Keeping SMALL Walleyes

  • up man
    Posts: 305

    The past week or so myself and a few other guys I know that fish the same lake I do have noticed people fishing off the boat landing docks that have been keeping alot of small walleyes. Almost everyday i go fishing there are people there keeping walleyes that are 8 inches and smaller. This lake is stocked good by the DNR so this is why there is so many small walleyes.

    I really hate to see this because it is happening almost everyday I am there.

    My question is do i say anything to them about it or is there really nothing we can do? I seen a few guys that had a bucket with walleyes in it and not one was over 7 or 8 inches.

    Kasson MN
    Posts: 365

    I guess i would it might put a bug i their ear, but if they are not going to make it put them in the box.

    Posts: 3681

    Call T.I.P.

    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 1039

    Sounds like there should be regulations for a minimum size Walleye that you can keep. I can’t imagine keeping a 8″ Walleye.

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    If the DNR is stocking the lake I cant imagine there is not a slot limit or minimum size of walleye you can keep. Check the signs posted at the boat ramps and if there is a minimum on walleye then I would call T.I.P. if it is not regulated there nothing you can do about it. I personally like to keep walleye a little bigger than 8″

    Posts: 289

    Maybe Wisconsin has it right with the 15″ minimun

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    Maybe Wisconsin has it right with the 15″ minimun

    I’ve always thought so. I think 15″ is a bit aggressive. 13″ minimiun is realistic. A 13″ fish is a decent eater, but it’s getting down to the pretty small size.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    I would surely bring it up to the guys and just make a comment., Just say that you noticed some smaller fish and let them know that the DNR stocked them recently.

    I had the same thing happen to my lake a few years back. I made comments to guys,,,,just so they know if nothing else!

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22974

    How big of a sliver of meat can you get from a 8″ walleye ??? I guess its like people that eat unripened green apples, they pay later…..

    big G

    Posts: 1960



    Call T.I.P.

    If there is no min size limit – what exactly are you planning on telling them at the TIP line?

    “Excuse me sir, but I want to report that a guy caught his limit of small walleyes”……….

    They are not doing anything illegal. It is their right to keep them. As long as they are following the law – I vote for minding your own business.

    If the law is bad, work to get it changed and stay off the back of somebody that is not doing anything illegal. Just because you don’t agree with it does not make it wrong in the eyes of the law. This reminds me of the people that whine about their neighbor shooting a forkhorn that they passed up……..

    There are enough people out there violating to focus on, so why not just leave the guy following the laws alone?


    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666



    Call T.I.P.

    Is it against the law to keep small walleye? Maybe unethical, but I don’t think it is illegal.

    I talked to a guy one time fishing off the dock. He had 2 walleye in his bucket. Neither one would break 12″. I asked him how he was doing, and he said he had 2, but had to let the little ones go

    I guess if all you can catch are 12″ fish, you have to keep 12″ fish.

    Posts: 364

    Insult him with kindness, be real serious and real polite and inform him that a walleye can not be caught and used as bait but you hear bullheads work really well.

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4549

    Ask to see his fillet knife, it must be better than mine!

    Posts: 1493

    I believe the suggestion of calling the tip line was if there were special regulations for minimum size limit, in which case, it would be illegal.

    I wont keep an eye less than 13 inches myself, but I also wont keep them over 19 either. I know it can be frustrating to see people keeping Baby fish. A few years back I was up in Ely for opener. I caught a handful of nice eaters and when I headed in to the dock, I saw a whole basket full of very small eyes that were brought in by a guide. Now I dont want to mention any names *cough*slaughter*cough*, but cmon man… really??? But what are you gonna do? If its legal, it cant be stopped, only educated.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Normally I would say keeping the little ones isn’t necessarily a bad thing as the ones left behind might get bigger and bigger faster. But I don’t see what keeping a 8 inch walleye is going to be good for. What, are they going to pickle them whole???

    Are the walleyes really easy to catch in this lake, as in, are they over populated? If so, it might not be a bad thing, but then I don’t know why the DNR would continue to stock it if there was an over population of fingerlings.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Well said Timmy.




    Call T.I.P.

    If there is no min size limit – what exactly are you planning on telling them at the TIP line?

    “Excuse me sir, but I want to report that a guy caught his limit of small walleyes”……….

    They are not doing anything illegal. It is their right to keep them. As long as they are following the law – I vote for minding your own business.

    If the law is bad, work to get it changed and stay off the back of somebody that is not doing anything illegal. Just because you don’t agree with it does not make it wrong in the eyes of the law. This reminds me of the people that whine about their neighbor shooting a forkhorn that they passed up……..

    There are enough people out there violating to focus on, so why not just leave the guy following the laws alone?


    Posts: 2389



    Maybe Wisconsin has it right with the 15″ minimun

    I’ve always thought so. I think 15″ is a bit aggressive. 13″ minimiun is realistic. A 13″ fish is a decent eater, but it’s getting down to the pretty small size.

    Here on Wissota (which is a very prolific walleye lake, so it puts out large numbers of small fish) we have a 14-18″ slot which need to be immediately RELEASED. You can keep two fish under 14″ and one fish over 18″. A couple 13.5″ fish can have some meat on them. I don’t fish for the freezer, either, I fish for enjoyment and the occasional (fresh) dinner. Anything smaller than 14″ is legal, but I can’t imagine fileting an 8 inch walleye. Either way, the slot protects the spawners – females around 15″ and over generally tend to be mature enough to spawn on Wissota, so the idea is to protect those fish to keep the population up. (check out this article that Sully posted – unique management for this lake BTW, thanks Sully!!– )

    Anyway, since the slot was introduced, the walleye population has responded for the better. We are seeing so many more walleyes in the slot (14-18″ – remember these need to be released immediately) and also many more over the slot (over 18″) because of the protection. Taking out small walleyes many people believe is actually good for the population – less mouths at the table so to speak. Plus, I’d rather catch a mess of 17″ walleyes and have to let them go than catch one legal fish and eat it. More fun to catch numbers even if they have to be released, and these regulations help us get that.

