Fishing and Christmas

  • stillakid2
    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    What a great combination! In our little world of angling, there’s nothing quite so complimentary as the holiday spirit! We love family and friends and giving gifts, from and of ourselves. It’s a time of year that seems to fit us very well and it seems there are so many similarities if you really compare the values and reasons to appreciate them both.

    Amidst all of this warm-hearted reassurance that there is still joy and peace on this earth, whether it be July or December, the ever present reminder of a credit card bill can dim the true freedom and pleasure that comes throughout the year. Birthdays and Christmas can be some of the greatest days we experience but can also be financially strenuous.

    In light of this little dark cloud that looms over so many of us, I thought I’d share a little idea with you all that might help lift the burden for future celebrations.

    Many of you operate off of a monthly budget, whether employed or self employed. In this budget, there should be a classification for everything you spend money on. Money out = budget item. Examine your current budget plan and incorporate a Christmas fund and start it this January. If at all possible, trim a little fat off the “mad money” fund and set aside these “trimmings” for the Christmas Fund.

    Simply assess what you spent this year and determine if you think it was too much, too little, or just right. Take that total and divide it by 10 months. This gives you from January to October to establish your needed funds and 2 months to do your shopping.

    Now, many of us are in “recovery mode” from this year. Might I suggest that you still budget in some savings for the next year to get the habit started, but keep it to a low, manageable level and replace “things” next year with creative “services”. Example: Help dad clear the gutters. Do a year’s worth of oil changes for mom. Gift certificate from yourself to anyone you please for 1 weekend on Mille Lacs or your favorite waterway. Reduce expenditures by giving of yourself. As the credit bill disappears, you can begin to place more money into the Christmas Fund. If it takes a year, so be it! It’s better to set money aside and let it earn a little interest than play “card of the month” for 0% interest or up to 29% in interest fees (depending on varying individuals and circumstances).

    For those who live a little more “free” with their money, you may be able to set up an account with your bank or through your employer, so the amount you designate for the Christmas Fund can and will be taken out of your paycheck automatically. It’s hard to miss what you don’t see! Let the account grow without thinking about it twice and then get contacted in October for the withdrawal of the funds and you can do your shopping.

    Hoping everyone has had a wonderful holiday season and that this little tidbit will help somebody out for next year!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    Very good advise Mr. Kid.

    When my company offered direct deposit, I set up 3 extra checking accounts. One account is for house, boat, car insurance and taxes. One other account is for monthly bills, and the third is for what ever we want to do with it…(sometimes it defaults to an emergency fund). The balance goes into our joint account which my wife can spend anyway she wants…as long as we have something to eat!

    Direct deposit is the best thing invented since check cards…which reminds me….I don’t work for US Bank, but I switched to them because they have a three tiered system where, when you use your cash card, you receive UPTO 1% cash back on all cash card purchaces. I know a lot of places have bounce back incentives for using there CREDIT cards, but this is for your money in your checking count.

    My 2 cents…back to fishing and jokes!

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    This is very good sensible advice that on occasion some is needed, me included. It dosent hurt to bring up the bottom line of sensability just to help the regular guy. We all like to give the most we can but like me on occasion its spontainous. We all need some honest accurate advice at times, it really does help and dosen’t hurt. Thanks Kid

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