Creating a website

  • hookem
    Posts: 1027

    Has anyone here created their own website? I am looking to create a new one or update an existing one for an auto glass installation business I bought recently. I was on the web looking at some sites that allow you to use their site to create or modify an existing site, but didn’t dig real deep into it. How hard is it to do?

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 1500

    I have my own site but I am lucky with the fact that I have good family and friends that have the knowhow. It is hard to answer if it is easy or not for you without knowing what you know.

    Cost wise you can set one up with google or other companies but there are free templates you can use also. It is all about how much you are willing to spend and how much time you are willing to dedicate to it. I have a site with a forum on it and I spend countless hours getting it “ready” and it is an ongoing process forever.

    Good luck

    Centuria, Wi.
    Posts: 32

    I would recommend Yahoo, they are very good with support and they have a sitebuilder tool that makes things fairly easy.

    Posts: 1282

    I’ve created many sites as well as my own. PM me if you need any tips.

    Posts: 1027

    I was looking at that site yesterday before I wrote this post. It looked like it would be a good site to use. Have you used it?

    Posts: 4179

    I believe Don uses it for his site. I also use it for mine ( and for another site that I’m currently trying to finish.

    Homestead is very nice. Easy to learn and use, and 100% WYSIWYG. I do updates to my site regularly (almost daily now) and Homestead’s interface makes that process quick and painless.

    Their rates are very reasonable, especially considering how much my site contributes to my overall revenue stream. I pay annually and that usually cuts a couple months off the overall price (pay for 10 or 11 and get the rest of the year free….something like that anyway).

    Posts: 1027

    Thanks Jason,
    I just looked at your website. It looks very nice. I’m off to homestead, wish me luck.

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