The Cost of War: Iraq Death Toll Lives Lost in Iraq: at least 186,891 http://www.infoshout.com/
Some see that a trillion for the Iraq war as OK, but a trillon for health care is bad. Others see it differently.
4,311 US Military, 179 British Military, 139 Other Country Coalition Forces
Well at least the link provided seems fair and balanced.
Less than 5000. No where near the original number you posted, or the second number. Call me an animal if you wish but I don’t give two red cents for the enemy casualties. Not even a thought. They’d have killed as many of us if they could have so, no regrets. Some are afraid to know the truth but here it is. War means killing. The side with the most killed loses. Very simple. In a perfect world I suppose thing could be settled with a flip of the coin or maybe a game of PIG. But this isn’t a perfect world. One thing I am completely sick and tired of is reading how people, many that are Americans, continue to blame America or act as if “we” are the worlds butcher. My open invite stands today the same as it always has. If these other countries are so dang innocent and great pull up stakes and move on out. But realize this. When you get to America’s border see if there are more people facing out than in.
I don’t think it is cool that we spent a trillion at war in Iraq or Afghanistan. It could have been accomplished much faster and cheaper. It started off right but got bogged down thanks to the media and, of course, the feel good types. The media and American citizen have no business being kept up to the minute about war. Our business is to keep daily operations in America going. The soldiers business is to be kept up to the minute protecting our borders. That’s how it works.
Someday, I dream, America will again have a president, congress, and senate with stones of steel. Iraq should have been reduced to a sand box and Afghanistan the same. When the big kid on the play ground gets sucker punched by a twerp he has two decisions. Sulk away and hope it doesn’t happen again or knock the little twerp over and ensure it doesn’t.
I for one will NEVER EVER put a horse and pony show (“free” health care) above NATIONAL SECURITY. Boggles my mind how anyone can even contemplate doing just that.