The what did Santa bring you thread?

  • newt
    Pillager, MN
    Posts: 621

    He stopped by our house early. DeerCam on Sunday night. I think my son talked to Santa on this one.

    Winona, Minnesota
    Posts: 1073

    This year Santa (boss) was pretty sweet!
    I am getting stuff togather for this hard water fishing and started with a shack, also got the ok for a fl-8, ice auger and heater!
    What the Santa warden fails to realize is now this means more time on the water.
    We will see how far the christmas cheer goes for that.
    Merry Christmas to all and to all a good Fishin.

    E. Moline Illinois along the Rock River
    Posts: 1180

    Here’s a picture of Santa dropping off my present.

    E. Moline Illinois along the Rock River
    Posts: 1180

    And here’s my present,a new mailbox.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2517

    Oh bummer…I thought you had a new pony!!!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    I’m jelous River Rat!

    I wanted one of those real bad and my wife didn’t have any objections(!)

    But they just don’t give them away…and there’s nothing wrong with the mailbox we have now and I want a new gps/sonar….

    So I’m jelous River Rat!

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    We opened our presents last night and there were alot of smiles and appreciation just like everyone has. I received one of the best christmas presents that i’ve ever gotten from my kids and they shoped alone without mom along. I love too cook all kinds of meals and sometimes when you have the time to cook its not the right time of day to start that meal. I opened this box and low and behold it was a beautiful oval shaped crock pot. It has a beautiful green ceramic pot in it and a beautifully stenciled outer steel cover with a really nice glass lid with porcelin handles on the lid and sides of the steel outer shell. I smiled for an hour after opening it. It shure is going to come in handy on all those days when i have time in the morning to put something on when im going to be busier during the day. Lots of birds, rabbits and wild or canned mushroom soup are going in this one.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    I got a travel cooler & warmer console for my van that will keep food cold or hot as it just plugs into the cig lighter. Also got a beautifull mirror that is shaped like a stop sign that has a really nice fancy wooden frame and in the mirror is sketched in white is a walleye. Got some money and of course some gift certificates to Hooked On Fishing Bait and Tackle [my favorite store]. Also got a walleye fishing mug and gift certificates to a restaurant. We celebrated Christmas last Sunday as one of my daughters and her husband took their 3 kids to Disney World in Florida Tues. -Fri. of this week and the best part about it is the kids had no idea they were going anywhere and don’t know where either. So when they get off the plane and find themselves at Disney World it will all be a big surprise. Thats the best Christmas present a grandfather could ever ask for-the happy surprise for my 3 grandaughters. Nate and Jessie [his fiance] who I consider my daughter also, will be over today for awhile. Another early present I got was my Dad is no longer suffering, and although I miss him, I know he is in heaven with Mom and is now happy again. He never was happy after she left to be with the Lord 29 years ago and his health was really bad towards the end. He gave me my love for the water [Mississippi river and lakes] and for that I am eternally gratefull. Thats an addiction I truely love. I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas. Christmas is a special time of the year. Its much more that giving and receiving gifts. Its a time to spend with loved ones, family gatherings, laughter, happy times, and most important of all its our Lord’s Birthday. Lets not forget Him who came to this earth so that we all may live eternally. That is the best Chritmas gift of all to each and everyone of us. Thanks, Bill

    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    I got the outdoor fireplace I’ve wanted for a few years.Also had a great time watching the kids open gifts.
    Ryan Hale

    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 399

    lump ‘o coal from my sweetheart

    I think I fished way too much!

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Put it this way-I must have been VERY GOOD!

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    There are a lot of kids in our extended family, so all of the adults agree to buy just for the youngsters. Fun watching kids open gifts on Christmas. That’s my present!

    Merry Christmas Everyone!

    Jon J.

    Posts: 79

    Hey Bill Maybe we should get together and do some shopping at (your–are favorit store). I also was lucky enough to get gift certificates for Hooked On Fisfhing!! Later—V

    Posts: 2627

    Cabela’s guidewear for me. Either Santa got the wrong house or he has a short memory because I haven’t been THAT good. I guess when ya marry a good woman she treats ya right!

