Weight Watchers for men

  • kooty
    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I’m looking for a good meal planning tool. One that will help me calculate how many calories I, my wife and kids should each be taking in each day. One that can add/keep track of meals I cook for the family etc… Thinking of a software based tool that will allow me to save items and combine for meals to see how a meal/day/week stack up. Ideally, this same tool would allow me to print a grocery list of the items.

    Is there such a tool? Anyone use anything like this? I’ve been smoke free for a little over two months now. Now I need to get my in a little better shape. I need more energy. I’m not a gym rat nor do I have the time or drive to ever have a six pack again. I simply want to slowly transition into a bit of a healthier diet. NO, I’M NOT GIVING UP BEER!!

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18981

    Getting a handle on your intake is definitely the most important thing. I wish you luck with that. As far as getting in better shape I’ll share what works for me. Walking. Every weekday for 20-30 minutes. As fast as you can maintain. It will do wonders for your cardiovascular and is relatively low impact on your body. That coupled with your active lifestyle should have a very positive impact on health and well being. I look at as exercising on weekdays so your in good shape to enjoy the weekends.

    Just because you carry some blubber doesnt mean you cannot be in decent shape at the same time. Especially cardio which is probably the most important.

    Sioux Falls, SD
    Posts: 71

    My wife and I use Slimfast online. Its free and will set up a meal plan and shopping list and recipes. It wants you to buy slimfast products(which we don’t) but I have lost about 20lbs and my wife about the same. We just use it for ideas and guide to follow. Good luck.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    As far as getting in better shape I’ll share what works for me. Walking. Every weekday for 20-30 minutes. As fast as you can maintain. It will do wonders for your cardiovascular and is relatively low impact on your body.

    Couldn’t agree more. A good fast pace walk every day. And for me its with the dog! Great motivator. Can’t say no when he gives ya the look!


    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1574

    Your last sentence saved me. I saw ‘6 pack’ and I was worried. I have no advice, I can’t keep the weight on, I know, I know, everyone hates me. Maybe it’s the beer and cigs? Ah well, best of luck to you, I like Mike’s advice, I do that and it is fun to see the folks in the ‘hood by doing so.

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1737


    Your last sentence saved me. I saw ‘6 pack’ and I was worried. I have no advice, I can’t keep the weight on, I know, I know, everyone hates me. Maybe it’s the beer and cigs? Ah well, best of luck to you, I like Mike’s advice, I do that and it is fun to see the folks in the ‘hood by doing so.

    Czech — those keep it on me…

    Kooty — my wife uses weight watchers online and it tracks everything she eats daily same as going to meetings but more convienent and cheaper! Good luck

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22912

    Do you really want a response from me…??? If you find something, let me know…

    big G

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    For those wondering, I covertly photoed Kooty’s 6 pack he spoke of earlier. This was from the Big D Opener GTG on Mille Lacs this Spring. Sorry for the poor quality.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22912

    Is that Grows VW in the background ????

    big G

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Yeah!!! You remember! The windmill was just to the right hand side! Dan was sitting on the dock!

    Posts: 76

    I use fitday.com.
    It’s free and has a decent database.
    Any calculator will take some work to start just stay with it.
    Remember weight loss is all about calories in vs. calories burned.
    Instead of looking for the ‘perfect’ program, try this one change.
    Get rid of processed foods. Eat foods in their natural state.
    Depending on your body type and age. If you are seeing that spare tire start to show up? Alcohol will have to go.
    Your body cannot store alcohol so it burns those calories as they enter the body and stores the rest.
    So when you follow that t-bone with a couple beers and a cocktail, those fat calories from that steak and the sour cream on that potato go right to the mid-section.
    If you are serious about this google ‘burn the fat, feed the muscle’. A bible for common sense weight control.
    Good luck

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    if you are interested, shoot me a PM and I can help you a little bit with this.


    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Kooty heres a couple things I do to keep my weight down. I know I have to have the energy to do things everyday and to keep me going to so I drink apple juice most of the day instead of pop. I used to drink pop all day long and by the end of the day I was tireing. I went from that to apple juice and my enery levels is better because of the vitamin C I now have. I’ve got energy all day and Im not overweight, I used to have a sparetire around my midsection until I started drinking apple juice over ice all day.

    Another thing you may want to consider is eat a balanced diet. Studies have been made on very old age groups and why they live so long, are as active as they are and why they aren’t over weight. The reasons they came up with were the foods these people eat. Thier not diet foods they are a balanced diet of greens, meat and starches. You can eat big meals of these because if you eat all these things on one plate they ofset eachother and then they are burned as energy and you don’t gain weight, it takes all of these foods to balance things out and you’ll feel much better. I weigh less now, am more active and have more energy then I did befor I made these changes last year. It took a few months to see the diffrence but these things do work. Im 5-8″ and probably weight 165, befor I was pushing 200 and most of the time halfway tired. Simple food adjustments is all it takes, it did for me and doctors say it works for alomst everybody. I go to dollar general and buy two half gallons of apple juice at a time every couple days, sometimes grape juice and thats all I drink and its more satisfying then pop and maybe cheaper and tases better. It’ll take a few weeks to see the diffrence but it will work.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Ah hell, I’d love to get back to a 12 pack. This case I’ve been sporting the last few years is getting heavy.

    Thanks for the info all…well, some of you.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    No problem Kooty!

    Actually, I foumd some valuable info out of those links.

    Posts: 3681

    Kooty,Thanks for posting this question I am smoke free for 2 months also,after 35+ years and all I want to do is eat and eat and eat.Putting on a little weight has got to be better than sucking the slow death,but would like to get a grasp on the belly pudge that I have going right now.
    Best of luck on kicking the habit for good..

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