Pool 4 info needed

  • johnnyb
    Davenport, Ia
    Posts: 199

    I finally was able to rearrange my schedule so I could sneek up to Pool 4 for a week. I have been watching the water levels online, but that is not the whole story. Could someone please share with me what’s happening on pool 4????? Hows the smallmouth/walleye/crappie bite? I am not asking for you to devulge your favorite spots, just an idea of what kind of structure you are catching fish on, and what baits are catching right now. I just want to make the most out of the little time I have. If you don’t want to share online please PM me and I will keep your info private.

    Thanks, JohnnyB

    Austin, MN
    Posts: 806

    The crankbait bite has been good this year. Leadcore w/#5,7 shad raps. 12-22ft. 2.4-2.7mph . Give Dean a call at Everts he has all the up to date info.
    Wallster ><((((>

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    When are you coming? A lot can change in a week or two,but currently,

    Leadcore is almost always a producer on the lake,and the bite has been off a bit as of late but fish are still coming to the boat on the breaklines. #5 & #7 shadraps & flickers in firetiger,hotsteel and gold are a good starting point.I would highly recommend being prepared to do some live bait rigging as well once you are on some fish.The river patterns are pretty similar as well,but dragging jigs are and can be lethal when and if the crank bite slows up.
    Crappies,bucktails and or minnows are producing in the regular crappie haunts.

    Pete Bauer
    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2599


    Crappies,bucktails and or minnows are producing in the regular crappie haunts.

    P4 Crappies, Now that sounds like fun!

    Davenport, Ia
    Posts: 199

    Dean, I will be arriving Sunday afternoon and fishing through Saturday the following weekend.

    Appreciate the info.



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