PETA……..The Truth !

  • birdhunter88
    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 168

    I know that everyone has heard of PETA and what they think it stands for. But how many people Really know the truth about PETA and exactly how far this group will go to force their beliefs and ideals upon the human race ? I thought that I knew what I needed to know but I was in for a complete surprise when I actually went to their website out of curousity. I started reading and searching and dug deeper and deeper into everything that I could find.

    I urge anyone that has any concerns about our rights to hunt, fish, own pets, eat, sleep, cloth, or just plain survive to do like I did. Read and research what PETA is all about. Who supports PETA and who PETA also supports. You will be in for some very big surprises.

    Besides going to the PETA website. I highly recommend that everyone check out this website is kinda like a watchdog of PETA and there are many links that show the truths about PETA and its agenda and supporters. Pay particular attention to who supports PETA and dig alittle further into some of the other Organizations which may surprise you. And form your opinion from there.


    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    Most people think that PETA is a pretty harmless bunch that exists on the fringes, but even though they are pretty far out most of the time, realize that they also demand (and receive) equal time in the classroom with our kids. People who target our kids are the lowest of the low.

    One example of thier inappropriate approaches of kids can be found here: PETA activists were handing these out to kids at a Christmas theater presentation if their parents had fur on. Apparently they felt safer approaching fur-clad theater goers than leather clad bikers. I for one can tell you that had I taken my kids to see The Nutcracker that night, and someone handed some sick crap like that to them without talking to me first, the kids would’ve gotten to witness some unparallelled cruelty to PETA activists.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    Gianni, it’s surprising the number of followeres this goup has…just goes to show what a few people can do once the get organized….

    Someone had a post about Rapala = Evil Empire….Compared to Peta….Rapala is Kinder Care.

    But do visit the site and YOU be the judge….

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4449

    Ever wonder why PETA doesnt protest at Harley Bars??? Me neither, bunch of 89 lb vegan sissys.

    Posts: 315

    i once heard coors brewing company and wendys were either peta or anti gun supporters if any one can back this its time for diffrent food and beer

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    Targeting kids is really sad. I’m glad here in Mn we have a statue that give us guaranteed hunting and fishing rights by law. Have you guys in IA or IL contacted your reps to see if they can do something there?

    I so hope Wendys isn’t pro-peta. If thats the case, what the heck am I’m I eating in those burgers?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    I’m not an expert in this area, but I would say Wendy’s wouldn’t want anything to do with Peta, although they may have worked with Peta because of a Peta protest.

    There self admited goal is to have everyone eat vegi’s. But they know that they can’t get enough people to rally around that idea, so they use animal cruelty as a front. It wouldn’t be so bad if there was some common sense involved, but they go to the extreme.

    Now remember, if you dog does something wrong….don’t raise your voice! Take your pooch to the time out corner and give him a vegi treat.

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    I eat beef. The beef comes form a cow that was a vegitarian. Look what it got him.

    Gator Hunter

    Catfish country
    Posts: 419

    and here i thought peta meant People Eating Tasty Animals


    ps. if god didnt want us to eat animals, why did he fill them with tasty meat?

    Badger, MN- not too far from the big pond!
    Posts: 88

    the really funny part about peta is that they don’t realize that if man was to stop eating meat and using animal products(fur, leather, glue) that the food chain would be interupted, and then we’d have an overpopulation of fish, deer, cattle, chickens, rabbits, pigs…etc….and we’d end up starving to death because we wouldn’t be able to compete with the other foraging animals who’d eat all of our food supplies, wander around on our roadways, invade our back yards, overpopulate our lakes, which would eventually turn the water stagnant…I could go on an on……Mother nature has a system of checks and balances and our eating meat is a vital part of those checks and balances…..

    just my 2 cents worth

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    You’re so right Marcus! It matters not what anyone believes in…………. the bottomline truth is that we are part of the earth’s ecosystem. Look at any area in which the predators have been removed………overpopulation, starvation, and disease abound. Areas where 1000’s of acres have been posted against human predation are loaded with rotting carcuses in years when food is actually plentiful and the winters mild! I’ve had the DISpleasure of seeing it for myself………

    The very thing they’re striving to preserve is being weakened and wasted. The numbers don’t lie…………..the best method of preserving any species in good numbers is to open a hunting season on it! The dollars go to habitat and preservation and over population and inbreeding are kept under control………..making a stronger herd/pack/flock/school……….whatever!

    Does anyone remember when the Canadian Goose was on the endangered species list? Who’d think of it now? Elk herds are doing better than ever. Game species in general are all increasing in numbers because of…………well……… a lot of reasons……………but no matter, the point is still this. We’re a part of the ecosystem and it’s the HARVESTORS that always best protect their resources! Farming…….101……..Caring for it………so it’ll care for you.

