Google’s OS is a pipe dream. Do you save any personal data on your pc/laptop/MAC hard drive?? If so, are you prepared to save all that data at Google’s datacenters? Do you trust they are not looking at it? Do you trust they aren’t letting the government look at it? Do you trust they aren’t selling it?
This will be an advertisement injected OS that is for people who only browse the web and want to be marketed to all day long. Would you like pop up ads while running your word processor?
Anyone know why Microsoft doesn’t fight all the funny ads MAC puts out? Cuz they don’t have to.
Anyone(short of video editing nerds(sorry James)) who thinks spending at least twice as much for a box with MAC on it is wasting your money. MAC is a great product, but it’s no more stable than any other piece of hardware. If you think there aren’t hackers out there writing stuff to infiltrate the MAC OS, you are crazy.
Buy what you want is my point, but don’t be fooled by the marketing fluff. Be sure to limit what your kids can install and don’t be looking around at naughty websites. Put a good virus/spyware software on the machine and be sure it updates itself at least daily. Backup your data, you never know when a hard drive is going to fail.