Mille Lacs anglers BEWARE!

  • corey-studer
    Posts: 423

    My dad called me last night to inform me to be sure to keep your rods locked up when not in your boat or in view. He said there have been quite a few reports of rods being stolen from various locations around the lake. The resorts he mentioned that have been hit the last couple of weeks: Fisher’s, Castaway’s, Hunter’s, Red Door and Agate Bay.

    I know it may be tough out there for some, but come on people! Stealing others values and fun stuff to boot?!

    Just a heads up to fellow anglers.

    Worthington, MN
    Posts: 190

    whats wrong with people these days!?

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    The fiance and I were talking about that just last night. If someone busted in the garage and took just the rods and tackle boxes I’d be out around 2K. It’s amazing how much that stuff can pile up in price, especially if you had to replace it all at once.

    Pool 4
    Posts: 102

    We had someone steal the transom support from our boat in Fergus Falls last spring
    I always worry about someone stealing the humminbird or the rods from the boat when we are eating inside.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559


    Fisher’s, Castaway’s, Hunter’s, Red Door and Agate Bay.

    We camped at Fischer three times last year and this was a problem on at least two of those trips. We did some garage sales up there and I got some tackle dirt cheap on one of those trips…I wonder if there is a correlation.

    Hastings ,MN
    Posts: 2440

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4080

    Thanks for the heads up. Usually I take things out of the boat or lock it up, but sometimes it sits idle for a few hours unattended. I guess I take for granite that most of the people up there are great, but there is always a few bad eggs. Hope they catch em.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    Fisher’s, Castaway’s, Hunter’s, Red Door and Agate Bay.

    You can add in Wilderness and The Wharf. Basically every single resort on the east side of the lake!!! Thefts have occurred at campsites and in the harbor. I guess I have been lucky…that or my dog is doing his job!


    liberty missouri
    Posts: 101

    We had the same problem at Bucksaw Resort here in Missouri. They installed cameras and the water patrol nabbed the thieves. Hope they get life plus 99yrs.

    South end
    Posts: 745

    The week after the 4th I was told by my neighbor that a PWC w/ a male and a female, were circling around my boat on the lift, during broad daylight, when he walked out on his deck and he shagged them away. They said they were checking out a “fishing area”, to the question of what were they doing there. They haulled [censored] away and sadly no lic # was written down.

    Posts: 351

    We stay at Izaty’s the first week of June every year and this year I had a G loomis GLX 783 and a Shimano Stradic Magnesium vanish? If I caught the low life scum there would have been no need to call the police just the meat wagon


    Steven Krapfl
    Springville, Iowa
    Posts: 1862

    We stay at Izaty’s the first week of June every year and this year I had a G loomis GLX 783 and a Shimano Stradic Magnesium vanish? If I caught the low life scum there would have been no need to call the police just the meat wagon

    I must agree. I have the exact same setup and if it disappeared, and I found out who it was, there would be hell to pay


    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    The exact reason, I don’t leave my boat in a slip up there.

    It is too easy to take the boat in and out!

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 691

    Two of the lowest scum of the earth dirt bags – thieves and sex offenders….. Not enough ammo produced to take them out…

    Ask me to borrow my gear, not a problem. Steal it – you are looking at a lead sandwich….

    Where did these dirt balls learn that taking others hard earned possessions is OK? Wow this kind of cr_p makes me wonder where this planet is headed… Didn’t cavemen rule the earth quite a number of years ago? When I read the headlines (which is rare anymore, too depressing and I refuse to join the Prozac crazed crowd) it appears that many individuals haven’t evolved beyond cavemen mentality. Leave my cr_p alone! I always have a gun close by and I’m not afraid to use it! Off the soapbox…. Sorry for those that have been affected by the low life scum bags. Unfortunately those dirt bags aren’t smart enough to know how to log onto websites on their stolen laptops….

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946


    Whos in ?

    Lets set up a sting !!!

    Sorry Jon J and Tuck… Non leathal weapons only !!!

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317



    Whos in ?

    Lets set up a sting !!!

    Sorry Jon J and Tuck… Non leathal weapons only !!!

    You always take the fun out of things.

    I’m out.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 691

    That right there is funny!

    If ya need backup, let me know, I’m in….

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403



    Whos in ?

    Lets set up a sting !!!

    I in

    Thats exactly what I was thinking, a little camp out in the boat would sure put a stain in these idiots undies. They reach in for a rod and you grab their arm. That would ruin their night really fast and probably get them sitting some time if you could keep a hold of them.

    I was also wondering that this is a crime in the Mille Lacs area that just didnt start happening. These resorts have some high dollar rigs coming and going dont you think they would invest in some security cameras or a night patrol man/night watch. I know these things cost money but the resorts listed here get some high rollers in and out the least that they could do is get some additional security.

    I NEVER leave a rod in the boat anywhere not even parked in my own driveway which is a total pile of garbage however There’s too many low life scumbags in the world to be risking a $150+ rod and reel

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    This would be a hoot !!

    One or two guys manning the cameras !!

    while a guy or two are under the boat covers just waiting for a hand to pop in !!!

    then we could roll the footage here on IDO !!!

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    Just let me know when and where it would be great to show the footage

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    What do you think James ?

    Would this be a good episode for In-Depth Outdoors ?

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I refuse to take part in such violence.

    Who is bringing the beers, this could get fun!!

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403


    I refuse to take part in such violence.

    Nobody said anything about violence

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    I thought the definition of violence went in thre round about way of being only violence if un-provoked and I figure the second they touch your stuff you are provoked enough and now are in self defense mode???? legal all around


    Posts: 289

    I heard they caught some people on the local lake here. They were going from dock to dock in the dark taking anything they could from boats and loading it on a pontoon. I’ve had stuff taken in the past, they are lucky the cops caught them. You could probably do alot of “accidental” damage to a guy with a big bucktail.

    Posts: 974

    I say if you catch them, give em a boat ride to Hennepin island
    you cant go down wind of that place without wanting to puke

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