Well Sunday was my first Father’s Day as a father and I just thought I would share with my friends here on IDO with some recent pics.
Walleybrat and I were blessed with our first child about 4 months ago. BBShot(Patrick) came in to the world on 2/25.
Before he was born everyone was telling me how amazing it is to be a parent….it was really hard to comprehend when you aren’t actually a parent yet. Now that I am….all I can say is…they were right!!! It is the most incredible thing.
I was looking at some pictures and I couldn’t believe how fast my little buddy is growing and changing. About 3 weeks ago or so he started giggling….what an addicting sound that is…the first time I heard it I was completely blown away…now I can’t wait to make him giggle every chance I get.
Just to show how fast they grow the first pic was from when we were still in the hospital just after he was born….the other 2 are from this month.
We haven’t been in the boat yet but he has already done a couple car shows with us….he loves riding in any car and at the shows he really likes to see all the bright colors, activity and people.
I just hope when we finally get him out in the boat he loves that as much as I do!!