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    AH Pro V, I see we were both lucky. Like Jon J. is doing is also what we started doing pretty much last year. We adults give to the kids as they enjoy it more than us adults do and the kids get more that way and we adults do get a few things from the kids and then Nate and I still give to each other as we both know where our favorite store is. It must be that good o’l fishing addiction we both have, . See you at ”our” favorite store. Thanks, Bill

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    River Rat… I’m not jelous anymore!

    I’m now a proud owner of a catfish mail box. Too bad it’s not a flathead…but now, everytime I go get the mail…I’m reminded to go catfishing!

    What more could a guy ask for?

    E. Moline Illinois along the Rock River
    Posts: 1180

    Hey Brian, If you want it that bad……I’ll send it to you. Just kiddin’, it was a gift from my folks. There in there 70’s and still think about me. What a great life.

    Badger, MN- not too far from the big pond!
    Posts: 88

    my wife went all out this year, and she got me a trap voyageur portable shantie, a couple of new ice rods, and a pile of tackle(she was tired of watching me almost kill myself with the old-portable, which had holes in the roof from the poker-style rods my boys use ) I’m a lucky guy, since my wife picked up on all my subtle hints…but then again…she got what she’s wanted for the last three years…..I guess it’s a matter of timing. Our family does the same draw names for the youngen’s too…so we spent last night watching our boys, and our nieces and nephews express what christmas is all about…giving and recieving, and sharing time with family and friends…life is good(and it’s even better considering I got to spend today with my family on the lake….we cought our limit of walleyes and about 50-60 perch…what a great way to spend christmas!!)
    Oh…and of course…my gift to me was a new auger and a new electric fillet knife…don’t know how I got along without one!!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    Thanks for the offer River Rat…I may have taken you up on that if my inlaws wouldn’t have given me one! Of all the mailboxs I’ve seen and I’ve been looking for a while (although for a more traditional one) the catfish is the kewlest one I’ve see. Rivers Edge (the makers) have the bass and lure ones, but they just aren’t appealing to me….

    Did I mention my parents gave me a certificate for two visits to a shrink?

    Today, my wife want’s to go to Cabella’s. Don’t know why, but how can I say no?

    What ever happened to the girl I married!?

    Milan Il
    Posts: 407

    Well River rat your house has its own idenity now no longer Franks old house*LOL

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2517

    My present came in the mail today from Cabela’s……..
    The Visa Bill !!!

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416

    I was lucky enough to get a new ice auger, and a couple of tip-ups from the greatest kids in the world. Okay, I’m a little biased towards them, and I’m not worried about either of them reading this. (no big heads) But I did enjoy the looks on their faces when they opened the gifts they got evenmore.
    Hope everyone had a great x-mas and hope everyone has a safe and prosperous new year.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    I couldn’t help myself here River Rat!
    Just too excited!

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    Not sure which mouth is bigger, WHICH ONE do you put the mail in. Jack..

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    Now Jack!

    It shows that you’ve never met me. If you’ve ever heard me talk, you would never ask a question like that!

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    oh baby…..the possibilities that can go along with that pic…….

    why do you always have to go and put yourself out there like that Mr. Brian (if that is your real name)???

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    I’ll bet the bills go in the fish mouth for the wife to get and pay and any money or fishing magizines or fishing toys go in his mouth so the wife doesn’t see them.
    Thanks, Bill

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    Looks like reefrunner and I have some competition in the ‘coolest hat’ category.

    Santa brought me a climbing stick, precision trolling guide, fishfinder battery, and a whole bunch of other goodies.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    Not so loud Bill! If my wife hears you, I’ll be back in my float tube!

    Gianni, that’s actually my second Christmas hat this year. The first one my two pup’s liked better that I. I left it on the table and went outside, when I came back in…one of them came walking around the corner with a puff of wabbit fur in his mouth. He said he was set up by his brother…either way, no wabbit fur left on that hat…

    They keep this up and they will both be “Muskie bait” this spring!

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