Sunken Cruiser on Pool 3

  • chris-tuckner
    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    If someone already posted this, sorry….But does anyone know the story behind the sunken crusier on Pool 3 in front of Jackson’s Run? I heard it happened during the week. All I can surmise is that it must have hit a wingdam and destroyed the rear end of the boat. It had to have been quite a collision as the last picture shows the engine cover and a cooler 1/4 mile upriver of the boat. I don’t know what became of the driver or occupants. Anyone hear?

    My river
    Posts: 1678

    outch! hope they have a good insuarnce company!

    Center of Iowa
    Posts: 727

    I can’t comprehend why they insure boats against stuff you hit with them. I don’t get it.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    I can’t comprehend why they insure boats against stuff you hit with them. I don’t get it.

    Because hitting something is a significant risk. Especially on the river. Who knows what’s under the surface, especially what moves under the surface on the river.

    That’s like asking why companies insure against hitting deer with a car.

    Posts: 0


    I can’t comprehend why they insure boats against stuff you hit with them. I don’t get it.

    No different than car insurance, right?

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    Geeez that lokks like it hurt I sure hope everyone is o.k. keep us posted if you hear any info Tuck

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 354


    A good start?

    Hastings ,MN
    Posts: 2440

    I know it was there last thursday so it must have been a mid week crash. Was it still there yesterday?

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    what was in the cooler?

    Posts: 95

    That thing has been there for over a year, the story I heard a while back was two guys co owned it and lived on it, they had been trying to sell it up here with no luck when it started cracking and leaking. Then it sunk neither of them could afford to have it removed so its been there since rotting and falling apart.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    No, that is not the one I have in the pics here. That one is in Prescott.

    Didn’t check the cooler. Sauger, I did hear it was mid-week and yes, it was still there Saturday. Funny there are not more incidences like this! I could absolutely not believe the boat traffic on the Rivers yesterday and Saturday! While trolling the Croix we took a wave over the bow that dang near left us standing ankle deep in water in a 19 foot Warrior!!!! I have never seen anything like it. The Boat Cops were busy as heck yesterday! A tip of the cap to them for trying to keep things under control in the chaos that was out there this weekend.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I was out for a couple hours on Sat afternoon. Went from Everts down the the head of the lake…between 2 and 5 pm.

    I’m sticking to the dark side.

    Posts: 4062


    I was out for a couple hours on Sat afternoon. Went from Everts down the the head of the lake…between 2 and 5 pm.

    I’m sticking to the dark side.

    Is that a promise

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I’m sure a Tuffy wouldn’t be as hard to sink as that cruiser was.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Can we find out?

    Kirt, can i drive???

    Posts: 4062


    Can we find out?

    Kirt, can i drive???

    BrianK’s Cousin
    Posts: 84

    The Corps boat found it Thursday morning. When the “authorities” contacted the owner he said he hadn’t driven it “In 20 years”… And he’s the 3rd owner…. And it’s a ’94……. ???? (Haven’t heard anything more on it since Thursday)

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