    PETA is hopeless and I can only imagine that those folks are truly miserable as a whole. To have such a lowly value of the human kind and it’s role throughout history is to have a lowly value of themselves. I actually pity them for succombing to such blindness.

    Just as we saw in a post recently……………..TEACH ‘EM YOUNG!!! Those who know no different are vulnerable. Even ignorance has a future! Teach ’em young! REAL YOUNG!

    Hastings, MN Lake Isabel activist
    Posts: 1345

    For cuiositys sake I sent a request to peta asking where “my” donation money goes. This is the answer that I recieved:

    Thank you for your e-mail regarding your concerns of how your donation is utilized. We share your desire to give to organizations where your contribution will do the most good. We have always encouraged our members to assess carefully whether or not an organization is using its money effectively.

    To keep costs down, volunteers come in each day and for evening ?work parties.? We use second-hand furniture and recycle everything. We work hard to put contributions to the best possible use.

    We are especially proud of our financial statement. You?ll notice in our annual review?available online at almost 84 percent of our budget goes directly to our lifesaving programs?a significant achievement for any nonprofit organization.

    The annual review also contains great examples of our effectiveness. As you may know, our campaigns focus on the four areas in which the largest numbers of animals suffer the most intensely for the longest periods of time?in the food industry, in laboratories, in the clothing trade, and in the entertainment industry. Through cruelty investigations, animal rescue, legislation, litigation, international campaigns, consumer boycotts, and unique educational and classroom materials, PETA fights animal abuse and suffering wherever it occurs. Current highlights about our work are also available on our Web site,

    After examining the annual review, I hope you will agree that PETA is effective, frugal, and well managed.

    It is only with the thoughtful support of PETA members like you that we can continue to make a difference for animals. Animals have no voice but ours, so thank you for everything you do to help them. If I can be of any further assistance, please feel free to contact me.


    Jennifer Knox
    Major Gifts Officer
    People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals Foundation
    757-622-7382, ext. 1652
    [email protected]

    Northwest Illinois
    Posts: 1251

    I found this article on PETA’s web site. It is sad that these sorely misguided people look at us as the “enemy”. Here is a link to this sad, and scary, article.
    It disgusts me that these psycopathic people have access to our school children. They claim they are “winning the war against animal cruelty.” What a distorted world they live in!

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    I hope I don’t disrespect anyone’s beliefs or offend anyone with this post but I learned this in church Sunday………..

    If you examine Genesis closely, when the fall of man occured, it was man who sought to clothe his nakedness, for he was embarrassed. But it was GOD who first killed the animal, to provide covering for Adam’s embarrassment.

    So………in the order of life and death, by the Good Lord’s example, simply being embarrassed is cause enough to take the life of an animal. Don’t misunderstand, we’re to preserve and not be wasteful of the gifts given to us, but they were created for our purpose. So has it been since the beginning, so will it continue today……………and throughout our tomorrows.

    Badger, MN- not too far from the big pond!
    Posts: 88

    here’s an arcticle written by humorist Melvin Durai-


    People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
    (PETA) is continuing its efforts to protect
    helpless animals, hoping to save them from
    mistreatment and from being eaten by
    hungry people like me.

    PETA’s brilliant new strategy, conceived
    from surveys, focus groups and
    brainstorming sessions, consists of
    throwing pies at government officials. It’s the
    kind of clear thinking that shows once again
    why humans are superior to animals.

    Arathi Jayaram, a 23-year-old PETA
    member, recently protested the
    consumption of meat in America by
    throwing a pie at Agriculture Secretary Dan
    Glickman. She almost hit his face and
    smeared his suit with tofu cream. As
    expected, the incident sparked protests
    from another radical group, People for the
    Ethical Treatment of People. The group
    released a statement saying, “We join the
    National Rifle Association in condemning
    this terrible act of violence. We urge all
    citizens to refrain from any form of

    After hurling the pie at Glickman, Jayaram
    shouted, “Shame on you for promoting
    meat.” Glickman examined his suit and was
    visibly disappointed. He was hoping for
    apple pie.

    Meanwhile, PETA, dismayed that Jayaram
    missed Glickman’s face, has decided to
    send her back to pie-throwing school.
    Jayaram will practice tossing pies at
    pictures of unrepenting meat-lovers,
    including Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and
    Simba the lion.

    In a related move, a clan of starving
    Ethiopians, plagued by one of the worst
    droughts in the African country’s history, has
    contacted PETA. “We’ve killed and eaten
    all our animals, so you must be really angry
    with us,” one Ethiopian man told PETA.
    “We deserve to have pies thrown at us. Any
    pies will do. We especially like meat pies.”
    Added another man: “If any of you
    Americans plans to waste food, please
    waste it on us. You can fling it at us, drop it
    on us, shoot it at us — we don’t care. We’ll
    take pies, cookies and even fruit cake.”

