Death of the Rock River !!!!!!!!

  • Russh308
    Posts: 3

    I am dying to get on the water, All week working, I can’t wate for Saterday!!! Damit!! got called in Saterday morn! Sunday, 6:00 a.m. I got to the boat ramp in Dixon, and I noticed Cat fish, carp, suckers ect dead and or dying everwhere!!! Besides exstream high water, I drove to Lowell park. More dead fish + 2 10pd flatheads. I went home “depressed” , Blaming what I saw on low oxigin, farmers pestisides, hell I don’t know.

    Now, on the news, we are being told not to eat any fish from the Rock!!! They are saying the Rock could be poisoned from the train crash in Rockford!!!!!!!!! I am also hearing rumors of huge amounts of Dead fish down stream!!
    Anybody have any info to share????????

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Sad to say it doesn’t sound good. Here’s a couple comments and a news clip on the spill and fish kill.

    web page

    Rockfalls, Illinois
    Posts: 202

    Read my post on the Mississippi river Walleye forum. The fish kill extends from Gran Detour-Oregon area down to the lower dam in Sterling-Rockfalls area. There are dead fish of all species everywhere. Thousands of them. This is a massive fish kill. And something like this affects all of the wildlfe that depends on the river for food and water. This is a real travisty.The river is goig to take a long time to recover. When I stand here on the bank in Sterling, and look out over the Sinnissippi Pool, all I see is dead fish and debree floating in the river. The ducks and geese aren’t even landing on the water. There are reports of dead deer down river. And the smell is overwhelming. This is a sad, sad day.

    Oxford, Wi
    Posts: 194

    something like this os terrible and it affects every living thing including us fishermen but now just think this will be forgotten in time and that will be that. now if there were a bass tournament on the river and there were a few dead fish due to the tournament it will be talked about and bass fishermen would be on the chopping block for a long time. weird how that works isn’t it.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60002

    The bass tourneys are talked about for a long time…this is true…but someone will be paying for this for a longer time.

    I can’t imagine what some thing like this would be like on “my” stretch of river.

    I’m sorry it’s happened on yours.

    Rockfalls, Illinois
    Posts: 202

    This type of thing is heartbreaking. There are so many people who have worked so long to make this river a prime fishing river and now this stretch ofiver is lost for a long time. Shame.

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