looking for a new puppy

  • ripnlips
    Posts: 35

    just seeing if any of you guys know of any one with yellow lab puppies for sale. Our oldest lab just died last week so were looking for a new buddy for our other lab.

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607

    They have one male left and a litter due in July. I have seen a number of their dogs up close of the last 6 years and I have been impressed with each one. http://www.rainmakerlabs.com/

    Good Luck,


    Dallas, WI
    Posts: 1003


    just seeing if any of you guys know of any one with yellow lab puppies for sale. Our oldest lab just died last week so were looking for a new buddy for our other lab.

    Sorry to here of the loss of your lab.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    I know of a guy in Hastings that had a liter last night. Will get you his name if you want. Not sure about the BL.

    Central Minnesota
    Posts: 473

    Sorry to hear about your loss. I have the name of many litters as I have just spent the last 6 months looking for a puppy. Are you looking for a male or female and are you looking for yellow or black. If you want to let me know I will send you all the phone numbers I have of current and upcoming litters. I have done a ton of research on the blood lines. I have a black female coming at the end of July. What are you looking to spend? Send me a PM.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Sorry to hear that Rip-n-Lips. Good luck on your search of another little buddy!

    Posts: 2

    I have a litter of 10 born on 4/15/09 Yellow pointing labs, white to ivory in color, championsip blood lines. 5 males left. Located in the Cedar Rapids IA area give me a call if you need more info or pictures 319-393-3456 [email protected]

    Red Wing
    Posts: 539

    We lost our lab about a month ago…I still miss the times in the mornings and nights when I usually let him out…I posted the same thing as you and got great help.

    We are taking delivery of a pup in July. I can hook you up with him if you want…from Red Wing. PM me.

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    I purchased a British lab a year ago and couldn’t be happier with this dogs abilities . VERY trainable and super demeanor! If you would like to Q and A the breader shoot me a PM or if you would like to take a peek at Teegan just let me know! RR

    Posts: 35

    thanks for all the replies guys. I think were gonna try to find a smaller female. if anyone knows of somebody that would have something like that it would be great.

    Posts: 35

    forgot to mention i would prefer a yellow

    Posts: 50

    there is a guy in Cold spring who has a litter of Yellows. Not sure how many he has left. I got a pup last year. They are pointing yellow labs. The dam is out of Sauk River Labs with Risky Raider lines and the Sire is Cashman’s Jimmy. These dogs are smart, good pointers, Excellent nose and great family/pets. Only complaint I have is the hair!!! PM Me and I’ll get you his email address. If you talk to him and he has some left, you’d be welcome to see my girl who is just over a year old now. we can take her out in the empty lot across the street from my house and you can see her point Killdeer, mourning doves and pigeons By the way, Macy is 57 lbs.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Talk to Ted Merdan from here. He is a yellow lab nut.

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