    PETA staunchly believes that “animals are
    not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, or use
    for entertainment.” In contrast, I staunchly
    believe that animals are ours to eat, wear,
    experiment on, use for entertainment,
    feature in beer commercials, ride to the
    park, send to the moon, and train as
    mascots or replacements for Kathie Lee.
    But I do not support wanton animal cruelty,
    which is why I would never force any animal,
    even a domesticated one, to watch an
    episode of Jerry Springer.

    Animal cruelty is truly an injustice to our
    four-legged friends. I say this because I
    have always loved animals, especially
    when they’re on my plate.

    PETA recently succeeded in persuading
    five big retailers to stop buying leather from
    India, charging that many Indian cows are
    mistreated before they are slaughtered —
    despite their sacred status among Hindus.
    These are very serious charges indeed. I
    mean that. When I’m enjoying a thick, juicy
    burger, I’d hate to think that some cow was
    treated badly. It would make me feel guilty.

    I support some of PETA’s causes, though
    I’d much rather belong to the other PETA
    (People Enjoying Tasty Animals). These
    animal activists often go too far. Take, for
    example, PETA’s recent campaign against
    milk. Mimicking the dairy industry’s “Got
    milk?” ads, PETA produced “Got beer?”
    and “Got zits?” ads, trying to convince
    youths that dairy products cause acne and
    are less healthful than beer. Perhaps PETA
    should ask itself an important question:
    “Got drunk?”

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Great post Marcus! Nothing but grins!

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Or peta should ask themselves, Got any common sense! I like bread and butter and a nice catch of any fish from winter water is top tablefare, t-bone status or better!

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Hey Derick, down here in iowa where there lots of corn to hide brusied bodies if they were to ever show up around a major deer drive im shure it wouldn’t be the hunters calling the dnr to get them out of there. It would be pita to call for ambulances and the national guard. The drn down here just might arrest them for hasseling the hunters when they have a right to organize too. Some of these old boys down here, i guarantee would put lumps on thier heads, arms etc. I’ll bet it would be the last time they ever showed up around a hunt. Im shure every hunter would say that after ol fred over hear got hit in the head with a rock they all decided to defend themselves, A whole lot of peta would go to jail for major assult on decent organized people no matter what peta said happened. I don’t think they’d mess around down here, but we have a few around. Lots of the general public think thier morons anyway. Just an organized warning.

    Badger, MN- not too far from the big pond!
    Posts: 88

    P.E.T.A= pathetic enviromentalists thinking again

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    Bunny Huggers!!!

    Gator Hunter

    westby wi
    Posts: 864

    bunny huggers?

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    PETA supporters are a bunch of bunny huggers.

    Gator Hunter

    Alma Wi
    Posts: 1303

    I’d love to hug a bunch of bunnies I once went to a hunting camp in N.D. where I wasn’t known by the rest of the hunters. The first evening I proudly wore my P-eople for the E-ating of T-asty A-nimals shirt.Unfourtunately no one bothered to read the fine print.Needless to say my welcome was less than warm. It wasn’t till the next day that some one asked what the hell I was doing with a PETA shirt on.

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001


    I’d love to hug a bunch of bunnies I once went to a hunting camp in N.D. where I wasn’t known by the rest of the hunters. The first evening I proudly wore my P-eople for the E-ating of T-asty A-nimals shirt.Unfourtunately no one bothered to read the fine print.Needless to say my welcome was less than warm. It wasn’t till the next day that some one asked what the hell I was doing with a PETA shirt on.

    That is too funny.

    Gator Hunter

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603


    I’d love to hug a bunch of bunnies I once went to a hunting camp in N.D. where I wasn’t known by the rest of the hunters. The first evening I proudly wore my P-eople for the E-ating of T-asty A-nimals shirt.Unfourtunately no one bothered to read the fine print.Needless to say my welcome was less than warm. It wasn’t till the next day that some one asked what the hell I was doing with a PETA shirt on.

    May I suggest putting the fine print in blaze orange?

    St. Paul MN.
    Posts: 438

    One thing most people don’t know is that most dies used in clothing have an animal fat base in them,another is PETA is the group that does things in front of the camera [sometimes]they have been linked to ALF[animal liberiztion front up to 9/11 alf was considred the most dangerous group in the world.Religons all over the word, there good books tell us to use animals for mans need.PETA and Alf have been linked to witchcraft[a reconized religen in the US]this is why we can not unerstand what they stand for.

    Devils Lake ND area
    Posts: 330

    You don’t even joke around these parts about PETA

    It’ll get you a good arse whipping

    A dog is rat is a boy. They are all equal to PETA and those groups who share similar viewpoints.

    If a fish could feel the same range of emotions as humans, have complex problem solving capabilities and what not… why aren’t the areas of the brain that holds those things the same size? Why are ours so much bigger?

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