This is worth a try, I mean why not???

  • Richard V.
    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Posts: 2595

    I don’t know if this is true or not, but I for one, am willing to try it!

    Try to remember this EVERY TIME you have
    to talk to a customer service representative
    and you cannot understand them. I did not
    know that we could do this, but I sure am
    going to try it. Help bring jobs back to the
    U.S.A. Ask for an American!
    How to save some American jobs and we can help!

    Hi Everyone,

    I want to share with you some great information that I found out purely by accident. I believe it can also save and create jobs in America while giving people better customer service.

    So how many times have you called a company’s service phone line and found that the rep. can barely speak English? Once with a major mortgage company it was so bad I demanded to speak with someone who spoke English. Right at that moment I broke the code, the secret password for customer service.

    Come to find out that every American company using overseas operators must transfer you to an American rep. by saying…….
    ” I want to speak to a representative in America “.
    (Don’t take no for an answer on this)

    This was confirmed by the American rep. that they must transfer you after that request. I’ve tried it on a half a dozen major companies including cable, bank, phone and mortgage companies. It works every time and I actually get my issues taken care of.

    Last thing to help save even more jobs…. don’t use the automated checkout lanes they are pushing at the big box stores. Once again I found out that if we use those check outs rather than cashiers people lose their jobs too.
    I’ve refused to use the automated check outs and have had two cashiers already thank me for helping save their job.

    There just may be some truth to this. Dell Computer is bringing their service calls back to the US ….finally. No more calls to India …what a relief. Hopefully other large corporations will follow their trend.

    Posts: 963

    I’ll be giving that a try!

    Centuria, Wi.
    Posts: 32

    That’s some great information, I had no idea. I for one will do it EVERY time I have to make a call to customer service.

    Richard V.
    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Posts: 2595

    I too never thought about telling customer service that I wanted to talk to an american. I have been using the self checkout in the local Wal-Mart for about 6 months when I don’t have too many items, but never again.

    This can really help us all in one way or another.

    Ted Wedul
    holmen, wi
    Posts: 765

    I have done this a few times already. After my third time on the phone with a Dell service rep…I said I am sorry but you are not understanding my question properly. I need to speak with someone who is fluent in the english language. Is there someone that is American there that can understand the context of this question. They gave me a # and times that they were available and…voila…spoke with someone in Cali… Answered my question in 30 seconds… It does work.

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4547

    How long before people in America can no longer speak English….10 years?

    Richard V.
    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Posts: 2595


    How long before people in America can no longer speak English….10 years?

    God, I hope not. But it seems like more and more companies cater to the non-english speaking. If a person comes here to work/live they should make an attempt to speak our language. A few of our bills we pay by phone and most of them we have to press 1 to continue in english.

    Here in the Kansas City area we have three intermodel hubs being built. Product from China, Japan, Korea, etc… is shipped to Mexico unloaded onto trains and will be shipped by rail here to be distributed through out the US. Kind of makes you wonder how many illegals will come straight here from their homeland via rail.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    I tripped on this last night. I had had enough and told the customer service rep that I would like to speak with someone that I can understand. A few minutes later I was talking to Kathryn. Much more productive then talking with Burhan Hasan or what the hell ever their name was.

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