Wrapping Presents

  • coot
    North Central Wisconsin
    Posts: 459

    Finally finished wrapping all my wife’s presents. Man, I hate that job! Why is it I can tie a Palomar knot in the dark with my eyes closed, but when it comes to fitting that fancy paper around those boxes I’m all thumbs? I think next year I’ll buy all her presents at Gander Mountain. I know the Eau Claire store has gift wrapping service available and they use one of my favorite colors – Camo!

    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    Coot, I found the best way to secure that fancy wrapping paper is with duct tape. In fact you can forget the paper and just wrap the gifts up with duct tape.

    Posts: 40

    I found they have bags that replace wrapping paper, they come in different colors, just pick the right size drop in the present, add some fu fu tissue paper and a name tag. Go back to organizing your tackle box.

    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    Coot I hear you.I can tie knots in the dark,tie spinners tell hands bleed .But cannot wrap presents for the life of me.
    Ryan Hale

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    I got a cure for wrapping gifts! A paper grocery bag and a stapler! Throw in the gift, fold over the grocery bag, staple and move on!!!

    Alma Wi
    Posts: 1303

    I just watched Fireflick wrap his wifes present. He actually did use newspaper and duct tape. He’s my hero!

    E. Moline Illinois along the Rock River
    Posts: 1180

    I just pay to have them wrapped at the store. Oh..and I take the credit for wrapping them.

    North Central Wisconsin
    Posts: 459

    Some great advice guys. I’ll have to remember those tips for next year!

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    This is probably under the catagory of “Things I Shouldn’t Admit To”……………….. but anyway…………. I don’t like the way the stores do it……….the bags take away all the enjoyment out of ripping something to shreds, it’s never the paper I’d choose, and it forces me to stand in line with an impatient line of cackling old hens constantly bellyachin’ about someone or something. The idea of doing it myself was to signify “giving” of myself but I got tired of everyone looking at my gifts and saying, “This one must be from Ken”.

    So I found me a girl………….just for the sole purpose of “learning to tie a polymar knot in the dark” come Christmas time. Yep, I took “wrappin’ lessons”………….Yo-yo!!

    Anyway……….I snuck all my presents under the tree that year without any ID tags………..just the names of who they belonged to. After all the gifts were opened it was realized I was the only person not being thanked and the gifts must’ve been from me. To which, I was quickly ridiculed (complimented) by my “no-brother-good-in-law” about making the rest of them look bad with all that fancy wrapping!

    It didn’t change a thing with the other guys in the family, but it raised the competition bar with my sisters! They take extra time to wrap now because the last thing they want is to be out done by a guy! It must be their equivalent to a guy losing to a girl in any sporting event.

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