Thanks IDO!

  • corey-studer
    Posts: 423

    My boat has been sold, thanks to IDO. Technically, it hasn’t left my dock yet, but I did get the deposit and the proud new owner will be picking it up next week.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    That’s a nice looking boat you had there, Cory! I’m sure the buyer will be super happy running that rig. Congrats!

    What are you getting now?


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    It’s amazing how fast things sell!

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Congrats Corey!
    Saw you at the Full Throttle and was going to say “Hi” but lost you in the crowd!

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    Congrats Cory! I like how you gave the option for boat, motor, and trailer and the loaded option. Just curious, did you have people curious about buying it both ways? I’m hoping to get my boat up for sale after my tournaments are over at the end of July. I think I may offer it both ways too. Thanks.

    koldfront kraig
    Coon Rapids mn
    Posts: 1830

    So what kind of rig are you getting now?

    Posts: 423

    I don’t know why I didn’t think of using the options for selling my boat the way I did sooner. It’s amazing how many said they could buy that same boat new for X amount, but really not realize what’s all involved or how expensive things get when buying a new boat and I’m not just talking about tax…

    Ben, good luck selling your boat.

    As for what’s my next boat, I’m leaning towards the new big tiller from Skeeter. That’s a very nice rig. I have to double check my finances first as my twins start full day kindergarten this fall and that’s not a cheap date (boat payment or almost a mortgage payment if we use before and after care ) and NO, they’re not going to some ritzy private school.

    Tuck, sorry I missed you at the tourney. I suppose I was spaced out just dreaming about hammering the fish on the mud I prefished for, but deep down I new I’d have to get out the anchor knowing the weather was going to change and bob-dob or cork those slots on the rocks. As you probably found out the rocks were holding a ton of fish.

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