Which 2 cycle oil do you guys use?

  • Chad Luebker
    Annandale, MN
    Posts: 407

    Hello –

    I just recently bought a used 2 1999 stroke Johnson motor which has an oil reservoir seperate(no mixing gas & oil) and I am wondering what kind of 2 cycle oil everyone uses. For now I just purchased some Johnson/Evinrude oil but has anyone tried the cabelas signature 2 cycle oil. What do you guys use/recommend. Thanks.


    New Brighton, MN
    Posts: 1107

    I’ve been using the Johnson/Evinrude oil in my ’97, but have tried other stuff too. It doesn’t seem to stink as much as cheaper oil.

    I’m not an expert though.

    Kasson MN
    Posts: 365

    What ever you use make sure it is TCW3 rates and is low in ash. I use citgo land and sea we buy it at fleet farm <if you live close to one>

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3907

    Amsoil $28/gal its like cologne for my boat

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12559

    Johnson Brand for me. Never had a problem so not need to look at anything else. I had a friend that changed to a cheaper oil because he believd all oil was the same. Motor blew up less than 2 months later. Not saying the cheaper oil was the cause. But who knows.

    Posts: 3

    I have an Optimax, and between asking Warrior (who rigged it), talked w/shops and browsed the internet, I only use the Merc Optimax oil.
    Plus, I always put Stabil in every tank.

    New Brighton, MN
    Posts: 1107


    Amsoil $28/gal its like cologne for my boat

    So, are you saying it smells good? I’m not the original poster, but I’d like to try Amsoil… (I’ve heard good things about it in general).

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Here’s a portion of a post from our sponsor Ace. He should be along sometime today to help with any questions…I think he’s out working on a top secret catfish bait made with a petroleum base.


    I would not be real Comfy running a penzoil product after seeing results of engines that have used it over my 17 year career as a Petroleum Engineer. Although Amsoil is a step up from the Majors Such as Mobil and Pennzoil and such, there is still a lot of room for improvement. Perhpas you could take a seriious look at the Schaeffer Oil TCW3 Two cycle. http://schaefferoil.com/msds.html Follow this link and scroll down to Product code 706 and click on TD and give it a read. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. This is the oil that is used by folks that want their equipment to last a long long time!!!!

    Horace “ACE” Hurlburt – Advanced Lubrication Technologies
    “Our Technology Revolves Around YOU!
    E Mail: [email protected]
    Ph: 715-379-0737

    Ace knows oil better than Farve knows a football.

    Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3066



    Amsoil $28/gal its like cologne for my boat

    So, are you saying it smells good? I’m not the original poster, but I’d like to try Amsoil… (I’ve heard good things about it in general).

    Yes, I would say it smells good, but then again, depending on who you ask, i may be nutz???

    Heck I run it in all my stuff, weed whip, chain saw, auger, vehicles, and the list goes on.


    Stillwater MN / Houston Tx
    Posts: 131

    Simply put…. Use Schaeffer oil. You will be very pleased!!!!


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