What does one TRILLION dollars look like?

  • Richard V.
    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Posts: 2595

    1.) The first picture is a packet of one hundred $100 bills is less than 1/2 inch thick and contains $10,000.

    2.) The second picture is believe it or not, this next little pile is $1 million dollars (100 packets of $10,000). You could stuff that into a grocery bag and walk around with it.

    3.) The third picture is well a measly $1 million looked a little unimpressive, $100 million is a little more respectable. It fits neatly on a standard pallet…

    4.) The forth picture is $1 BILLION dollars… now we’re really getting somewhere…

    5.) The fifth picture is ONE TRILLION dollars. This is that number we’ve been hearing so much about. What is a trillion dollars? Well, it’s a million million. It’s a thousand billion. It’s a one followed by 12 zeros.

    It’s pretty surprising. (And notice those pallets are double stacked.)

    So the next time you hear someone toss around the phrase “trillion dollars”… that’s what they’re talking about.

    Winona, Minnesota
    Posts: 1073

    Get ready for us..US. to be forking out several of those for all the stuff the current government wants to RAM through!
    My question: with constantly diminishing numbers of people to flip the bill, who will be paying when we all are “in the need”?
    Da gravy train cannot go on forever and it has and will continue to grow by leaps and bounds.
    I, like many have become numb to the whole thing…just what they want!!

    Posts: 1027

    At the rate this president and his democratic croonies are spending and want to continue spending trillions of our taxpayers dollars we will never recover from it. They will drive many of the rich out of the country to safe havens to protect their riches, and drive small businesses into the ground with regulations and taxes. Where is the logic? Is this the change you can believe in? Glad I didn’t vote for him!!!

    Fountain City, WI.
    Posts: 1606


    At the rate this president and his democratic croonies are spending and want to continue spending trillions of our taxpayers dollars we will never recover from it. They will drive many of the rich out of the country to safe havens to protect their riches, and drive small businesses into the ground with regulations and taxes. Where is the logic? Is this the change you can believe in? Glad I didn’t vote for him!!!

    He got better than 50% of the vote to win the election!!!!

    I have asked the question “Who voted for him?” and can find very few people that say they did!!!

    Where are all these voters?? Maybe they moved to Iran and voted for Ahmadinejad!!! YEAH…..THAT’S THE TICKET

    Posts: 1960

    Doesn’t matter who voted for who now. We are still all Americans and in the same boat, so we better pull together and get this boat bailed out and sailing straight again. It saddens me to think of the bills my boy and his generation will be paying by the time he enters the workforce.


    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4539

    Keep that trillion picture in mind when they talk about a trillion dollar budget and finding 400 million of savings.

    Richard V.
    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Posts: 2595

    Here is something to put a little more perspective into this. You can only put 56 pallets of $100 million on a standard 53′ semi trailer and it would take more than 178 trailers to transport the whole Trillion. But two pallets would fit into my truck comfortably.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 21

    that is a massive amount of money.

    Posts: 21

    Here’s another one for reference…

    One million seconds ago was 3 days ago.

    One billion seconds ago Jimmy Carter was in office.

    One trillion seconds ago was 30,000 BC.

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607


    Doesn’t matter who voted for who now. We are still all Americans and in the same boat, so we better pull together and get this boat bailed out and sailing straight again. It saddens me to think of the bills my boy and his generation will be paying by the time he enters the workforce.


    I worry about my boys too. They are 11 months and almost 3 years old. I am far from rich, but am lucky to still be able to still provide for my family. But I do feel helpless in all of the money that is being thrown around. What can we do?


    Otranto, IA/Hager City, WI
    Posts: 616


    What can we do?

    We can get the big spenders out of there the next go around.

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607



    What can we do?

    We can get the big spenders out of there the next go around.

    Will it be too late?


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Quite possibly. However, we have no chance of getting these guys out. The special interest groups have probably realized if they vote in the right people, they have a free ride on those of us who work for a living. It’s a very typical ending to most democratic civilizations historically. I honestly wonder if I’ll see the next civil war or if it will be my grandkids generation. I hope I’m so wrong, but it just doesn’t feel right in my gut. Nationalized healthcare? What will that cost me? Higher costs for energy? Higher taxes? I mean, how much will it take to make a comfortable living with the ability to have a boon doggle every now and then. Let alone owning luxury items like boats and SUVs. We got crooks and murders making laws on our behalf. They write themselves nice paychecks and funding for life. Seems like a good gig if you can get the work.

    Dave G
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 631

    Lets see….

    about a trillion bucks for the Iraqi war and over 100,000 people killed


    about a trillion bucks for health care so we may all have a chance at life.

    A trillion bucks is just pocket change in the big picture of life. It won’t matter a bit once we, or our love ones, are critically ill or dead.

