cash for clunkers?

  • big_g
    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22920


    Glenn Beck – If it’s true!

    Very interesting…..funny how he WARNS everybody not to do it….. you can’t anyway. You have to be a signed up dealer to get to the pages that he is talking about. Scare tactic I think…. also, some of the car managers maybe need to be monitored by big brother

    big G

    Posts: 2014


    Good question…. the typical buyer that is buying under the clunker deal, is one who normally would not be buying a new car anyways. Yeah a small percentage may have bought a new car, but most of them are people who would have drove it til the wheels fell off, or would have bought another high mileage used car. What I see it affecting more, is used car values. They will go up. I like this program better than, giving the banks astronomical $$$$’s, so they can go to Club Med and try to figure out where they went wrong… or send their top performers to Vegas for a week with the cash.

    big G

    Ok so this leads me to my question. So I’m not hoping, just asking. OF all these people that normally would not buy a new car, I’m guessing mainly cause of cost, But now figured they could get a car that they may be able to afford, How many of these will end up defaulting? Then causing the same problem this is avoiding? Just a question.

    I mean isn’t this just like the housing market? How many people because of low interest rates, and poorly set up mortgages bought houses that now they can now no longer afford? I understand that there are some different variables, but it still doesn’t make sense to me.

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4545

    My dealer was going to let my 6 year old take a hammer to our car and any others on the lot from the program.

    I considered it for a minute, then decided that wasnt the best idea.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438



    Good theory on lowering the price but GM and Ford are already losing money on each and every car they make. I wonder how that could be…

    Eliminate 1/2 to 3/4 of the luxuries that seem to come standard on the vehicles of today such as power this, automatic that, computerized every thing and self dimming mirrors which are all nice things to have but not needed by many. Build affordable at an affordable price with quality in mind and the ability to make a livable profit and you will have a successful and striving company.

    Hey Obama when are you going to start the cash for clunker boat program ? I need a new boat not another over priced clunker

    I think if you look around there are a lot of stripped down cars on the market, from all the different companies. But I think most Americans feel they deserve all the luxuries, especially if their neighbor has them. Go to another country and you will see most people driving affordable cars.

    I also don’t agree on the boat cash for clunkers. Do you really want the Tuna boat drivers to cash in their 30’ boat that gets .1 miles per gallon for a 40’ boat that gets .2 mile per gallon? I don’t know that I could handle those wakes.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22920



    Good question…. the typical buyer that is buying under the clunker deal, is one who normally would not be buying a new car anyways. Yeah a small percentage may have bought a new car, but most of them are people who would have drove it til the wheels fell off, or would have bought another high mileage used car. What I see it affecting more, is used car values. They will go up. I like this program better than, giving the banks astronomical $$$$’s, so they can go to Club Med and try to figure out where they went wrong… or send their top performers to Vegas for a week with the cash.

    big G

    Ok so this leads me to my question. So I’m not hoping, just asking. OF all these people that normally would not buy a new car, I’m guessing mainly cause of cost, But now figured they could get a car that they may be able to afford, How many of these will end up defaulting? Then causing the same problem this is avoiding? Just a question.

    I mean isn’t this just like the housing market? How many people because of low interest rates, and poorly set up mortgages bought houses that now they can now no longer afford? I understand that there are some different variables, but it still doesn’t make sense to me.

    I would agree if the banks were lending to anyone with a heartbeat like before…. you still need to qualify/quantify that you can afford the payment. Most, not all, what I see is the cars that are coming in, are what we call college beaters. Now they send junior to school in a new car, or they drive them and give him their used car they were driving.

    big G

    Pete Bauer
    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2599


    I think if you look around there are a lot of stripped down cars on the market, from all the different companies. But I think most Americans feel they deserve all the luxuries, especially if their neighbor has them. Go to another country and you will see most people driving affordable cars.

    Well said B Curtis

    When I was truck shopping 2 years ago I couldn’t believe the price difference in a truck with options and one without. I ended up buying one without, only frill my truck’s got is power locks

    Figure I can manually roll up windows and for the price difference, that money buys a lot of tackle


    Posts: 163


    Glenn Beck – If it’s true!