    These regulations certainly aren’t right for every lake, but I’m glad they have them on Wissota. Many of these flatland/lowland resovoir type of lakes are very productive but usually don’t grow as many big fish as other lakes (for example, a lake like mille lacs or other cold, clear, deeper lake that harbors ciscos as a forage base for big fish might necessitate different regulations than a lake like Wissota – the trophy ~28″ limits and keeper slots between 14 and 18″ (or similar regs) might come into play here to protect the real big fish and the big female spawners)…

    For the 15″ WI minimum size limit…. I’m sure its right for many lakes (especially lake that are maintained by stocking only — if there is no productive spawn in a lake, there is probably not a reason to keep the mature females around, other than for sport… Since eating walleyes brings in WI tourism, the DNR tends to manage more towards that goal more often than towards trophy management), but there are also other lakes that might benefit from a slot type of regulation, protecting the larger spawning fish. 15″ minimums select the larger females to be taken out of the system, which eventually means less eggs/fry/walleyes, depending on the productivity of the system. Anyway, as the article states, protecting those spawning 15-18 inchers for a few years really helps both the female to male ratio as well as the general walleye population as a whole.

    As far a keeping an 8 inch walleye… We’ve kept small ones ice fishing LOW (air bladders blown out, won’t go down the hole, etc), but you sure don’t get much meat off of anything under 12 inches, thats for sure. Skinnier than a perch of the same length… You could certainly contact the local fisheries biologist and inquire about the regs.. maybe you could get a minimum size limit introduced if there is none in place?? If nothing else, you could politely bring up the point to those fishermen, but I would be leary about starting any sort of arguement… Not worth a fight…

    my 2 cents, I could be wrong.


    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19028

    I’m all for a statewide minimum and quite frankly have always been suprised MN did not have one since Mich and Wis do and it makes sense.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Sorry I missunderstood I thought he was on a lake where there was a size limit.


    Well said Timmy.




    Call T.I.P.

    If there is no min size limit – what exactly are you planning on telling them at the TIP line?

    “Excuse me sir, but I want to report that a guy caught his limit of small walleyes”……….

    They are not doing anything illegal. It is their right to keep them. As long as they are following the law – I vote for minding your own business.

    If the law is bad, work to get it changed and stay off the back of somebody that is not doing anything illegal. Just because you don’t agree with it does not make it wrong in the eyes of the law. This reminds me of the people that whine about their neighbor shooting a forkhorn that they passed up……..

    There are enough people out there violating to focus on, so why not just leave the guy following the laws alone?


    predator2 jr
    Posts: 448



    Call T.I.P.

    i say if there is special regs call the tip line but the few times i have called they want licsence plate numbers if they are fishing from shore or they won’t even come out.

    up man
    Posts: 305

    I dont have a problem with them keeping a few if thats all they can catch to eat. But when they are taking buckets full of them out of there everyday it just kinda worries me how that will impact the fishing in the up coming years. This lake is only 400 acres

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22974

    If they are taking buckets… size don’t matter… T I P !!! Over the limit is over, 2″,8″ or 17″….doesn’t matter

    big G

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 282

    This wouldnt happen to be a lake in the faribault area would it? I know a lake down there where you can catch 8-11″ eyes as fast as you can get your line in the water. I go both ways on the subject I think 8 way small but ive kept a few out of this particular lake that were 12-13 that made a decent meal. What really makes me mad is drive by Treasure Island in the spring when a lot of fish are in the vermillion river and see whats going on down there. Ive called tip on numerous occasions. Their keeping everything they catch and last time I checked the RR bridge seprated boarder waters from inland waters.

    Posts: 8

    hey goose you aren’t talking about fox lake in rice county are you? there are tons of small walleyes being taken out of there lots of locals

    Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758


    Normally I would say keeping the little ones isn’t necessarily a bad thing as the ones left behind might get bigger and bigger faster. But I don’t see what keeping a 8 inch walleye is going to be good for. What, are they going to pickle them whole???

    Are the walleyes really easy to catch in this lake, as in, are they over populated? If so, it might not be a bad thing, but then I don’t know why the DNR would continue to stock it if there was an over population of fingerlings.

    On a natural producing lake what you say is usually true, but when you’re dealing with stocked walleye I’d have to disagree. Also just because small walleye are biting doesn’t mean they are over populated. Small walleye are like teenagers they are always eating. Once they get bigger they eat less and they are more picky about when and what they eat, intern making them harder to catch. I live on a lake with what seems like an infant amount of baitfish and the small walleye get harvested out as fast they put em in. I used to live by the lake WalleyeBuster is referring to as well and I can tell you there’s no shortage of food in that lake either, but that didn’t stop people from taking the majority of them out of there. It’s amazing to see the devastation we can cause with our own greed to get more than the next person. Everyone has to get that magic word “Limit” then they feel like they’re a good fisherman.

    I agree it’s very disheartening to see a pontoon or dock full of people filling fish baskets with 8-12″ walleye. But as it was stated earlier there’s nothing illegal with it, so try to bite your tongue. I’m being a little hypocritical here because I can’t say I’ve always kept my mouth shut. If you do say something maybe just try to explain your point of view. Certainly don’t yell at em. Who knows maybe in a few years those same people will be by your side trying to help you change the MN law to have a minimum size restriction?

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