P4walleyes are hot, But a sad ending.

  • tony_p
    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 1792

    Fished Lake Pepin. From thursday to through sunday. The bite was hot . Landing a 4 man limit in 3 hours thursday evening. Pulling bottom bouncers with spinners tiped with a craweler.Also the jig bite was great. Thank you Dean for setting my buddy up with the new rod an reel . The weekend was a blast. My friend and I took up 2 great friends of ours that own the land we hunt in Allamakee County in Iowa. They had a blast and caught many fish. We spent the weekend at Jims Trailer at Smittys in Lake city. Here is the SAD part. We woke up this morning and went out to take the cover off the boat. To find out some S.O.B stole my gear . Who ever it was I pray they never catch anouther walleye in there life! Also hope there boat motor wont run. I cant belive a sportsmen would do this. How shallow of a low life that person must be.We have never had a problem befor. Im just sick to my stomach.

    Posts: 1027

    That really sucks. A true sportsman would never do that to another sportsman.

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    Its too bad to hear such a nice going trip ended so sad.

    I hope you have some kind of insurance to help recoop a little.. will keep my ears open for any sales on used eguipment.

    Again sorry to hear of your bad ending….

    Posts: 30

    Tony, if you are just going to let someone take your stuff, you could have just left it in my boat! I had the same thing happen to me about 18 years ago. Hope all the good people on here will keep their eyes open in the papers and at the pawn shops for you. I know they don’t give those St. Croix’s away. Good luck on finding some, or all of your equipment.

    Hudson WI
    Posts: 491

    You mentioned sportsman. The term I would use is low life scum!

    NE IA
    Posts: 736

    Sorry to hear about someone stealing your gear. I would be mad also. Hope they catch them. I live on the edge of town and I am always taking out the gear and depthfinder. Can’t trust anyone anymore.

    Elgin, MN
    Posts: 245

    That is why I never leave anything in my boat or back of truck if left outside. Even for an hour or two. Can’t trust anybody nowadays.

    Posts: 3682

    Dam Tony,that really sucks.

    Posts: 2627

    I swear it gets worse every day with low life and scum in this old world. Sorry to hear about your loss Tony and I know it will leave a sour taste for a while but in time I hope you can remember the good and forget the bad.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I feel your pain bud. I had tackle stolen up on a hill in the yard of my brother’s cabin. In the 10-15 years of going there, we never heard of anything shady going on, so I never put things away at night, but I did take them up from the boat.

    To me it is just frustrating and gets me mad that someone has the mindset that they some how have the right to your stuff? WTF is that?

    Posts: 1564

    Sorry to hear that. For what it is worth, watch the Craig’s list and E-bay. Very happy to hear you caught fish-when your done being pissed off, get more gear and get back out there.


    Richard V.
    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Posts: 2596

    Tony sorry for the theift, I hope you get them rascals.

    What size bouncers and blades were you pulling? And what speed seemed to work the best? Did you have to use a float on your rig to keep it from dragging? When I pull a spinner I usually put a bead chain and/or a float on to keep off of the bottom and help expose the hook. It is always fun to be rushed to get your line back into the water, I mean four limits in three hours is somewhat fast paced.

    Nice read except for your loss.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    A true sportsman would never do that to another sportsman.

    I’m thinking a sportsman wouldn’t do this to anyone.

    Don’t let the SOB ruin the good time you had with friends. Doc had a good suggestion though.

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