
  • lenny_jamison
    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    I see there is a subscription order page at the top of the screen. When do the subscriptions for this website take effect? What is the Gaurdian forum going to be?

    Gator Hunter

    Alma Wi
    Posts: 1303

    I remember James stating not to long ago that this would never become a pay to play site. So what gives?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    Hi All,
    I know nothing more than you do about the Subscription Area.

    But, I’ve been thinking about this being a pay site for a while, because it does cost money to run a site like this. Not to mention up grading equipment and people’s time…..I’m just talking about all the users and, what is it called…bandwidth (I was told this costs money)?

    I guess the way I look at it is, would I pay the phone bill (and long distance) each month for all my friends to call each other and talk about fishing? Of course not. The sponsors help defray the costs, which would be like the phone company giving me a discount…but it’s still money coming out of my pocket!

    I’m not a very wordy guy…(some may disagree here) and I feel that I try to look at both sides of every issue before taking a stand. I don’t have to hear from the In-depthangling staff to know that I get more than $50 worth of infromation out of this site every year. At $10. it’s a steal…
    In fact…(tongue in cheek) you could put a $10. subsciption next to the Rapala’s at Cabela’s and like a Rap…if you use it…it’s going to help you catch fish….In my opionion….more fish than a Rap.

    Now that I’m thinking about it…I bought a used FL-8 from the swap forum and (I believe) I paid close to $50. less than the going price. Thanks CE’s!

    No misunderstanding here….I’m an end (registered) user and not connected with this site.

    James or whomever, I would prefer to send a check…what address do you want it sent to?

    Brian Klawitter
    Beach Brian

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    This will NEVER be a pay site.

    People have been contacting me, looking for ways to throw a donation towards the site and I’ve never had a way to conveniently accept a donation and I’ve never felt like I could offer anything extra in return. When somebody gives me extra, I want to give them extra. My intentions are to build some perks into the site for those that graciously contribute but everything that has always been free, well, that will NEVER change.

    Right now the system in place offers nothing more than a convenient way for those out there that have indicated they wanted to throw some support towards the site to do so. As this system becomes more established and evolves, the perks will be noted for those interested.

    No worries guys…

    And to those that have expressed interest in sponsoring the site, I thank you. Everything given will go right back into improving and expanding the site.

    Sound good guys? For now, this is a fancy way for me to take a donation and at the very least say a public thank you to those contributors and offer a tiny service/perk in return. I hope this clears up all the “pay site” worries?

    Happy holidays, all!


    I remember James stating not to long ago that this would never become a pay to play site. So what gives?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    James, we will have to agree to disagree….it should be.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Oh yeah… that sponsor’s forum just magically appears for those that subscribe. It’s already here on the site, last forum from the top in the communities forum category (trust me, you can’t see it even if you squint or shake your head side to side real fast).

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1654

    We should probably wait to hear from James himself on this topic before coming to any conclusions. It looks to me like the subscription is something you can do if you want to in order to keep this site going and take some of the financial responsibility off James.

    James…this is a great site.
    Thank you for everything you do and all the fishing knowledge, great friends I have met and great times on the water I have had because of this site, I was a lake fisherman, this site got me on the river…literally…I can’t thank you enough.
    I just signed up for the Gold Membership.

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    Don’t get me wrong guys, I am more than willing to pay some of the cost to help keep this place going. I was just curious what the subscriptions were all about.

    Gator Hunter

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1654

    Thanks James….looks like I was responding the same time you were.
    One quick question….how long does it take to for the subscription to go through? I followed the online steps.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1654

    Nevermind…it is updated.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Hey Buckshot

    I updated your user title but the access to the sponsor forum will take a couple days as Pay Pal chews on the processing and responds back to the site. My guess is by the day after Christmas everything will be firing on all cylinders. I thank you very much for your assistance!

    Happy holidays!


    Thanks James….looks like I was responding the same time you were.
    One quick question….how long does it take to for the subscription to go through? I followed the online steps.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1654

    Sounds good…Thank you.
    Have a safe and happy holidays.

    Alma Wi
    Posts: 1303

    James don’t get the wrong idea.I know this site has to be paid for in some way.If the advertisers and sponsers are footing the whole bill then you become beholding to them and their view of things. If the members help pay then the site should be able to be more unbiased. I guess if “The Kid” is the optimist I sometimes take the opposite tack to balence things out. To show my hearts in the right place I’m going over to the subsciptions and sign up for the gold.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I look forward to actually being able to ask some of the sponsoring members “so, whatcha’ guys want now” and actually be able to make it happen! That would be WAY too much fun.

    Lots of really cool things we can do around here yet…. so little time… lol

    Thanks much Yellowdog and may you have a very merry christmas. All my shopping, wrapping and worrying is done. This guy is ready to relax and enjoy family. I hope everyone gets to do the same!

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