DNR definition of no-wake?

  • suzuki
    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987


    Because of the way the law is written and people view the whole accessible thing differently, I’ve asked county and dnr enforcement what the law is.

    One will tell me in an unlocked compartment (Dakota County water Patrol) one will say out of any compartment (Washington County and the DNR)…although I’m going to guess it might depend on which officer I ask.

    So…my policy was to keep the throwable attached to the snap compartment in the bow. Grab it and go…and wear one of the many Class Five PFD on the market today. Class V meaning it must be worn to be legal.

    No wear lifie jacket…boat no go.

    No law enforcement has said boo to me in over 3 years.
    I encourage every one that goes on the water to ask their Favorite Spouse for one of the auto inflate PFD’s on the market today for their birthday or Christmas. They are just too comfortable!

    Interesting while on Red this year the DNR warned my buddies that both of their auto inflate PFD’s being warn did not count towards the number of life jackets on board per person. CO’s were probably wrong and didnt say boo to the same guys the next day but they definitely dont all know the rules and all we can do as citizens is take what they dish out.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Was this before or after fishing the “private” creek??

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Gotta figure it’s high inforcement time, especially on the St.Croix.

    Either way for what’s it worth it’s probably worthless to argue things on the water in the real world.

    I always maintain under 5 mph, when in a no wake zone. And I agree that lifejackets on top of the non locked compartment are legal, but I don’t think it’s a good idea, 2 reason, one the thing is for your safety, and two arguments sake, at minimum if they are not being worn they are out and in the open. And secondly just because they are cops and the write the tickets doesn’t mean they know the law, in fact I think they are inclinded to write a ticket and let the courts settle the argument… In otherword you maybe be able to beat the charge, you may not beat the getting the ticket or trip court, but you may get yourself out of a fine. I was stopped once, around 8 years ago, lifejackets were in the compartments, I got some dirty looks, but was with in legality.

    I respectfully disagree with ralph, and I feel as an american citizen you should feel free to standup for your rights and not be prosecuted for being within your legal rights.

    I don’t have the means to do it at this point, but someday in the future, I will have all automatic inflatable lifejackets on my boat, (for those to be legal they have to be worn) and they will be required to be worn in my boat.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987


    Was this before or after fishing the “private” creek??

    The only reply I can think of would likely get pulled even though it would be funny as #^$@#& I’ll have to call you names in fun using PM. Boring….

    Posts: 439


    As far as PFD’s go…let’s just forget about the law for a moment. If your jacket is not “accessible” like in a compartment, what good will it do?

    Although I would like to preach about wearing a pdf all the time while on the water…I’ll spare everyone.


    I am with Brian on this one If you can’t reach it when you need it, what good is it? Think about the boat accident this past weekend, do you suppose they had theirs “accessible” I doubt it.

    Dayton, MN
    Posts: 742


    I am with Brian on this one If you can’t reach it when you need it, what good is it? Think about the boat accident this past weekend, do you suppose they had theirs “accessible” I doubt it.

    Not that it matters (I don’t wear mine but they are accessible), but for those on the boat this past weekend having them accessible would not have made a difference based on how it sounds the accident happend.

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1574

    Had anyone drowned it would have made a difference if they had them on. It isn’t a matter of knowing how to swim when you go in KO’d.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239


    I can swim almost as well as a 1968 Buick LeSabre

    Dayton, MN
    Posts: 742


    Had anyone drowned it would have made a difference if they had them on. It isn’t a matter of knowing how to swim when you go in KO’d.

    I agree. I was mainly getting to the point that having them on was the only way it would have made a difference. Locked up, under a console, or wrapped around a chair would not have. Thankfully they all made it out alive.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100



    Had anyone drowned it would have made a difference if they had them on. It isn’t a matter of knowing how to swim when you go in KO’d.

    I agree. I was mainly getting to the point that having them on was the only way it would have made a difference. Locked up, under a console, or wrapped around a chair would not have. Thankfully they all made it out alive.

    That has always been my position. If they ain’t on, they ain’t gonna save you. No matter where they are in the boat, as far as I’m concerned why even have them if you aren’t wearing them. Doesn’t mean I wear mine like I should, but I’m also realistic.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057


    I don’t think you have any basis for filing a complaint. You were traveling faster than a no-wake speed and your life jacket was in a compartment. Both clear violations of the laws that have been previously posted. I don’t see that the officer did anything wrong.

    I’m not trying to be difficult, but especially since he just gave you a warning, I’d drop it.


     Readily accessible – means easily retrievable
    within a reasonable amount of time in an
    emergency. PFDs in plastic bags, locked
    lockers, or under anchors or line are examples
    of PFDs that are not accessible.

    Not arguing with ya Ralph.
    locked lockers
    It is just that the warning is not valid per the law. They were not “locked” in a locker. Nothing irritates me more than a law enformement person not knowing the law they are specifically trying to enforce. People are human and make mistakes, but if a complaint is not filed, the officer will never be educated or informed of his mistake.

    On the other hand, I do agree with BK and Kooty, if they are not on, you are SOL if you need it.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Gary, if it were me in this situation, I would drop it. Had I gotten a ticket, sure, I would fight it since it wasn’t in a locked compartment, but in my mind, a PFD in a comparment isn’t readily accessible. I do see your point, but a warning doesn’t mean squat, so I’d be on my merry way

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    but a warning doesn’t mean squat

    Well…it does in a way. Written warnings are recorded on a persons record. If for some reason the LE stops me and sees I’ve had a warning, he could be inclined to hand me a ticket when, if I had a clean record it would have been a warning.

    I hope that doesn’t come across as splitting hairs.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    I’ve had enough of this.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    After reading this thread… IMHO, you know when you are making a wake, with any specific vessel… so does the DNR. Is it defineable 100%, probably not. Also, switching gears, who here would support having a floatation device (IE life jacket or belt) being mandatory to wear when under power, for all occupants ? Granted, when sitting, things can also happen, but let’s just start with, while under power or moving (IE drifting)

    big G

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I would support it, probably would complain a bit, but would support it.

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4545

    I would be STRONGLY opposed to it.

    I do need laws to tell me how to live my life. I can handle that myself.

    Next thing you know, they will try to tell me what car to drive, what color to paint my roof, or what food I can eat……

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    I would be STRONGLY opposed to it.

    I do need laws to tell me how to live my life. I can handle that myself.

    Next thing you know, they will try to tell me what car to drive, what color to paint my roof, or what food I can eat……

    I can’t argue with that too, but they do tell you to wear a seat belt.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    As much as I’m a supporter of always wearing a PDF…I wouldn’t support a law.

    We need some Dawinism out there.

    I don’t support the seat belt law, but I do always wear one.

    (We are not talking kids here.)

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317


    I would be STRONGLY opposed to it.

    I do need laws to tell me how to live my life. I can handle that myself.

    Next thing you know, they will try to tell me what car to drive, what color to paint my roof, or what food I can eat……

    Or Nationalized health care, or serialize our ammunition…

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    Wow… simple question… some posters were talking how “stored” life jackets did nothing for the people that flew off the boat on the river that Stickboy rescued last weekend. I never wear one… it’s much like a helmet on a motorcycle, some do it, some will not. Is it really about politics ??? I don’t think so…

    big G

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    WOW! This post is still going?

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    In Iowa its considered a closed throttle while in gear.

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