What do you guys think??

  • Chad Luebker
    Annandale, MN
    Posts: 407

    So I was interested in a pontoon this guy had for sale. I spoke with him on Sunday and Monday and set up a time to go look at it on Thursday because it’s at his lake cabin. I asked if he had any other calls/interests and he said no and if he did he would tell them to come look at it on Friday or Saturday. So on Monday night I got a voicemail saying a guy from shakopee drove out and looked at the pontoon and purchased it. I know people have to sell and can’t wait around but then why say that or at least tell me someone else was coming to look at it and I could have went and looked at it at the same time also. Would you guys call the guy back and at least express your frustration or drop it and move on??? Thanks.


    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    it happens all the time. Just blow it off and keep looking. As seller, you can not imagine how many days I have sat around waiting for a buyer to show up….only for a no show

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Drop it and move on.


    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    If he is like me, he would have been upfront and said the first one with cash in hand owns it. Just move on.

    jerry b
    western WI
    Posts: 1506

    Hey Chad
    I’ve been trying to sell my little fishing boat. It’s a pretty honest little guy, no frills, according to research it’s priced about right. 90% of the guys that stop are tire kickers, have to check with the wife, I’ll call ya tonite type guys. Even had one guy set up a test drive for yesterday morning. I never even hooked up the boat. Like I figured, he was strokin’ me. I’d say that your guy was totally within his rights. Money talks, BS walks jerr

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    All the above and…

    …cash in the hand is better than a promise of “I’ll be there” in the bush.

    …or something like that.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    The pontoon is gone. Just drop it. Calling him back won’t bring the pontoon back.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    Been there done that…… probably can’t trust a word the azz says anyways… your better off….

    big G

    Posts: 3681

    Well you set up a time to go see it,so I figure you have an address.I would wait several months and go vandalize his lake home and teach him not to mess with you.

    bear schutts
    Menomonie, Wisconsin
    Posts: 24

    I would just start looking for a new one and move on. I have been sitting on my boat for over 6 months now, and had a lot of people say they are going to show up to look at it and never heard from them again. I would go with the first person that show up with the money. People are not really buying things now so you gotta go with the first one with the cash.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    At least he called you and said he sold it to someone else. I think everyone else (except for the vandal) is right. First come first serve.

    Maybe he could have actually said that he will not hold it for you. That would have expressed it in black and white as a warning for you. Other than that, I’d say he did right by you.

    One step ahead of the Warden.
    Posts: 1589

    i’d probably call him back, yell at him a bit. you could always start stalking him, calling him at work, following him around, maybe even set his garage on fire…just to let you know how upset you are with him…

    just let it go, and the next deal you find, if you truly want to purchase it, i suggest getting the money and going that day, or you always run the risk of someone else beating you to it.

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 299

    Move on. I’ve had it happen to me before too. Luckily, I ended up with a better deal later on.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Here is how I’d look at it. If he setup an appointment and sold it out from under you, he probably was hiding something and needed it down the road. He probably saved you a headache or two. Tons of great deals out there right now and only going to be lots more as our taxes rise and umemployment continues to grow. Be patient and wait for the best deal for you and your family.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 1531

    cash talks and Bs walks.. in this economy.. it’s take the money and complete the sale.. if you wanted it.. go buy it now..

    he who hesitates is lost..

    Richard V.
    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Posts: 2595

    Forget it, you don’t know if you would really like it.

    Sugar Land, TX
    Posts: 609


    Well you set up a time to go see it,so I figure you have an address.I would wait several months and go vandalize his lake home and teach him not to mess with you.

    I think Stuart just got done with the Goodfellas, Godfather, Sopranos, Mob marathon.. so I can see where is is coming from on this..

    but don’t do it.. seriously.

    Posts: 1957

    First come, first serve. He gave you plenty of notice, why would you be upset with him? As a seller you can’t sit around and wait or tell the potential buyer standing in front of you with cash in hand that…”no I can’t sell it to you, a guy is supposedly coming to “look” later this week”. He called you right away and let you know it was sold.

    Cash talks…”I’ll be there in a few days”…walks. I would have sold it as well. If there’s a for sure buyer in this economy, sell it! Don’t wait around for the guy that’s coming but might not buy it, don’t wait around for the potential no show or tire kicker….sell it!

    When you find that next good buy, don’t wait around till later in the week. Have the cash at your disposal, get in your rig and go. If you don’t, someone else will which is exactly what happened here.

    Move on.


    Posts: 3681

    First off let me say that I would not vandalize the guys place,it was a Joke
    But most of you must have missed a sentance in Chads post where the guy said if anyone else calls I will have them look at it after you come on thursday.
    So me,I’m old school,I take a man at his WORD. Chad has every right to be a little P.O. A phone call would not be out of order to say I took you at your WORD and you lied to me Jerkoff.Will not get you a boat but will let him know that you called him for being a lier.

    Now dont get me started on when a man looks you in the face,shakes hands and then screws you.

    Fairmont Mn
    Posts: 35

    I have always said…you snooze you loose.If i want something i jump on it.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    Like Stuart says… if he told you one thing, then did another, that at a minimum makes him an azzhole. Maybe a nice phonecall, thanking him for being such a stand-up guy, might wake him up and he might see what he did to you. If he has any conscious, you might make him feel bad. Either way the pontoon is gone, if it would give you some satisfaction, give him a courtesy call…. then again, he didn’t give you one… I know when I was selling a Jeep, I screwed up a weekend waiting for a clown that never showed… a few bad apples and were all labeled, as evidenced by alot of the responses. Too bad a mans word ain’t worth a chit anymore…. BTW… growing up I was taught, your word shows your worth….I live by mine.

    big G

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Chad, is that Marine dealer still in Dassel?

    This is one area that Ido stands out in. I know if someone on Ido says they will do something, there’s a good chance they will live up to what they promised….if they’ve been in the forums for a length of time.

    Just registered and only a couple posts? Be careful.

    I guess the longer they’ve been on a website posting, the deeper the roots and the more they have to lose by screwing up.

    If the world had more Big G’s and Stuart’s, it would be a better place…If there were more Bk’s in the world…

    it would be a much louder place.

    Chad Luebker
    Annandale, MN
    Posts: 407

    Thanks for all your responses. I am only mad because of exactly what Stuart said. The guy told me he was not going to show it to ANYONE else because he was not even at his lake place and didn’t want to make a special trip to show the pontoon because he is always there on Thursday through Sunday. I understand you have to sell when you can BUT at least he could have called me and said – Hey, I am showing the pontoon can you come out and look at it at the same time??? Anyways, it’s gone and I am still on the search.

    BrianK – The marine dealer in Dassel has been closed down for about 2-3 years. Sad to see it go!!

    Thanks again everyone.

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100


    I spoke with him on Sunday and Monday and set up a time to go look at it on Thursday because it’s at his lake cabin. I asked if he had any other calls/interests and he said no and if he did he would tell them to come look at it on Friday or Saturday.

    If it makes you feel better (which I doubt it will) you have a legitmate right to ask the pontoon owner why he told you that he wasn’t going to show the pontoon to anyone else before your scheduled Thurs appointment and then he did just that. The only reason to do this is to state how disappointed you were to hear that he sold the pontoon to someone else. This will hopefully prevent him from doing something like this again and not have someone end up feeling like you do.

    One step ahead of the Warden.
    Posts: 1589

    I would still set his garage on fire…

    Posts: 3681


    I would still set his garage on fire…

    Better yet,impregnate his wife and daughter.

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