Gun shops between Winona and Red Wing?

  • riveratt
    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464

    We are almost set to make our annual trip to Alma next week. Considering I like to collect guns I figured I better scout out the area while I’m there. Anyone have any out of the way spots or any gun retailer for that matter? Thanks!

    Elgin, MN
    Posts: 245

    There used to be a pawn shop downtown Winona. Can’t remember exactly where anymore but it was by Brothers bar. They had a lot of guns new and used. Have not been there for a few years so I don’t know if it is there anymore.

    Dave Ansell
    Rushford, MN
    Posts: 1571

    In Winona it is Winona Pawn and Gun. They are on 3rd Street and I think Lafayette Street. The other one was Lone Pine in Goodview but the owner, Bob, passed away in the fall.

    Good luck, I wish I could give you a report but I have not been on the river even once this month.

    Hastings MN
    Posts: 413

    This may be a little out of your way, about 20 mins north of Red Wing on the Wisc. side of the river is a little town named Prescott, they have a gun shop on main street between the hardware store and an ins company, ( not sure of the name) that has a very nice collection of guns, pistols, rifles…….He sells, acts as a middle man to the local Cabelas stores about 4/5 times a year for many of their in store guns that aren’t new but seem to draw interest from collectors. It may be worth your time to visit, not sure….if you’d like his number just pm me and I’ll get it for you

    Alma Wi
    Posts: 1303

    Brian, check out Ryan Casey’s shop in Durand. Used to be Dick’s sporting goods. Not a huge inventory but you can usually find something interesting

    Posts: 94

    My family has a shop near Zumbrota, MN so its about 25 miles from Red Wing. Its called Froyum Sports; we have a lot of guns, new and used. 507-824-2372

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464

    Appreciate all the tips everyone! Winona Pawn and Gun is the one I really want to check out. Used to go there in college and the wifes old man always goes there when in town. I tried last year but by the time I got to them all I could do is look in through locked doors, lol.

    Randy I’ll be driving through Durand I think in hopes to check out that gun shop and pet their now famous dog. Thanks!

    Alma Wi
    Posts: 1303

    Brian, Winona gin and pawn is now called Mainstream but its still in the same locale. Guns are in the back.If you want to buy something try to deal with Jeff. Shannons dad used to hang there a lot, it wouldn’t hurt to metion his name.

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464

    Turns out the only shop we made it to was Mainstreet in Winona. I recognized Jeff right away and chatted with him just a short second but he was busy as hell. Yeah Terry has bought a lot of guns from those guys and had I the chance to I would have mentioned the old boars name. He still has a great selection of guns and I need to go back asap to look at them all. Hard to gun shop when your folks are along and have no interest in guns, lol. My main search right now is to find a Ruger model 96/44 for my sons first deer hunt. Jeff had three semi auto 44’s but I want the lever. Oh and for what it is worth. The last time I’ve been to that gun shop they were in the old location! Took a bit to sniff them out this time, lol.

    Thanks for the tips Randy. How you doing anyhow? Shannon and I were talking about you today (if your nose itched, lol) and were wondering what you’ve been up to. Be nice to catch up some day.

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