    Scary! Thanks for the heads up. I linked it to my FB page for the masses. I am personally mixed on the CFC program. As pointed out in previous posts, it has pros & cons. My biggest concern is “over fishing the pool”(think Red Lake). There are a limited number of people who can even consider buying a new car in this economy & this program does help get them moving, but it also gets the folks who would have waited 6 months to a year from now to jump in early & buy now, and that is going to leave a huge slump in sales in the near future. It’s basically taking future auto sales(partially funded by our tax money)and lumping a years worth of sales into a 2-4 month period, leaving the potential for another Gov bailout of the auto industry in our near future, and I surely don’t want ANY more bailouts-I have 4 kids and it’s their future we are destroying.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    I’ll also raise my hand as someone that is sick of these types of government programs. I’m still waiting for the program that I will DIRECTLY benefit from. I get to help pay for them all (as will my kids and their kids). Since my wife and I already drive newer cars, I can’t benefit from this bailout. The same can be said about the first time home buyer program. I already own a house. I would still like to get an 8000.00 tax credit too. Instead of only getting to help pay for my neighbors tax credit.

    As for the financial bailout.. I’m not smart enough to know why that was so urgently necessary. Why isn’t the government helping bailout the airlines? How about the retailers that are going out of business (Sportsmans Warehouse)? When does it end?

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    This was sent to me today, thought it made the point

    My Body qualifies for CASH FOR CLUNKERS
    every time I sneeze, cough or laugh, either my radiator leaks or my exhaust backfires.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    The question on my mind is “Why didn’t we do this instead of a government bailout in the first place?” If it is such a “Great Plan” then why didn’t we let Capitalism play itself out? Now we are layering additional tax payer money on top of billions already laid at their feet. We could have let the market work out it’s supply and demand issues. The way this Government is spending money on social programs should have all of you that love the “American” way of life shaking in your boots! I don’t like what is happening one bit. We are going to see a social revolt, or the rolling over and dying of the America we knew and loved growing up.
    This whole thing sickens me.

    When have we EVER had a president call out a CEO from a major company…and FIRE HIM ala GM???

    Do you all see the groundswell starting in this country? We need responsibility by both parties. Let’s get rid of and be done with these handouts and get back to what made America great. Let’s not bankrupt our system, us and our children for someone’s “Pie in the sky” view of how they think Eutopia should be!!! Fact is, private industry knows best what works. The Government can’t even govern itself! Anyone see what is going on with the Postal system lately? Medicare? Social Security? Now we want them to handle our health care and the automotive industry?

    Excuse me…but where do I get off this runaway train to extinction of the American way of life?

    Now back to work so I can donate my 60% of what I make so the government can dole it out to others.

    Sure with I had enough left over to spend and spur the economy…

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Chris, i think we all jumped in to express our concern and frustration with the socialist views our Gov’t has taken. On a GOOD note, I was very pleased to see the demonstrations and turn out for the Health Care Town Hall Meetings. Hope that is the beginning

    Posts: 0

    I’m a hypocrite, I don’t like the program, but took advantage. We were looking at replacing a 03 Buick rendezvous AWD with 145,000, that has been by far the biggest POS we’ve ever owned, were offer $3000 on trade, so I inquired about the C for C. Our 03 turned into a 09 outback sport, $3000 turned into $3500. We are very fortunate and usually pay cash for our vehicles, but we financed at 0%. Win win!!

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22920

    The “American” way of life you speak of, has been slowly being taken away, not in the last year, but lets say several decades. Each generation, paying for the one that came before, has been happening, longer than I have been alive. There will need to be alot of corrections, I just don’t think we need to do them all at once. If anything, at least Obama has spurred the talk radio economy…. Limbaugh, Beck and the others, have never had it so good !!!!

    big G

    St Michael, MN
    Posts: 1095


    I’ll I’m still waiting for the program that I will DIRECTLY benefit from.


    If you work for a living, it will probably NEVER happen!

