If someone else does it you can to. Get both upper control arms and ball joints assuming their one piece. Rent a ball joint press for the lowers free from most parts stores just have to put a deposit up. If u dont have alot of tools the hardest part will be the axle nut and torque values. Unbolt tie rod, Remove Steering knuckle. support axle and brakes, remove upper control arm, press ball joints outta lower control arms (loosen Pinch Nut) and reinstall with greese zerks pointing in direction of choice.
Reinstall new upper crossmember install steering knuckle and Tie rod, dont forget cotter pin, balljoints come ungreased so grease them also repack the bearing. then take it for an alignment after you torque everything to their respective values which is the most important part.
P.S. If you have a picture I could see anything im missing or thats different from the previous model fords