Truck Question

  • Derrick Cox
    MN, Eagan
    Posts: 168

    I have an 89 chevy silverado(or k1500 as chevy calls them) and my back left tire makes a squeeking noise as i drive up until like 30 mph and then it stops. I also noticed it only sqeeks when i have my foot on the accelerator. I at first thought the brakes but know i am thinking it needs to be greased. How would i go about checking before i drop 60 bucks for a new brake pad?


    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22926

    I would guess wheel bearing Derrick… Drive slow, next to a building, with your foot lightly on the brakes…. does it still squeak ??? If not, it could sure be a lining loose and rubbing, if it still squeaks, I say wheel bearing. Good luck

    big G

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 370

    i vote bearings too… my 98 silvy did the same thing but on the front tire.

    Pete Bauer
    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2599

    Put pipes on the truck… You’ll never hear the squeeking…

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    I would look at the rear drive shaft u-joint first if it only squeaks under throttle

    Sounds like dry u-joint to me JMHO

    Eric Rehberg
    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 3071

    Sounds like a dry or shot u-joint. Not to spendy to replace and you can do it yourself. My truck really seems to like rear u-joints so I have done them many of times, and that sounds like what your issues is.

    My .02

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22926

    Do Chevys have U-joints at each wheel ? Am I missing something ? Isn’t it just the left side ??? Isn’t the U-Joint under the center of the truck ??? Very weird…..

    big G

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1574

    The U’s can make noise dependent on the rear drive tire torque I think? I’d go with the brakes and wheel bearing first. For the U’s, get under the truck (tires blocked in park), and torque the drive shaft back and forth with your hands. There will be a little play,but it should not be sloppy. Rear diffs are an issue too on these trucks (did mine twice now), but those usually do rattles/vibes at high speed and clunks. E-brake may be hanging up also? Have fun! If you do the brakes (drums I’m guessing?), buy the brake tool and do one at a time so you have a reference on how they come apart. Hell, bring it over here and bring some beer, we’ll get ‘er done!

    kasson mn.
    Posts: 69

    if i had the money i would bet 100 dollars its a bad u-joint when they squeak they’re tight and dry so you won’t get any play out of it. as far as bearing in my expirance bearings don’t squeak they growl. if you pay attetion check to see if you have a little vibration on acceleration and goes away when you let off. just my 2 cents worth

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1574

    If it’s the U’s, buy the greasable ones with zirks!

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22926

    I have heard U-Joints clunk… too much play…. should be tight. I am not sure what some are calling U-joints are the same thing. There is one U-joint (typically) on the rear of the drive shaft, that is prior to the rear diff. If in fact it is squeaking, only on the left side (this can be checked driving close to a building, it will bounce off and amplify) also a U-joint will typically make noise prior to loading it, in other words at take off…. CLUNK !!! Drive to reverse will really show this issue…. I have heard hundreds of dry wheel bearings squeak….. just trying to save the guy some $$$$, I would put my hondo on a bearing or broken/loose shoe, if it is evident on one side of the truck only.

    big G

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