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317



    I’ll I’m still waiting for the program that I will DIRECTLY benefit from.


    If you work for a living, it will probably NEVER happen!

    Truer words were never spoken.

    NE Nebraska
    Posts: 757




    I’ll I’m still waiting for the program that I will DIRECTLY benefit from.


    If you work for a living, it will probably NEVER happen!

    Truer words were never spoken.

    Not in the next 4 years anyway.

    Posts: 0

    “If you work for a living, it will probably NEVER happen!”

    I don’t know, I work for a living & I benefited. Also, on a new car you get to take a deduction on the sales tax.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22920


    “If you work for a living, it will probably NEVER happen!”

    I don’t know, I work for a living & I benefited. Also, on a new car you get to take a deduction on the sales tax.

    Truer words never spoken… if your WORKING, consider yourself lucky. There are plenty who are not, through no fault of their own. Everyone stands to benefit from programs that keep americans working, in america.

    big G

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 178

    I couldn’t agree more Chris… I don’t understand how one industry can be selected and others neglected. Why not just let us keep more of our own money. I guess that makes too much sense.

    I’m waiting for the “cash for decoys” and “cash for hunting supplies” programs.

    Lino Lakes, MN
    Posts: 171


    the inlaws bought a new mini-van in sept (no trade in). the father inlaw has a 91 GMC 1/2 ton. can he still turn it in? and if so where does the credit go? I’m currently driving said vehicle do to unemployment. My lose is his gain, but no big deal.

    Great reads, but back to the orginal Question. can he still turn it in and recieve a cash credit?

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4545

    no, he cannot.

    Posts: 1564

    First off, I feel for the guys who have lost their jobs–they were working and WANTED to work.

    Them aside, if people merely would not live beyond their means we would not need such socialistic handouts.

    Maybe Obama should put prozac in the water supply laced with vicadin to keep this socialistic, unrealistic, supersarcastic artifical high going.

    We are all going to pay dearly, and once again the working man trying to live within his means is going to take it in the shorts.

    Be careful what you wish for—-you just might get it.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22920



    the inlaws bought a new mini-van in sept (no trade in). the father inlaw has a 91 GMC 1/2 ton. can he still turn it in? and if so where does the credit go? I’m currently driving said vehicle do to unemployment. My lose is his gain, but no big deal.

    Great reads, but back to the orginal Question. can he still turn it in and recieve a cash credit?

    Back to response number 2 by me……

    big G

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854


    “If you work for a living, it will probably NEVER happen!”

    I don’t know, I work for a living & I benefited. Also, on a new car you get to take a deduction on the sales tax.

    On a quick side note…..Obamy and his wizzards said to Refinance! “105% You can borrow” he said….That lasted about a week because so many took advantage of it the took it away and said if you wanna do that, You have to pay 2 points! He has yet to have a program that helps me 1 iota!!! I won’t trust anything his gov’t say’s as far as I can throw Tuckner!!!!

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22920

    If your waiting for a president to “help you”……….well…….nuff said.

    big G

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317


    I won’t trust anything his gov’t say’s as far as I can throw Tuckner!!!!

    Thats it! The world is ending! I am agreeing with CHAPPY!

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143


    If your waiting for a president to “help you”……….well…….nuff said.

    Well put G. Ask not what your country can do for you…..


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Sadly those of us who are not looking for a hand out are now outnumbered in this country. Until we figure out a way to eliminate professional/lifetime politicians, the voters Acorn keeps pushing will continue to vote in those who are giving away our way of life. What our country was founded on has truly been lost by politicians today.

    Colorado Springs, CO
    Posts: 1316

    I ran across this quote the other day and thought it fit this post and present state of the nation quite well.

    “You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my friend, is about the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.” Dr. Adrian Rogers (1931 – 2005)

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22920

    True words Tim Unfortunately, unemployment is only around 10%….. I don’t want to see another 40% I can’t remember where I read it, but some philosipher said that no Empire can ever survive more than 200 years…. He referenced the Roman Empire….. 1776-2009 = 233 years… are we on borrowed time ???? I believe we might be.

    big G

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