We hear so many accounts of bad service that I wanted to share a positive one. This spring I bought a Lowrance HD5X from Cabelas in Owatanna.{Sorry Wade I had a gift cert. to use up] Later on an upgrade was made available. For some odd reason the only way to upgrade my model was thruogh another unit that already had the download done to it. Not having one and not wanting to wait for Lowrance to take care of it. I went to the service dept. at Cabelas who directed me to the marine dept. to talk to Scott.Scott at first wasn’t sure that an upgade could be done but at my request he looked at lowrances website and found that it was possible, so he said he was willing to try it.First he went through the online tutorial then printed out the instructions. then he downlowded the info to a brand new chip which he then loaded into a unit that they had in stock then he hooked my unit to theirs and downloaded the upgrade to my unit. All this took close to 2 hrs. of Scotts time when he wasn,t available for other customers. he was cheerful and polite the whole time and when it was all done he thanked me for the chance to learn something new and sent me on my way with no charge including for the memory card. I thought this was above the call of duty and wanted to Thank Scott and Cabelas at owatonna.
August 10, 2009 at 3:38 pm