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464

    100,000 people killed? Americans? I hardly think so. Obviously 1 is too many but 1) that is the price of war and 2) people who join the military know the risk ahead of time. Freedom isn’t free but it what our Constitution revolves around. Health care is not! Public health care is a disaster, ask anyone who lives where they have it.

    “I’m sorry Mr. Smith it is our opinion that treating your incurable disease is simply putting good money after bad. All we can do now is send you home to rot.”

    In other words X number of dollars per period of time will be available. Let’s say that at patient number 1000 they’ve run out of money for that time period. Problem is you are patient number 1025 and you just got sick or broke an arm. What then? Don’t think that doesn’t happen. Speak to a Canadian who’s lived it.

    If you are waiting on the government to make your life better you will die an unhappy person. No one but NO ONE is to take care us us except US! I for one will NOT vote in someone who runs on the platform that they will take care of me! Why? Look at the big picture. Above.

    Waterloo, Iowa
    Posts: 889

    Very well put. With Socialism, sooner or later, you will run out of someone elses money.

    Dave G
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 631

    The Cost of War: Iraq Death Toll Lives Lost in Iraq: at least 186,891 http://www.infoshout.com/

    Some see that a trillion for the Iraq war as OK, but a trillon for health care is bad. Others see it differently.

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464


    The Cost of War: Iraq Death Toll Lives Lost in Iraq: at least 186,891 http://www.infoshout.com/

    Some see that a trillion for the Iraq war as OK, but a trillon for health care is bad. Others see it differently.


    4,311 US Military, 179 British Military, 139 Other Country Coalition Forces

    Well at least the link provided seems fair and balanced. Less than 5000. No where near the original number you posted, or the second number. Call me an animal if you wish but I don’t give two red cents for the enemy casualties. Not even a thought. They’d have killed as many of us if they could have so, no regrets. Some are afraid to know the truth but here it is. War means killing. The side with the most killed loses. Very simple. In a perfect world I suppose thing could be settled with a flip of the coin or maybe a game of PIG. But this isn’t a perfect world. One thing I am completely sick and tired of is reading how people, many that are Americans, continue to blame America or act as if “we” are the worlds butcher. My open invite stands today the same as it always has. If these other countries are so dang innocent and great pull up stakes and move on out. But realize this. When you get to America’s border see if there are more people facing out than in.

    I don’t think it is cool that we spent a trillion at war in Iraq or Afghanistan. It could have been accomplished much faster and cheaper. It started off right but got bogged down thanks to the media and, of course, the feel good types. The media and American citizen have no business being kept up to the minute about war. Our business is to keep daily operations in America going. The soldiers business is to be kept up to the minute protecting our borders. That’s how it works.

    Someday, I dream, America will again have a president, congress, and senate with stones of steel. Iraq should have been reduced to a sand box and Afghanistan the same. When the big kid on the play ground gets sucker punched by a twerp he has two decisions. Sulk away and hope it doesn’t happen again or knock the little twerp over and ensure it doesn’t.

    I for one will NEVER EVER put a horse and pony show (“free” health care) above NATIONAL SECURITY. Boggles my mind how anyone can even contemplate doing just that.

    New Brighton, MN
    Posts: 1107

    Great post, Riveratt!

    koldfront kraig
    Coon Rapids mn
    Posts: 1830


    100,000 people killed? Americans? I hardly think so. Obviously 1 is too many but 1) that is the price of war and 2) people who join the military know the risk ahead of time. Freedom isn’t free but it what our Constitution revolves around. Health care is not! Public health care is a disaster, ask anyone who lives where they have it.

    “I’m sorry Mr. Smith it is our opinion that treating your incurable disease is simply putting good money after bad. All we can do now is send you home to rot.”

    In other words X number of dollars per period of time will be available. Let’s say that at patient number 1000 they’ve run out of money for that time period. Problem is you are patient number 1025 and you just got sick or broke an arm. What then? Don’t think that doesn’t happen. Speak to a Canadian who’s lived it.

    If you are waiting on the government to make your life better you will die an unhappy person. No one but NO ONE is to take care us us except US! I for one will NOT vote in someone who runs on the platform that they will take care of me! Why? Look at the big picture. Above.

    Posts: 6259

    The new health care plan cuts 10% in medicaide for the old folks it also questions the worth of new human beings and those with disabiltys that do not contribute to society because of there disease. Also the wealthiest Americans will be taxed at a rate of 57% to help pay for this new massive plan. I am sure that will inspire them to create more jobs for us little folk. We are about to enter a bad bad place…..and they cant stuff this down our throats fast enough, 1000 pages long and the goof balls that vaote on it dont even know what is in it.

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