The question on my mind is “Why didn’t we do this instead of a government bailout in the first place?” If it is such a “Great Plan” then why didn’t we let Capitalism play itself out? Now we are layering additional tax payer money on top of billions already laid at their feet.
We could have let the market work out it’s supply and demand issues. The way this Government is spending money on social programs should have all of you that love the “American” way of life shaking in your boots!
I don’t like what is happening one bit. We are going to see a social revolt, or the rolling over and dying of the America we knew and loved growing up.
This whole thing sickens me. 
When have we EVER had a president call out a CEO from a major company…and FIRE HIM ala GM??? 
Do you all see the groundswell starting in this country? We need responsibility by both parties. Let’s get rid of and be done with these handouts and get back to what made America great. Let’s not bankrupt our system, us and our children for someone’s “Pie in the sky” view of how they think Eutopia should be!!! Fact is, private industry knows best what works. The Government can’t even govern itself! Anyone see what is going on with the Postal system lately? Medicare? Social Security? Now we want them to handle our health care and the automotive industry?
Excuse me…but where do I get off this runaway train to extinction of the American way of life? 
Now back to work so I can donate my 60% of what I make so the government can dole it out to others. 
Sure with I had enough left over to spend and spur the economy…