Oil Injection

  • basscrack24
    Posts: 6

    I have a 87 Johnson 150hp with oil injection. I want to get rid of that and mix oil with the gas myself to insure of the right mixture. The alarm beeps as if its not getting oil or the oil reservior needs to be filled. What steps do I need to take to remove that system?

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Find the sending unit sensor for that alarm and rig it in the full position. Not sure how a Johnson is set up, But on 150 Mercs, the sending unit is in the cap of the oil resivouir under the hood.

    That, or cut the wire to your alarm!


    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    That sounds like a VRO unit. Do what John said..I believe to replace that sensor is about $150. Had a brother in-law just go through that on a Johnson 40 VRO about the same vintage.

    Richard V.
    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Posts: 2595

    Before you do that check the cap on your oil reservoir. The cap should be vented if you cannot blow air through the little tit in the top of it it is clogged. I think you can replace it for under $5, you won’t have to mix your gas, you will use less oil, and you will not have to clean your plugs as often. It is really a lot easier to keep the VRO on the motor.

    Posts: 6

    Thanks for all of the input. It would be nice if it was only the reservoir cap that was plugged. That would be the easiest fix. I will check that first.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    Does the engine go into limp mode? I can`t remember the alarms but sre you sure it is not an overheat alarm?

    Evinrude came out with an updated VRO pump. The new design was pretty much bullet proof for me. With an updated VRO ran 12 years sold the boat and it still has been trouble free.

    Personnely I would keep the VRO but to each his own. With the price of two cycle oil the VRO will pay for itself if you use the engine alot.

    New Prague, MN.
    Posts: 1023

    There is a 99 Johnson on the boat I just bought, from what I am hearing this is a very common problem and these VRO’s are generally not bad? I am about to bring it into one of the motor repair guys to look at but it sounds like I dont need to do that??? Is this common only in Johnson’s??

    Posts: 7

    I have heard of other Johnson/Evinrudes with similar issues. I would be interested in hearing what you find out from your mechanic.

    New Prague, MN.
    Posts: 1023

    Well, here is what I am finding. I have taked to 3 seperate Johnson/Evinrude mechanics outside of the personal friends, what I am finding is that all three of the mechanics came up with the same prognosis. The oil sensor on top of the tank seems to be the culprit. I got everything from simply disconnecting the brown wire off the tank to silence the alarm to replacing this module, I am opting to replace it as I dont think trying to keep an eye on the oil usage in that tank sounds like a real good plan considering the cost of fixing a blown motor.

    New Prague, MN.
    Posts: 1023

    Scratch that, Im getting rid of the oil injection and mixing the gas, I dont want the headache.

    Posts: 6

    So the only thing I have to do is diconect the sensor wire
    from the oil reservoir, plug the oil hose that runs to the motor and remove the oil reservoir. I dont need to change anything on the motor itself. Then just mix oil in gas tank. Sorry about all the questions but Im trying to do this without taking it to a dealer.

    New Prague, MN.
    Posts: 1023

    Hesitantly I did what the dealer mechanic told me, works great. I disconnected the wires running from the oil resevoir to the motor, also the oil line which I plugged and clamped. I mixed mine 50:1 and it worked just fien, only thing left to do now is pull off the starter to disconnect the oil sensor alarm which seems to be the problem anywho….. If you need anything else just PM me, Ill send ya my phone number and help ya through.

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