Today on my way to a job my truck quit. After looking at it I figured the fuel pump went bad. My regular mechanic did not have a way to test the pump so I went to the local Dodge dealer since I thought they would have the parts right away. They called me after testing it and said it was bad. But here is the problem. They said they will not have the part for 1 or up to 3 months or more because they are back ordered. And the new pump is a single pump that replaces the injector pump and the lift pump. And it costs $875. And he said that He called everywhere even aftermarket stuff and could not find anything. I would think that would be a part to have around.?.?
So I called my regular mechanic to get other options and he was able to order the pump that is in there now for $250 and he will have it in tomorrow. I should have taken the gamble of just having them replace it and it would have saved me over $200 in towing all over. Is it just me or is this dealer full of crap. It could have cost me a lot of time and money considering it was a company truck. I would have had to buy a new one if I had to wait that long. Just wondering if I was getting screwed or not.