Boat repair question

  • nick
    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Lets say you were having motor problems, you spent a bunch of time trying to get it figured out, went through the carbs a couple times rebuilt them and such. Finally figure out it’s not a fuel issue because everything checked out, so you bring it in a shop, tell them it’s not the carbs, you suspect it’s a timimg issue. The shop then goes ahead and spends 2-3 hours working on the carbs, put in a new fuel pump… eventually they find a it’s a timing issue…

    What are your obligations… Should you be paying for the shop to work on the carbs? Fuel pump?

    Not to mention the brand new water pump installed right before you brought it in the shop, is now apparently bad…

    What would you expect?

    (No this isn’t me)

    Cedar, Min-E-So-Ta
    Posts: 1482

    Dan’s Southside?

    Posts: 4062

    Minneapolis, MN
    Posts: 1123

    I would ask to see the water pump that they took out and what was wrong with it. tell them that you told them not to check the carbs as that had already be diagnosed as not the issue.

    liberty missouri
    Posts: 101

    I run a Ford service dept. We do charge our customers a diagnostic fee to find out the problem. However, we perform NO repairs without the customers consent, and in most cases even taking them out to their vehicle to show them the problem. I would think that unless the customer said “fix it”, and they just took it upon themselves to perform unauthorized work, don’t think I would be in the mood to pay for it. Just my 02 worth.

    Pete Bauer
    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2599

    I can see where your friend is coming from and I’d probably be a little upset as well. Don’t you normally set a guideline with the shop ahead of time though? Fix it if it’s up to X amount of $, if it’s over call me and we’ll talk?


    When you think of it from the dealership/repair shops point of view, how do they know your buddy has any clue what he’s talking about (not saying he doesn’t)? I have to believe they have people coming in all the time telling them what the problem is when it’s really not.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977


    Dan’s Southside?

    No it isn’t.

    They haven’t said anything about cost yet, just curious of what others think of the situation, we’ve just been talking about it today, trying to get a feel for (my buddy’s) expectations.

    SO honestly at this point he doesn’t know what the shop is going to say or do, we can hope it’s the right thing.

    I won’t be naming the shop at this point, we’ll have to know the full story for that, I don’t want to start bashing, if there isn’t a good reason. I just think is was unreasonable if they were specefically told not to mess with something and they did, then charge for it. Especially when the guessed dianosis was indeed correct, can’t think it’s terriblely hard to check the timing before looking into other things.

    Jeff Matura
    Sumner, IA
    Posts: 238

    !@#$ no, I wouldn’t pay for anything that didn’t “fix” the problem. If they have a mechanic that’s still learning, let the shop pay for their mechanics on the job training, not the customer…

    If they want to fix extra stuff other than the “problem” they should have contacted the customer first…

    SE, MN
    Posts: 470

    If your friend took it in and told them to look at the fuel or timming issue and they didn’t do just that then they performed unauthorised service. By law any repairs must be approved by the owner prior to the repairs being done. If they take and start to just throwing in a bunch of extras you are not legaly bound to pay for the parts or the labor. How ever if he just took it in and told them to fix what ever is wrong then he may be stuck. If they didn’t do what was requested you do not have to pay for it.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 332

    Do you have anything written down telling them to check the timing, and that you are convinced it isn’t a carberator issue? If you have that, it should be pretty cut & dry that they don’t charge you for the Carb. work they did.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    It will probably fall under “diagnostics” category and even though you know the problem and told them straight out what it was they will try to get their book rates for doing the diagnostics.

    I had this happen with Suburban Chev in Eden Prairie. Over the winter I was having fuel issues in my truck so I talked to a friend that knows diesels very well and he had me try a few things and said if none of that worked it was almost definitely the fuel filter. I flat out told them to start there. The fuel filter was the culprit but I still got charged for all the diagnostics even though I told them exactly where to start and that really was the problem.

    I was not a happy camper when I was told it was about double what I expected.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    The diagnostic bit is kind of what I’m talking about…

    Yeah, he said to call before they started replacing parts, because he wasn’t sure he was going to fix it depending the problem, he was pretty sure it was the reeds or the timing, if it was the reeds he wasn’t going to have it fixed, I’m sure he set his guidlines, upfront, sounds kind of like they did what they wanted anyways, but the total is about $300 or so, so I guess even so it’s not too bad, but he’s not going to pick it up til next week. He’s going to sit down and chat about the details.

    Posts: 76

    Not sure about minn. law. In WI the SIGNED repair order tells the story.
    Lesson for all, have the service advisor write it down as you say it. Double check that your statements are correct. Then sign the R.O. in the appropriate spot. It is UNLAWFUL for the service representative to check the spot where THEY want you to sign.
    As to your buddies situation. If it is NOT noted “do not check fuel system” he left it up to the advisor to inform the tech to not check the fuel system.
    Now it is up to the ‘goodwill’ of the dealer not to charge him.
    My guess, the dealer principal will be getting involved in this one.
    Let us know how this turns out.

    Posts: 76

    $300 to set timing seems high to me.
    My guess 1.5 hr. minimum @ $100/hr.
    Sounds like they are charging him for the fuel system service.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977


    $300 to set timing seems high to me.
    My guess 1.5 hr. minimum @ $100/hr.
    Sounds like they are charging him for the fuel system service.

    Yeah that’s kind of what we’re thinking… I’m sure sure he’s not just going to roll over and take it, I won’t know any more detail until a bit later, I’ll be sure and update the post at that time.

    Thanks guys I knew I could count on you all for some insight

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