thoughts and prayers to the Thomas family

  • honda75
    Posts: 814

    I heard of this morning probably an hour after it happened. I send my deepest thoughts and smypathy to the Thomas family and the AP community. This man was a legend and a hero to many people. His coaching abilities took I believe over a half dozen people to their careers in the NFL and four of them right now are still active. All of this also after the F5 tornado torn through the town last summer. The only bright side to the whole thing is they already have the person in custody. Once again thoughts and prayers go out from me.

    Here is a full article about it.


    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    I myself read about this in the AM, I am shocked, he ran a footbal program anybody would be proud of, very good person all around. Prayers for sure.

    Posts: 324

    I played for Coach Thomas from 1995 to 1999 and I just want to ask anyone that reads this please say a prayer for Jane (his wife) Aaron and Todd (his 2 sons and there families). Coach Thomas was a great mentor to me and many many other people who’s lives he may have touched. God bless his sole!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Just watched the story on ESPN. Tragedy indeed, God Bless this Family and Community.

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