How young is too young?

  • mallard_militia
    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108

    To try and teach your little girl to read a graph and pick out her own tackle?

    Pics are of my little girl Maeva at 8 months. She sure loves watching the colors and the fish symbols swim by on the X67C. No fish that day, but she’ll get the hang of it.

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    I have my daughter of 17 months picking out her own leeches…

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Looks like she’s ready to take over the captains chair, Jason!

    Mora, MN
    Posts: 756

    Nice pics Jason! Looks like she’ll be driving the boat by 2yrs.

    I had Wyatt out on the golf course yesterday. He needs some practice, but he’s definitely on the right track. Now if only I could find someone that’s good at golf to teach him.


    Posts: 423

    That’s sweet! I have a photo in my office were one of my girls is using the FL-18 as a gold fish crackers holder and pointing… Then I have my other daughter pointing to the Edge screen “fish!” Good stuff!

    Posts: 1036

    never too young!

    Here is Gracyn at 2 years fighting with Chesney to get out of the way so she can scoop some more sunfish out of the livewell!

    Great stuff thanks for sharing!


    Hixton, WI
    Posts: 457

    I love to see all these posts. As a confirmed “tom boy” when I was younger. I hunted and fished along with my Dad for years. Now, I sell boats along with him.
    However – he is on his way to Canada with my son and I am stuck here at work… something is wrong with this picture…

    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108

    I like the leech picture!

    Lars- Just let me know when you want a good golf lesson.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923

    Never too young for anything in the outdoors. By five, my first daughter needed something more challanging than fishing, so she started trapping!

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    She probably drives better than you !!!

    Rice Lake, WI
    Posts: 620

    Never can be to young! Nothing better than a youngin waiting to be outdoors

    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108


    She probably drives better than you !!!

    That’s not too far from the truth. I creamed the lower unit on a rock about an hour later of that pic.

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