Update to My Squirrel Problem

  • BrianK’s Cousin
    Posts: 84

    In regards to the squirrels eating the wiring, pots and now the deck chairs – I decided I couldn’t poison them – too much of a wimp, I guess. So I bought one of those “have-a-heart” traps and, using peanut butter and crackers – caught nothing but air for a week. Then I bought a bigger one. More air. So I bought a bag of unsalted peanuts on Wednesday. Thursday – again nothing.
    Reset the trap this morning (Friday), got home from the dam job about 3:30 and – BINGO – got one!! So, after the old guy got home at 4, we drove down to Lock 3 and left a new resident in the visitors area. Debated about stopping at the Island, but went straight home instead. It was now a little after 5. Reset the trap and went inside for a bite to eat. Came out less than an hour later and – BINGO – another one! So now there are 2 new residents at LD #3!! Who knows what the morning will bring!

    Richard V.
    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Posts: 2595

    Congratulations BC, it sounds like you have a pattern dialed in now. You might as well go ahead and clean them out of the neighborhood. Have fun…

    Posts: 5130

    I use pretty small live traps for my nuisance squirrel trapping jobs. I also found that whole peanuts in the shell is the best bait out there and is cheap.
    If you are trying to rid your yard of squirrels, good luck, as they will repopulate an area as fast as you take them out.

    Posts: 3681


    If you are trying to rid your yard of squirrels, good luck, as they will repopulate an area as fast as you take them out.

    Not if you line your yard with there heads on stakes,keeps the kids out of the garden also.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Stuart, you might not want to give the dam cousins “old guy” any ideas.

    BrianK’s Cousin
    Posts: 84

    Yeah – he’s got enough goofy ideas as it is!!!
    Caught another one before 7 am this morning! That’s #3.
    I still don’t understand why they eat the plastic flower pots and the paint off the metal deck chairs…??

    Eau Claire , WI
    Posts: 2786

    My parents neighbor has a great little jack russel that take care of their squirel problems easy. the thing won’t come half way down the trees anymore. It’s fun to watch she gets a run at the tree and get about half way up and grabs em by the tail. It scares them enough that they don’t come down when she’s out

    Posts: 3681


    Yeah – he’s got enough goofy ideas as it is!!!

    Sorry you thought it was a goofy idea I didn’t mean for my idea to come across squirrly.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I don’t think it came across squirrely….more like …NUTS!

    Cousin, I think you guys found your calling!

    Posts: 3681

    Gee you talk like we’ve met.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2104

    I still could use a black or even a white squirrel. So if you get one, shoot me a PM.

    Posts: 3681


    Will do. Caught #6 this morning.

    Only 412 more too go. Best of luck to ya.

    Ron Johnsen
    Platteville wi
    Posts: 2968

    Glad to see yor useing a live trap

    Ron Johnsen
    Platteville wi
    Posts: 2968

    well not nuts but maybe a little touched

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Yo Cuz, you might want to talk with Dean at Everts.

    We lost power around 6:45 this morning. Dean had a smoking squirrel next to the bait shop.

    Posts: 3681


    . Dean had a smoking squirrel next to the bait shop.

    Was he hanging out with the owl eating fish?

    BrianK’s Cousin
    Posts: 84

    Somone should tell them that cigarettes are bad for their health….

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