I need one of these in the boat…

  • haywardbound
    New Brighton, MN
    Posts: 1107

    I don’t know what to say…its for the ladies in my boat:

    Its called Go Girl <–Click for video


    MINNEAPOLIS — Some of the merchandise for sale at the Minnesota State Fair needs little explanation. Then there’s the Go Girl. “The Go Girl is a product that’s been designed for women that allows them to go to the bathroom standing up,” explains the salesperson in the state fair grandstand. “So no more hovering, no more worrying about it running down your leg, it’s just really a neat product.”

    I’m sure jokes will follow, but this thing is selling like crazy.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4086

    I saw this on the news last night too. This will make it easier for my girlfriend to “go” in the boat, which means she will stay out longer, which means I get to fish longer.

    NE Nebraska
    Posts: 757

    I’ve heard there is a guy around here that reserves one of his livewells for his wife. Don’t know if it’s true as I have not asked him.

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862


    I’ve heard there is a guy around here that reserves one of his livewells for his wife. Don’t know if it’s true as I have not asked him.

    Thats what the baitwell is for….

    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 1039

    My ex used the livewell when needed. The hot aluminum frame around the opening got her attention one time.

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309

    my girlfriend just hangs her in the splashwell. When she’s done, I just throw it in reverse and flood the well. Just like flushing a toilet.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 113

    Why didn’t one of us think of this?

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Ya, tell me about it. I use the wiffle bat to get it over the gunwale safely during cold weather periods.

    I’ve got 3 little girls and this will be a must purchase. We were challenged last year out ice fishing. This may be the answer.

    Hastings MN
    Posts: 413

    Saw this on the news this morning…..it actually was invented by a man several years ago but didn’t market very well, must have been before its time….well this lady bought the patent from him and is now selling them for about 6 bucks a piece. The story also said she has sold so many of them she just bought another factory to step up production for more sales. I wonder how the inventor feels about them now?

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2104


    my girlfriend just hangs her in the splashwell. When she’s done, I just throw it in reverse and flood the well. Just like flushing a toilet.

    I love that !

    New Brighton, MN
    Posts: 1107


    my girlfriend just hangs her in the splashwell. When she’s done, I just throw it in reverse and flood the well. Just like flushing a toilet.

    Same here, either the splashwell or the other live well.

    I told my wife about this, but she wasn’t too excited like I thought she would be…? Fine, not my problem then.

    Kasson MN
    Posts: 365


    Why didn’t one of us think of this?

    i think he is retired now

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