. the Sigma 50-500 which cost me nearly $800… this has proven to be both fast and sharp… the 70-300 is not quite as fast nor as sharp… but excellent results CAN be obtained…. particularly in good light…. plus its a much lighter and smaller lens… for waterfowl, if your decoying them you could easily get by with a 200mm lens.. and theres a very nice canon one for under 200….
    BUT… you can also go cheaper.. and look at the fuji S5000 with a 10x zoom plus a olympus tcon 17 teleconverter… the first for a bit over 300 on the internet.. the 2nd for under 100….. also the olympus 750UZ mentioned above is another excellent choice…. Im not sure of the pricing on that off the top of my head…..

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    I’m just a Kodak 110 user (compare to Rivereyes), but in taking fish pics and a few family pictures, my first thought on resolution was to keep it low for two reasons. The first being I could get more pictures on the card before it was full. The second being that I could load them into my computer and they are ready to email…just attach them to the email and their off.

    Since I’ve done this, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve taken a picture and it was a great shot, but the resolution was so low that when printed out at my favorite Walmart….they looked really bad.
    My biggest disappointment this year was when my wife landed her first muskie. About 12 lbs, snapped a pic and for Christmas I enlarged it to 18×22 inches….It looks great from about 10 feet back, but any closer and it…well leaves something to be desired.
    Now all my pictures are the highest resolution I can get and use Photoshop (many other picture editing software out there) to scale them or even lower the resolution to make it fit on this site or emailable. (It takes longer to load the application and open the file than to scale the pic to the size you want)

    One other thing, If you don’t have a digital camera because you don’t want to spend the money for a printer or trim the photo paper ect. You can email your pics to Walmart and for .29 (maybe it’s .26) cents each have them printed and sent to you closest Walmart. No shipping charges, just the .29 cent for the pictures you want. Normally takes about a week.
    If you want to have extras made for a rela-tic out of town…either sent them to their Walmart – without shipping….or send them directly to their house …shipping charges apply…
    With the price of photo’s at Walmart…it doesn’t pay to buy a photo printer and the paper…..for me anyway.

    Almost forgot, take your camera or at least the card in to Walmart and you have the option of one hour photo. For the average joe…it doesn’t pay to hassle with the “old” film camera’s anymore.

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 309

    The Olympus C-750 Ultra Zoom 4 MP digital costs around $550, probably cheaper on the net. It does come with a hot shoe and is lens adaptable.

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